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RocketMan's 2013 Glog; In The House!!

There are no gardening mistakes,only experiments." -- Janet Kilburn Phillips

I love that quote and it will try my best to remember it through this new grow. So, I'm going with only 18 varities this year as we're looking at moving to a larger house if not buying this summer and I really don't want to have to try and haul a ton of plants when we do. the ones I've selected are:

1. 7 Pot Jonah---------------------------- Pic 1
2. Aji Lemon------------------------------- romy6
3. Chili De Arbol Negro------------------ smokemaster via SocalChilihead
4. Datil-------------------------------------- Pic 1
5. Fatalii------------------------------------ Pic 1
6. Gochu----------------------------------- Stickman
7. Red Savania--------------------------- Pic 1
8. Chocolate Habanero----------------- Pic 1
9. West Indian Yellow Habanero------ Pic 1
10. Jalabanero---------------------------- SocalChilihead
11. Jalapeno------------------------------- frydad4
12. Douglah-------------------------------- Pic 1
13. Peruvian White Habanero---------- ????
14. Scotch Bonnet Jamican Red------- Pic 1
15. Thai Short----------------------------- Lieban
16. Jamican Hot Chocolate------------- ????
17. Butch T-------------------------------- Pic 1
18. T Scorpion Yellow------------------- Pic 1

Here's the layout and they went into the dirt.



Alot of them are ones i started last year that never grew beyond a certain point and I'm pretty sure that a lot of it was my new grower mistakes. Since I really want to try them I'm giving them a grow again. Once again, thanks to everyone that helped me getting started with gifts of seeds and to all on here thanks for leaving your incredable words of wisdom that we can all learn from.

Cheers to a bountiful grow this year.
Interesting glog and nice, diverse grow list.

The only mistake is not learning from experience.
The big boys are doing well. Even getting some pods from a couple while the other two just keep looking like they're going to give some pods. Here's some pica:

Thai Short Hot steady producer but slow. Ill be glad when I have have the new ones producing and can get enough peppers for a Thai Hot Sauce.


Ok I have to agree with Pic 1 this is most likely one of the Fatalities Red Sabina crosses. Looking good too.


Not really sure about this one but its looking better than it ever did and is setting pods slowly.



This one hasnthad any pods yet but not from a lack of trying. Whole plant looks like this.


Later today Ill be up potting the babies into new Solo Cup homes. More pics after they're done moving in.
Finally moved the seedlings into some new homes, well most of them. I ran out of cups so there's still some waiting but they still have room to grow some more. Here's a few before and after shots.



It was dark out when I finished so the after shots are a little washed by the flash.



Happy Monday everyone, hope it a good week for us all but as my Grandpa always said. "A bad day fishing always beats a good day at work"

Looking good for sunlight only Bill! It won't be long until that lusty torch of the Florida sun starts puttin' the hammer down... It's a Full Moon tonight, and the Vernal Equinox will be a week before the next one!
So far i haven't seen any bugs out. I have a bug light /zapper at the far end of the back yard that's supposed to take care of up to an acre and my lawn guy treated the lawn a week or 2 ago for them so think I'm good for now.

love growing in Florida too, well I'd like it even more if the soil wasn't so sandy. I'm using a combination of Black Cow and an Organic Garden soil that I picked up from Lowes this year. So far it's doing great, not comacting down a whole lot but then I've been bottom watering so it could strat to do so I guess when i get them into the 3 gallon root pouches.
Rick you must be a follower of the Farmers Almanac. My Grandparents always had a copy around the house.
I don't plant by the moon or anything like that... Just how I keep track of the seasons. I do a little light stargazing too, but my Grandfather always had a copy of the Old Farmer's Almanac around, and I was madly interested in the NASA space programs that were running the whole time I was a kid. The Apollo 11 moon landing happened on a July weekend when my Dad and I went out fishing for Mackerel on a party boat out of Plum Island, MA. When we got home we watched the videos they were showing on TV and listened to Walter Cronkite talking about it. I think I was 9 at the time.
Rocket Fuel man, rocket fuel :D That looks incredible man!

I don't plant by the moon or anything like that... Just how I keep track of the seasons. I do a little light stargazing too, but my Grandfather always had a copy of the Old Farmer's Almanac around, and I was madly interested in the NASA space programs that were running the whole time I was a kid. The Apollo 11 moon landing happened on a July weekend when my Dad and I went out fishing for Mackerel on a party boat out of Plum Island, MA. When we got home we watched the videos they were showing on TV and listened to Walter Cronkite talking about it. I think I was 9 at the time.
Nice memories! But stickman, the real reason you don't plant by moon light is that you don't cast a shadow - you are in fact a chilli vampire and you live by the blood of the chilli :D

Those seedlings are looking great!
A quick Pic update. I took these on Tuesday when I got home from work.











Been down with a cold sine then so hopefully I'll get to feeling better this weekend and be able to get out and do some work with them and get some more pics and dang can you believe all the flowers there on the bigger plants? Thanks for stopping by for a visit.