• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

romy6 2013

Well 2012 is old news so time to push onward. It was a great year for me pepperwise. If you did not get a chance to follow me last year and would like to check it out here is the link http://thehotpepper.com/topic/27252-romy6-2012/. It will save me from explaining my grow and being redundant. I am an outdoor grower only from start to finish. I try to keep my aphid /bug colonies to a minimum while batteling the temps as while growing in east central Florida. I plan on growing many other new varieties in a few months so keep an eye out. Until then I wish a great grow for all and look forward to following all of your grows. After fighting off the tequilla hangover this moring I managed to stumble along and pick my first harvest of the new year. Some yellow 7's, yellow scorps, yellw scotch bonnets with a tail, hybrid bhut, not douglah, mystery annums, choc hab , cho bhut bhut and a choc bhut x yellow 7 f3. Winter pods are always a little funky looking IMHO :rolleyes:

:dance: Happy New Year :dance:

Hi Jamie,
   I was getting jealous of you guys in SoFlo and SoCal who're picking ripe pods already, so I picked the largest of my Omnicolor pods to sample even though it hasn't started turning orange yet... I bit the tip half off and started to chew, and the D@#& thing bit right back!

It surprised me how hot it was, I'm definitely saving seeds from the first dozen pods from that plant! :fireball:
First off glad no damage from the storm! And hey we got 1.1" yesterday, rare June weather...
Those Reapers look way Gnarly, dang I hear they're hot!
And I see your sharing the wealth, I can say this Jamie's pods are great! Good man you are Captain!
Love the pic of Princess, such a perfect age, I have a couple of grandkids in that range (yeah I'm old). Next thing you know she'll be asking for the car keys...life goes by fast!
Have a great weekend!
Edit: likes police caught me speeding, will be back...
Jamie, great to see the Sepia Serpent and Orange Primo are growing and producing! I lost my only orange Primo this year... lousy bugs got to it.  Can't wait to see if it actually goes orange or not. Remember it is only a F1 from Semillas.
Glad to see everything coming along, Jaime.  That ferment looked awesome.  I'll echo the sentiment on the Yellow Primo.  Great looking HP22Bs!  Mine still look habbish.  Glad to see you are growing the Sepia Serpent.  I have five of them, and so far only two have the desired phenotype.  Will be interesting to see what the other three look like when ripe.
stc3248 said:
Wow...pepper row on the side of the house is a really cool shot! Looks like you're beating Walmart to the Christmas decorations with all those yellow and red ornaments! Bad dog Tebow!!! Your Mystery does look to have a bit of fuzz on it...that confuses me a bit more... :crazy:
 Thanks Shane. If I recall it looses it fuzz fast. Might have a little Goat in his genes.
MGOLD86 said:
Great as always Jamie. Really good looking plants and I am looking forward to what ever pain you send my way. Should be fun tolerance wise, I haven't had a fresh super in quite some time! Gonna be :hot:
Ccan't wait to see you review the yellow Primo brother. Thank you and be ready.
jedisushi06 said:
Haven't had a fresh pod in ages either.  I'm giddy like a catholic school girl waiting for some heat from Jamie.
 Got you a box already to go Mikey!!!
stickman said:
Hi Jamie,
   I was getting jealous of you guys in SoFlo and SoCal who're picking ripe pods already, so I picked the largest of my Omnicolor pods to sample even though it hasn't started turning orange yet... I bit the tip half off and started to chew, and the D@#& thing bit right back!

It surprised me how hot it was, I'm definitely saving seeds from the first dozen pods from that plant! :fireball:
 Dang Rick that looks like a tasty juicy pod. Just wait til it is fully ripened. Might really burn good:)
Silver_Surfer said:
Plants are coming along nicely. Fire ants here farm those aphids, but mainly do the aphid tending on the okra. You're lucky they aren't such a problem there.
 Thank you SS. Yeah it is odd my red ants seem to sccre off everything else . Might just be luck?
Devv said:
First off glad no damage from the storm! And hey we got 1.1" yesterday, rare June weather...
Those Reapers look way Gnarly, dang I hear they're hot!
And I see your sharing the wealth, I can say this Jamie's pods are great! Good man you are Captain!
Love the pic of Princess, such a perfect age, I have a couple of grandkids in that range (yeah I'm old). Next thing you know she'll be asking for the car keys...life goes by fast!
Have a great weekend!
Edit: likes police caught me speeding, will be back...
 Thanks Scotty. I here ya on growing up fast. I try to cherish everyday.
saugapepper said:
Jamie, great to see the Sepia Serpent and Orange Primo are growing and producing! I lost my only orange Primo this year... lousy bugs got to it.  Can't wait to see if it actually goes orange or not. Remember it is only a F1 from Semillas.
 No worries Conor. But the pods look more primo like than any other primo I have grown :rofl: . Thank you sir.
Trippa said:
Nice updates Romy .... very nice indeed!  Loving the look of those Yellow Primo's !! (among all the other goodness you have going!!)
 Thanks Trip. They are a nice pepper. Did you buy any from Grant. If not i could send ya some . But mine are all open pollinated.
DocNrock said:
Glad to see everything coming along, Jaime.  That ferment looked awesome.  I'll echo the sentiment on the Yellow Primo.  Great looking HP22Bs!  Mine still look habbish.  Glad to see you are growing the Sepia Serpent.  I have five of them, and so far only two have the desired phenotype.  Will be interesting to see what the other three look like when ripe.
 Thanks Brent. I am very lucky the onlyreaper plant that made it looks pure. Seen alot of nots with this strain:(
  Had another nice harvest today!



 Thank you all .
Thats jaw dropping my friend!   Totally wasn't expecting to see all those harvested pods.   But what should I expect when I check in here!?
That's some jaw-dropping production for June, J-Daddy! Just absolutely, indescribably beautiful!  :dance:  :dance:  :dance:
I love JJ's lean!!!
DocNrock said:
Holy Hell!  Nice!  Are those Madballz in the right lower corner?
  Yes they are Doc. Aren't they purdy:)
wayright said:
That is one beautiful harvest brother 
Be careful that your glass table doesnt melt 
 Kev too late after that pick the middle of the glass melted away. Glad JJ had stepped away  :rofl:
stc3248 said:
That's what I am talking about!!! Woot! Great pull my brotha!
Devv said:
Dang! Crazy harvest!
Congratulations Captain pain!
 Thank you President Scoville  ;)
Jamison said:
Thats jaw dropping my friend!   Totally wasn't expecting to see all those harvested pods.   But what should I expect when I check in here!?
 Thank you J man.  Not what I was expecting either  :liar:
Pulpiteer said:
that's a whole lotta heat. Beautiful looking pods!
 Thank Sir Andy. Not quite up to your harvests but not bad for a container guy  :party:
windchicken said:
That's some jaw-dropping production for June, J-Daddy! Just absolutely, indescribably beautiful!  :dance:  
I love JJ's lean!!!
 Thank you G man!! My boy does have some swagg  :drooling:
 And a quick vid. Don't watch if you hate blurry vids  :confused:
 And I found Mr Ally Gator yesterday chilling on his log 

Now that is what a harvest is supposed to look like!  I can't wait for mine to start taking over entire tables!  It is crazy how they go from a couple, a couple, a couple, a table....:onfire:
Devv said:
Dang! Crazy harvest!
Congratulations Captain pain!
Captain Pain is a right perfect name for you too Jamie. We're going through the garden and he hands me this pod and says "Here try this, it a Tobago Seasoning Pepper, no heat" Next thing I know we're both on fire. Moral is, when Capt Pain says here try this and then follows it up with no heat, be careful  :rofl:
Yeah, that's a really nice table of Pain there Jamie. I'm with Matt, can't wait for mine to start looking that way.
Romy6 Pepper Estate ... What a machine pumping out all dem awesome pods which seems like it’s almost daily now. Superpodeliciousexpialajamiepodious \o/ Awesome brethren, now I'm not posting my harvest from today, hehehe