• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

romy6 2013

Well 2012 is old news so time to push onward. It was a great year for me pepperwise. If you did not get a chance to follow me last year and would like to check it out here is the link http://thehotpepper.com/topic/27252-romy6-2012/. It will save me from explaining my grow and being redundant. I am an outdoor grower only from start to finish. I try to keep my aphid /bug colonies to a minimum while batteling the temps as while growing in east central Florida. I plan on growing many other new varieties in a few months so keep an eye out. Until then I wish a great grow for all and look forward to following all of your grows. After fighting off the tequilla hangover this moring I managed to stumble along and pick my first harvest of the new year. Some yellow 7's, yellow scorps, yellw scotch bonnets with a tail, hybrid bhut, not douglah, mystery annums, choc hab , cho bhut bhut and a choc bhut x yellow 7 f3. Winter pods are always a little funky looking IMHO :rolleyes:

:dance: Happy New Year :dance:

romy6 said:
 Thanks Shane. If I recall it looses it fuzz fast. Might have a little Goat in his genes.
Ccan't wait to see you review the yellow Primo brother. Thank you and be ready.
 Got you a box already to go Mikey!!!
 Dang Rick that looks like a tasty juicy pod. Just wait til it is fully ripened. Might really burn good:)
 Thank you SS. Yeah it is odd my red ants seem to sccre off everything else . Might just be luck?
 Thanks Scotty. I here ya on growing up fast. I try to cherish everyday.
 No worries Conor. But the pods look more primo like than any other primo I have grown :rofl: . Thank you sir.
 Thanks Trip. They are a nice pepper. Did you buy any from Grant. If not i could send ya some . But mine are all open pollinated.
 Thanks Brent. I am very lucky the onlyreaper plant that made it looks pure. Seen alot of nots with this strain:(
  Had another nice harvest today!



 Thank you all .
Beautiful, simply beautiful.  Well done my friend!
MGOLD86 said:
Now that is what a harvest is supposed to look like!  I can't wait for mine to start taking over entire tables!  It is crazy how they go from a couple, a couple, a couple, a table.... :onfire:
 Thanks brother man. Yes this year I had to move from the white cutting board to the entire table. I must have too many plants  ;)
RocketMan said:
Captain Pain is a right perfect name for you too Jamie. We're going through the garden and he hands me this pod and says "Here try this, it a Tobago Seasoning Pepper, no heat" Next thing I know we're both on fire. Moral is, when Capt Pain says here try this and then follows it up with no heat, be careful  :rofl:
Yeah, that's a really nice table of Pain there Jamie. I'm with Matt, can't wait for mine to start looking that way.
 Thank you Mr. Sauce aficionado  . Judging by that tea you be a brewing you will be racing right past me in no time. 
WalkGood said:
Romy6 Pepper Estate ... What a machine pumping out all dem awesome pods which seems like it’s almost daily now. Superpodeliciousexpialajamiepodious \o/ Awesome brethren, now I'm not posting my harvest from today, hehehe
 Ramon, you are making my head much bigger than it already is  :rofl:
Sanarda said:
JJ is swagged out fo sho
 Thank you Momma Pia :)
stickman said:
Shoot Jamie, now you've got enough peppers to fill the fermentation jar fo' sho!  Why not make it a full gallon? :dance: Cheers!
 Ricky Ticky,  It's like your reading my mind. Now if I can just  sweet talk  Rocketman out of some of his secret methods  :hotsauce:
Devv said:
How close is Mr. Ally Gator to the house?
Hope Tebow doesn't try and play with him!
 Tebow would tear that Gator a new A$$  :shame:  LOL. He is about 1/2 mile from mi casa Scotty  :crazy:
buddy said:
Beautiful, simply beautiful.  Well done my friend!
  Thank you Terry. Hope you are enjoying a few of them as we speak:)
WalkGood said:
If dat puppy was near my house you'd be seeing gator tail on da grill with some of Jamie's awesome pepper powder \o/
 Sugar Ray. Cmon down and make it happen  :cool:
 Now for a pic . Since I is here. Yellow cardi scorp. Old pic but I like it . 
romy6 said:
… … Ramon, you are making my head much bigger than it already is :rofl:
Jamie, you deserve da kudos brethren, you’re having one hell of an awesome season!!!
romy6 said:
… Sugar Ray. Cmon down and make it happen :cool:
I might have to take you up on dat offer ;) any hating neighbors around?
romy6 said:
… Now for a pic . Since I is here. Yellow cardi scorp. Old pic but I like it *pic*
I like it too, killa looking pod & great pic \o/

Have a great day mon!!!!
Chewi said:
WTF? The "Pterodactyl of the Mosquito World?"
You see these things yet?
I'd would have liked to see a pic of it that wasn't so blown up. We have the leetle ones here and a larger one. Luckily we don't see them much....not enough rain..
WalkGood said:
Jamie, you deserve da kudos brethren, you’re having one hell of an awesome season!!!
I might have to take you up on dat offer ;) any hating neighbors around?
I like it too, killa looking pod & great pic \o/

Have a great day mon!!!!
 That would be splendid Ramon. Thank you kind sir.
Devv said:
I wanna see the video!
Great pic BTW, such a bright yellow and dark green.
 Gracias Scott!
WalkGood said:
Great evidence is all we need :D
 Like your thinking  :lol:
Chewi said:
WTF? The "Pterodactyl of the Mosquito World?"
You see these things yet?
 Thank goodness I have not!!!
RocketMan said:
Yeah Ramon, tell him, Gator tail on the BarB  :woohoo:
 I prefer my Gator Fried with some rocketfuel on top  :twisted:
Devv said:
I'd would have liked to see a pic of it that wasn't so blown up. We have the leetle ones here and a larger one. Luckily we don't see them much....not enough rain..
 Me too!
 So last night I finally sampled the infamous Carolina Reaper.  :mouthonfire:

It smelled like a typical red 7 pot. Very floral but not overpowering.
Lots of oils but was surprised by the lack of placenta and seeds.


 So I sampled a dime size piece. I know better than to eat the whole pod. Especially on an empty stomach  :crazy:

 Like most superhots it took a few minutes for the heat and flavor to kick in. It had very little taste at all. Maybe a little sweet at first with a touch citrus. The heat started at the tip of my tongue and worked it's way around the entire mouth.  I was expecting a nice throat burn but really not much. It took about 5 minutes for the heat to really build. My eyes and nose began to feel the capsaicin.  Even felt a slight increase in my heartbeat and a small endorphin rush. After about 10 minutes and 2 beers later  :drunk:  I could hardly feel it at all. Overall I would say this was a super tasty pepper with a nice amount of heat. Very much like my first taste of a 7 primo or Jonah. Could be hotter but my tolerance is much greater than when I first tested those peppers. I would still recommend growing this variety. It is a great pepper. My douglah's and brown 7's are still hotter IMHO. But that is just me. 
 Thanks for taking the time to listen to me ramble on. 
Good day.  :cool:
Devv said:
First off your a brave man!
I haven't been eating the hotter peppers long enough to just bite into one.
Do you think they will get hotter later on in the season?
Glad you liked it!
 Thanks Scotty. I know they will only get hotter. Usually the first pod is not the hottest. Now that the temps are hitting almost triple digits these next set of pods should be nasty!!!!
WalkGood said:
Great job on the mini review Jamie, I enjoyed reading the write up, good layout and pictures clean! A beautiful pod for sure, thanks!

  • Now for a little jabbing: Are you sure you didn’t invert the minutes and beer numbers, hehehe ;)

 Thanks Ramon. Nothing like you when it comes to reviewing. I have never been a writer . And I may have mixed up the beers with the minutes  :drunk:
koskorgul said:
Nice write up Jamie, going to be trying this with one of your pods when they get here. Was hoping for today but nothing in the mail so hopefully tomorrow.
 Thank you Rob. Now lets see a nice video of you eating one of my brown 7's  :shame:
 Hope all you dads had a great Father's day. I know I did. Potted up a few peppers, picked a peck of peppers and hung out with my family. Life is good. 
 Harvest is not like the others but still not bad.

 And my Birgit is getting it's legs  acclimated to life in the ground. I think he likes it.  :)




Thanks for the pods Jamie!  Madballz was a real treat.  I let some of my customers try it at the Sushi place i work at.  The yellow primo tasted more like a bhut to me.  Still had great flavor but not as hot as some of the other pods you sent me.  Your red brain strain was great, and so was the yellow 7's. 
Nice quicky review of the Reaper Jamie. Are you sure it wasn't just too early in the season for it to really ramp up capsaicin production? With the size of your pulls lately it looks like you're in the sweet spot fo' sho"... sweet!
Is that diatomaceous earth on the ground around your Birgit?
Devv said:
Wow! I can see things are really winding down there! LOL,
You know all of us mere mortals are still way impressed :dance:
Good haul buddy!
 Thank you Scotty. I do see the harvest and pods getting smaller though. Can't wait for October!!! :party:
jedisushi06 said:

Thanks for the pods Jamie!  Madballz was a real treat.  I let some of my customers try it at the Sushi place i work at.  The yellow primo tasted more like a bhut to me.  Still had great flavor but not as hot as some of the other pods you sent me.  Your red brain strain was great, and so was the yellow 7's. 
 Glad you are enjoying the pods Mikey. Those are nice pics. You can really see the oils in dem pods. Thank you for the love:)
WalkGood said:
Holy moly peppers I'm happy with 1/2 that harvest ... again and again you, your grow and peppers are awesome brethren!!!
 Ramon my friend. Glad you be liking it :fireball:  
stickman said:
Nice quicky review of the Reaper Jamie. Are you sure it wasn't just too early in the season for it to really ramp up capsaicin production? With the size of your pulls lately it looks like you're in the sweet spot fo' sho"... sweet!
Is that diatomaceous earth on the ground around your Birgit?
 Ricky Ticky.  Thank you sir. I know the next batch  of reapers will be much hotter. I will send those out  to be reviewed .  ;)  Last couple weeks all my plants are getting cooked by the Florida heat  :hot:
 I wish that was diatomaceous earth. That is just sorry old Florida sand. Not the best medium for peppers but I keep adding compost :)  :party: