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roadhouse's 2010 first year grow thread

Thought I'd get in the fun and start my own grow log. Pics will follow as soon as I get a new cable for my digital camera. For now I will post my growing list for this year. I know, pretty crazy for a first year grower, but what can I say I've become obsessed!

Seeds I've Germinated (number of plants):

Cajamarca (4)
deArbol (4)
Fatalii (6)
Habanero Chocolate (6, but only 2 are potentially good, most stunted)
Habanero Mustard (6)
Habanero Orange (only 2, stunted and probably will be throw outs)
Habanero Red Carribbean (6)
Habanero Red Savina (only 2, stunted and probably will be throw outs)
Habanero White Bullet (4)
NuMex Twilight (2)
Onza (4)
Pimient de Espelette (2)
Santaka (4)
Squash Jamaican Red (4)
Takanotsume (4)
Thai Dragon (4)
Zimbabwe Bird (4)
=58 total plants

All of the following were sowed the week of 4/12 so I am not really expecting much of a yield from these and am not entirely sure yet what I want to do with them I planted 6 cells of each. They might end up going in pots in the front of my house and will end up coming indoors when it gets cold if they haven't ripened. Perhaps and hopefully by then I will get a 400W HPS system running to finish it up and keep some plants going over winter.

7 Pot
Bhut Jolokia Chocolate
Bhut Jolokia Red
Bhut Jolokia Yellow
Congo Black
Habanero Paper Lantern
Habanero Peach
Naga Morich
Trinidad Scorpion

And here's what I am supposed to be getting from Cross Country the week of 5/10:

Antillais Caribbean (1)
Bhut Jolokia (6)
Black Cayman (2)
Chiltepin (1)
Chiltepin Fort Prescott (1)
Chiltepin Pima Bajo (1)
Chiltepin Texas (1)
Cumari (1)
Datil (1)
Devil's Tongue (1)
Habanero Chocolate (2)
Habanero Red Savina (3)
Jamaican Hot Chocolate (2)
Naga Morich (6)
Wiri Wiri (1)
=30 total plants

So it's looking like I will have 88 plants out in the garden. This doesn't include any of the others that I recently planted. Looks like I may have gotten a little in over my head, but oh well!
Whew...your going to be very busy if all of those plants take off! Good luck to you this growing season and can't wait to see the pics. ;)
N00b enthusiasm is a wonderful thing! ;-)

Best of luck with your first season - I hope to see regular progress and trust you will have as much fun as I did in my first season, which ends in two weeks...
pappywith4 said:
I have the same problem ,growing more than I can consume!! I hope you have an outlet to move all of those!! :>)

I certainly do my plan is to eat as much as possible fresh and dry, make chili sauce, and hot powders out of the rest. I'm sure there will be plenty leftover then and I will be forcing the heat on everyone I know!
I finally have pics! These were taken a couple days ago.




For height comparison's sake, the tallest in these pictures is the Onza at about 6.5 inches thought I measured it today and it was almost at 7 inches. The Red Savina and Habanero Orange and some of those Habanero Chocolates have been that size for a long time now...throw them away?

Also for height sake here is my tallest chinense, aside from the Cajamarca which seems to be some kind of cross between anuum and chinense perhaps? I really can't find much info on that variety, I obtained the seeds from CPI, maybe I'll email them. The following photos are of Red Caribbean Habaneros, at about just 2.5 inches but really nice and bushy looking.

They are the six in the middle with two on the top left. The six to the right are Fataliis.


If you have the space, I would leave them for a while longer. They may just take off. I had a naga morich, and harold's st barts sit there and do nothing for almost a month before they took off and tripled in size in about a week. Now they are pretty much the same size as my other plants.

jjs7741 said:
If you have the space, I would leave them for a while longer. They may just take off. I had a naga morich, and harold's st barts sit there and do nothing for almost a month before they took off and tripled in size in about a week. Now they are pretty much the same size as my other plants.


Wow really? I think I'll leave them there then since space really isn't a problem. I have more Orange Habaneros that I planted on the 17th of this month that are probably going to eclipse them though!

They are above the 7 Pot and to the left of the Habanero Peach in this pic.

From bottom left to bottom right, clockwise: Yellow Bhut Jolokia, 7 Pot, Habanero Orange, Naga Morich, Trinidad Scorpion, Japones, Habanero Paper Lantern, Habanero Peach, Chocolate Bhut Jolokia
Here's some pics I took of the peppers today. Tallest is the Onza which is about 8 and a half inches now. Grown nearly 2 more in the last week. It's time for that sucker to start branching out!



Nice looking plants! Congrats on your first season!!! It is also my first season. I am also growing more then i can consume and am currently looking for victims to share with :) good look and keep up the great pictures
I have my first buds! These are on an 8 inch tall Pimente d'Espellete. They will have to be pinched off soon, but it's such a beautiful sight to see!

Big updates for me!

Yesterday I repotted all of my plants from the little 3x2.5 square cells into solo cups. Even though I have about two or three weeks until they are to go into the garden the main idea was to get them out of the horrible moisture control soil that my n00b self put them in. The roots were also starting to get root bound and I think the benefit of the better soil (which I ended up mixing myself with soil mix #15 from the soil thread sticky) and the extra space will outweigh the extra effort. I also potted my late starts which I am planning on keeping in containers and probably overwinter into the old cells that the big ones came from.

I have been having a great deal of trouble in trying to get my garden tilled and some new compost delivered and worked in since it's been raining pretty much every day the last week! I also need to begin hardening off here pretty soon so hopefully the weather will cooperate. Looks like Friday will be their first day outdoors since it's going to be mostly cloudy with a high of 67. Sounds like a perfect day for their first trip outside.

In the meantime here are some pics of the plants in their new cups:

But first, the guardian of the plants:


Here are the late starts (2 each of Trinidad Scorpion, Bhut Yellow, Bhut Choc, Bhut Red, Hab Paper Lantern, Japones, Hab Red Savina, Naga Morich, 7 Pot, Hab Orange, Hab Peach):

And for my other good news, my plants from CCN arrived today! I am surprised that they are much smaller than many of my own plants, I expected them to be a bit bigger. I wish I had set my delivery date a couple weeks sooner.

From left to right, in vertical rows:

Row 1: 6x Naga Morich
Row 2: 6x Bhut Jolokia
Row 3: 1x Chiltepin Texas, 1x Chiltepin Pima Bajo, 1x Chiltepin, 1x Chiltepin Fort Prescott, 1x Wiri Wiri, 1x Cumari
Row 4: 2x Habanero Chocolate, 2x Black Cayman, 2x Jamaican Hot Chocolate
Row 5: 3x Habanero Red Savina, 1x Antillais Caribbean, 1x Devil's Tongue Yellow, 1x Datil

I have been in a charitable mood as well and am giving away a couple boxes of peppers in hopes to get one of my coworkers to start growing chiles as well as my sister.

Here is her box with some Chocolate Habs, Orange Habs, Trinidad Scorpion, Red, Yellow, Choc Bhut Jolokia, Carribean Red Hab, 7 Pot, Twilight, etc.:


And my coworkers with mostly similar stuff and extras of my early starts. Also there are some cacti I just sowed seeds for on the left in the terra cotta pots, as well as extra late chile starts, some watermelon and basil to the right and a yellow rose:


Can't wait to get everything in the garden!!!
Wow I finally got a day where it didn't rain and I didn't have to work so I busted out the roto tiller and tried to tear up some of the weeds in my garden plot. It worked fairly well if not a bit too wet from all the rain. Determined I am definitely going to have to get some filler for some of the low spots in it. Probably gonna get a mix of top soil and cow manure bags from the home depot around here or something.

I feel a couple weeks behind at least now unfortunately, but I have brought out the plants for their first time as well to begin the hardening off process. I am hoping to get them planted in by the end of the month, I better get them in by then anyway? Does anyone know if Cross Country Nurseries plants are already hardened off? I have heard that they are but am not sure,

It would help if I could just set them all out right now since its looking like the forecast over the next week is to be low to mid 70s with highs creeping to around 80 by next week. All the lows are forecast to be above 55 after tomorrow night. Looks like a few days of rain will show up in there but what can I expect, as long as its not another week straight! About time the weather cooperates.