beer RocketMan's BrewLog

RocketMan said:
Tctenten, US-05 will work, you'll just have a sweeter Mead than using a wine or Champagne yeast and yes, use the whole packet.
Thank you. 
My yeast came today and I am going to pick up the rest of the ingredients.  The recipe listed is per gallon?  How long do you let the yeast rehydrate?  I assume room temperature water is ok for both rehydrating the yeast and for the mead?
I used 800 ml preboiled water with a teaspoon of yeast nutrients and 1/4 cup of honey. Put that on the stir-plate for a couple of hours and it was good to go. If you don't have any yeast nutrients you should get some before starting as the Honey is lacking on a lot of what is needed for the yeast to work their best. 
Well, 2 new lids later the kegs are charging up and holding pressure:)

With Flaming Pumpkin cold crashing, hoping to bottle/keg Friday and to be able to brew the Bourbon Barrell Vanilla Imperial Stout on Saturday.
So, I've been mulling over SMaSH brewing, read up a bit on it and after the first of the year I'm going to give it a shot. Something like this:
5 Gallon
15 Lbs Maris Otter (OG: 1.078, FG: 1.018, ABV: 7.80%, IBU: 42.11, SRM: 7.35)
15 Lbs Munich (OG: 1.076, FG: 1.018, ABV: 7.60%, IBU: 42.69, SRM: 10.15)
2 Oz. East Kent Goldings - 60 Minute
1 Oz East Kent Goldings - 15 Minute
.5 Oz East Kent Goldings - 5 Minute
White Labs California Ale WLP001
Wyeast American Ale 1056
Mash at 155 dF for 60 to 75 minutes
Fly Sparge
Ferment Schedule
Primary for 1 week or until bubbles are less than one per minute at 62 dF for 4 days then let it come up to 68 dF till finished.
Secondary for 2 weeks at 62 dF then cold crash at 41 dF and 
Looking at future possible additions that might go well in it include adding Cherries, Blueberries or maybe some Mango to the secondary. Also thinking about Cucumber for some odd reason. I have even thought of something like a Mango Fatalii version. Whatever I do though is going to be based off of what the original brew tastes like so, gotta brew it to see :cool:
Interesting ...
It's subtly different from what I'm planning to do, but the concept is the same, anyways ...
For malt-forward, I'm trying to find a full-featured base beer that I can do split-batch comparisons on yeast and post-primary-fermentation adjuncts ... but, a full-featured base beer.
For hop-forward styles, I was planning to try the SMaSH base beer, and then running different hopping schedules, hop comparisons ... using a SMaSH base beer.
Similar, same intent, just subtly different on the malt-forward one's is all ...
Man, if this works out like I'm hoping it does, I've never messed with Saisons but I'm thinking that brewing this with Honey, Lemon Peel and Fresh Basil will make a killer and very simple Saison.

Ok, this might just get Brewer up before the new year now!
RocketMan said:
Man, if this works out like I'm hoping it does, I've never messed with Saisons but I'm thinking that brewing this with Honey, Lemon Peel and Fresh Basil will make a killer and very simple Saison.

Ok, this might just get Brewer up before the new year now!
I think that's the French style called Biere de Garde, right? ...
This is probably too basic a def, but for all intents and purposes, malt-forward saison's ...
It was the thing I thought I'd specialize in when I learned about the ferm temp scenario in Florida ...
Brewer? ...
Ozzy2001 said:
What is this Smash stuff? Is that a 10gal batch? That's a lot of grain.
SMaSH ... single-malt & single-hop, or something along those lines ...
I have to laugh, too ... I've brewed 4x in a row that have almost 15 lbs grist for batches half that size, 2.5 gallons ;)
No Ozzy, that's how much grain it takes to get an ABV above 7% and most of my brews start off with like 12 pounds of base malt.
Lol I didn't see the or. I thought you were using 30lbs. I was like damn. Yeah my DIPA is 16lbs 2 row and a little over lb of Amber. A lot of grinding lol. Reminds me I need to buy the bolt so I can hook my drill up to my grinder.
Rm turn that bad boy into a barley wine. All marris otter and ekg. 10% abv. English ale yeast at 68 degrees and nutrients out the ass. Boil it for 2 hours at super high heat to malliard it up.

And I love single malt saisons. All pilsner malt and spices. Step mash at 144 and 153 45 minute rests for both.
It's Bourbon Barrel Vanilla Stout brewing night tonight
