• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

romy6 2013

Well 2012 is old news so time to push onward. It was a great year for me pepperwise. If you did not get a chance to follow me last year and would like to check it out here is the link http://thehotpepper.com/topic/27252-romy6-2012/. It will save me from explaining my grow and being redundant. I am an outdoor grower only from start to finish. I try to keep my aphid /bug colonies to a minimum while batteling the temps as while growing in east central Florida. I plan on growing many other new varieties in a few months so keep an eye out. Until then I wish a great grow for all and look forward to following all of your grows. After fighting off the tequilla hangover this moring I managed to stumble along and pick my first harvest of the new year. Some yellow 7's, yellow scorps, yellw scotch bonnets with a tail, hybrid bhut, not douglah, mystery annums, choc hab , cho bhut bhut and a choc bhut x yellow 7 f3. Winter pods are always a little funky looking IMHO :rolleyes:

:dance: Happy New Year :dance:

Dang Jamie, I had to play catch up on your glog. Read through about the last 10-12 pages. Everything is rolling along just like it should.

Keep it up and you'll be needing a spare bathtub to hold your harvests lol
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
happy birthday ... well belated it is... glad to see the SBJ7 is bouncing back.. wish i could get mine to set pods..... madballz... man.. i was 0-3 on them seeds i got from jamison.. looks like that brain is gonna trample on the choco habs.. ..
if you can manage to ferment... i will do it as well.. will have to hit you up and mr Bill. on the HOW tos
 Thanks KingD. The brain is insain! If I can ferment than anyone can. I will keep yall posted.
WalkGood said:
OMG, Though I was only suffering from pod envy and now I see you fermenting 30 of the nastiset biggest pods ... Superpodeliciousexpialajamiepodious \o/
 Love it Ray. The sauce is gonna be packing a punch!
koskorgul said:
pm sent
thanks again. Hopefully I can over winter one and get some pads
 Got ya covered Roberto!
Devv said:
Sauce looks great!
It's on my list, as is podwer as soon as I get some numbers.
I hope the storms aren't too bad your way!
 Thanks Scotty. Looks like we got lucky. Lots of rain but we needed it.
coheed196 said:
Dang Jamie, I had to play catch up on your glog. Read through about the last 10-12 pages. Everything is rolling along just like it should.

Keep it up and you'll be needing a spare bathtub to hold your harvests lol
 Vincent, snooze around here you find yourself pages behind. I was hoping I could borrow some freezer space:)
knucks said:
got some poddage today!

They are awesome looking! the yellow scorpion was pretty tasty.  I have a question as to what the skinny smooth yellow peppers are though?
 You wil love the aji lemon Carl. An awesome all around pepper.
stc3248 said:
Good to see you're still posting...must not of got hit too hard! Sauce is gonna be tasty!!! 
 Brother Shane. Thank you for thinking of us. We are just fine.
 Couple randomn pics
Here is my Douglah plant. It had fallen over from the storm. When I set it upright low and behold it was covered in red ants. One thing I don't mind. You will not find a single black ant or aphid . So I just let them do there thing. They eventually will move on to bigger and better places. I hope:)

And my brother Wayright was kind enough to share a pic of the insides of one. I need to take some photo classes from him and JB ( prodigal_son)

And my daughter is proud of her Yellow scorp she started from seeds many moons ago

I love this plant. Nastiest yellow pods I have seen Yellow primo

1st peruvian serlano pod :dance:

And I want to give a big shout out to Terry ( buddy ) for the awesome seeds and flakes he sent me. Thank you sir.
Good on ya Jamie! I see Brother Bill got ya roped in with the fermented sauces. You can do this dude! Anybody who can do it up on the grill like you do can make great ones! I love that most recent shot of your Douglah... how old is it? I hope to OW the one I have in the pot outside, but we'll see. Very cool that yours picked up some muscle courtesy of the Red Ants. I didn't know their diet included pests. Cheers Man!
 Thank you for the support Bill. I will be pestering you for 45 days and then some:)
Rick, the Douglah plant is about a year old. Not sure if they( red ants) actually eat aphids but I know when I have red ants there are no other bugs near it. Dem basturds are mean:)
closeup of yellow cardi scorp. Right before I blasted it again with some bonide. I hate black ants and their groupies!

Well Jamie, I do have a plenty big deep freezer that only has my pods in it from last year....
So just go ahead and send me all the pods you want and I'll be sure to put them in my "freezer" but don't get mad when I'm unable to ship them back to you when you need them :evil:
Lil Cris could not get any cuter! She is going to walk all over you brother,I love it. You are going to buy her new socks everyday and not say anything about it. Even the red ants won't bite those feet!

Here is a shot of one of your pods. Hard to focus the cam with waves of pain in your neck. It was way too late in the night for eating supers but I couldn't help myself.
Looking great brother! We are getting hit by that weather now, hopefully it will subside by the morning, the news says it should be here through the afternoon. Anyways, looks like you got some real winners in the garden and that Primo is looking pretty gnarly.
Jamie...you live in the world of awesome! One thing I don't miss for sure from my days on the gulf coast are the fire ants. Worst ever was after a tropical storm hit the Corpus Christi area and we were called upon to rescue folks stranded by the Nueces and Mission Rivers that were flooded. We had a small 14.5ft rigid hull inflatable boat and were making trips up and down the river ferrying folks out. Both rivers were way out into the flood plains and miles across in places and we were boating across flooded farm fields. Well survival mode for fire ants in a flood is to form huge floating balls of ants that bob along like little rafts from hell. Every time we hit one of them the ball would explode into a cloud of ants and we would get covered in them. I finally resorted to rubbing gasoline over all my exposed skin to keep them and the mosquitoes at bay...good times! 
Cris' plant is the best looking plant you got by far! 
coheed196 said:
Well Jamie, I do have a plenty big deep freezer that only has my pods in it from last year....
So just go ahead and send me all the pods you want and I'll be sure to put them in my "freezer" but don't get mad when I'm unable to ship them back to you when you need them :evil:
 Vincent, you are kiling me :rofl: I am sure my wife won't mind if I use her inside freezer ;)
jedisushi06 said:
Does your daughter eat chiles?  Been trying to get mine to for a couple years.
 Mikey, she only grow em. Both my kids have not quite hit the spice age :fireball:
Pr0digal_son said:
Lil Cris could not get any cuter! She is going to walk all over you brother,I love it. You are going to buy her new socks everyday and not say anything about it. Even the red ants won't bite those feet!

Here is a shot of one of your pods. Hard to focus the cam with waves of pain in your neck. It was way too late in the night for eating supers but I couldn't help myself.
 That is an amazing pic JB. And you know Princess Cris gets whatever she wants :shh: Thank you sir!
MGOLD86 said:
Looking great brother! We are getting hit by that weather now, hopefully it will subside by the morning, the news says it should be here through the afternoon. Anyways, looks like you got some real winners in the garden and that Primo is looking pretty gnarly.
 Hope that storm is gone and just left a little fresh rain for the garden. You will taste that primo in a few days:)
Pulpiteer said:
Nice, I love the AKA. All I could think about was this:

Oh, and that ferment looks awesome, btw - nice job.  I'll love seeing how it turns out!
 Awesome vid Andy. Thanks for checking in. I had the expert Rocketman walk me through the fement and I have a ph meter on the way. I will keep you posted.
Sanarda said:
Ummmmmm. Yum!!!!!! ......
 Thank you Pia. Hope your not freezing your garden off :dance:
Shane my brother. Nice to see you have the weekend off. That is some crazy shiat with the ant balls. I had no idea they could swim :tear:  And your crazy ass had a good time doing it :liar: . You are a great man. Have a chillaxing weekend bro!
Quick updat.Last weekend Tebow pulled the whole monster mystery annuum  plant out and was running around the yard with it. Thankfully I caught him and stuck it back in the ground. Today it  looks good and even has a pod or 2.

pod forming

Sepia serpeant loved all the rain this week.

Connor, the orange primo seeds you sent me ae looking really pure. First pod

Carolina reaper plant . Finally getting a ripe pod and moved into a fancy pot :fireball:

Thie reaper pod is looking gnarly

Almost ripe reaper.

Another ingrounder. Getting huge. Not yellow brain gone annnuum

 Birgit is in ground and ready to kick some ass

Thanks for checking in. Have a spicy weekend!

 Few pics. First the monster annuum is making a slw comeback.
Wow...pepper row on the side of the house is a really cool shot! Looks like you're beating Walmart to the Christmas decorations with all those yellow and red ornaments! Bad dog Tebow!!! Your Mystery does look to have a bit of fuzz on it...that confuses me a bit more... :crazy:
MGOLD86 said:
Great as always Jamie. Really good looking plants and I am looking forward to what ever pain you send my way. Should be fun tolerance wise, I haven't had a fresh super in quite some time! Gonna be :hot:
Haven't had a fresh pod in ages either.  I'm giddy like a catholic school girl waiting for some heat from Jamie.