• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

romy6 2013

Well 2012 is old news so time to push onward. It was a great year for me pepperwise. If you did not get a chance to follow me last year and would like to check it out here is the link http://thehotpepper.com/topic/27252-romy6-2012/. It will save me from explaining my grow and being redundant. I am an outdoor grower only from start to finish. I try to keep my aphid /bug colonies to a minimum while batteling the temps as while growing in east central Florida. I plan on growing many other new varieties in a few months so keep an eye out. Until then I wish a great grow for all and look forward to following all of your grows. After fighting off the tequilla hangover this moring I managed to stumble along and pick my first harvest of the new year. Some yellow 7's, yellow scorps, yellw scotch bonnets with a tail, hybrid bhut, not douglah, mystery annums, choc hab , cho bhut bhut and a choc bhut x yellow 7 f3. Winter pods are always a little funky looking IMHO :rolleyes:

:dance: Happy New Year :dance:

Damn man...I haven't had lunch yet.....
I am heading out to a Pig roast at a buddy's house this afternoon and am TRYING to save my appetite. YOU, my friend, are not making that easy for me!
Nice looking NOT orange primo, and definitely sounds hot if you say it is the hottest yellow you have tried.  I just ordered about a half dozen hybrids from grant as well, he is definitely a mad scientist.  Should be interesting to see how these babies turn out.  Unfortunately, you can start now and I have to wait until next season... :(  lol!
Have a good weekend man.
Not bustin your chops Jamie...I post some confusing chit sometimes myself. Hahaha....no matter what color that pod was supposed to be, it sure is one killer looking pepper!
Barley-pop57 said:
Dang Jamie, besides growing great pods, you appear to be a master chef also.  When are you going to appear on "Hell's Kitchen" ????? :rofl:
Keep up the great work buddy.
 Thank you Mike. I am no Iron chef like Stickman or Pic! to name a few but I no my way around the grill:) 
PepperDaddler said:
So hungry now. Nice job.
 You ain't far away come on down  ;)
Bodeen said:
I think I need to start eating before I check your thread lol.
 I hear ya Jeff. Stick with me and you will gain some weight fast  :shh:
stickman said:
Nice pics of the Primo-looking Yellow 7 and the foodie bro'! Both looked super tasty. I'm doing Korean grilled chicken today for supper with the sister the sister, and Jerk tomorrow or Monday... you've got me thinkin' 'bout ribs for later though... :drooling:
 Oh Rick I hope you get a few pics of that meal. You cooking skills make me look like a amateur.  Thank you sir. 
Devv said:
Beautiful pod there Jamie!
Nice description of the taste!
Great score on the seeds too!
Those ribs...yum! I have some BabyBacks slow cooking on the pit as I typo!
Plate shot is fantastic!
 Beam me up Scotty. Thank you!
wayright said:
Mmmmmm..Bacon!!!  :P
and Pork 
and Chicken!!!
But that Broccoli has me drooling most of all bro!
Brother man. It was a wonderful meal wish you could have joined us. 
MGOLD86 said:
Damn man...I haven't had lunch yet.....
I am heading out to a Pig roast at a buddy's house this afternoon and am TRYING to save my appetite. YOU, my friend, are not making that easy for me!
Nice looking NOT orange primo, and definitely sounds hot if you say it is the hottest yellow you have tried.  I just ordered about a half dozen hybrids from grant as well, he is definitely a mad scientist.  Should be interesting to see how these babies turn out.  Unfortunately, you can start now and I have to wait until next season... :(  lol!
Have a good weekend man.
The not orange primo is nice and wicked. I will get you some seeds if you want some. 
stc3248 said:
Not bustin your chops Jamie...I post some confusing chit sometimes myself. Hahaha....no matter what color that pod was supposed to be, it sure is one killer looking pepper!
 Oh I know bro. I appreciate it . It is a nice yellow 7.
Trippa said:
Ribs ... yummm I freaking love ribs and that Yellow/Orange Primo looks gnarly!!
 Trippa, Glad you are enjoying . Thank you. 
 Okay so I am gonna start with some sad news. It looks like my monster annuum is done. Couple weeks ago all of the leaves dried up and it apears the only thing living is one pod that has fully ripened. I am gonna let it sit for a few weeks in hope it may kick back in gear but the future seems awfully dismal for him :mope:
 Monster Annuum  Tebow 1 :rolleyes:

 Good new is I have more seeds and my brothers Shane and Brian are growing them this year as well to carry on the genes  :party:
Giant puruvian serlano

Big Naga Cross

My not Douglah is huge and pumping pods the size of tennis balls

Yellow 7 pod Large



 And a small harvest

 And last night dinner. Steak with grilled shrimp and Kev's tasty chipoltle powder and Rocketmans smoked hab sauce
Hi Jamie, It looks like pod production is slowing down a bit in the heat, but that just gives you more time in front of the AC, right? No doubt production will pick back up when things cool down again. Bummer about the Monster Annuum, but s#!* happens, eh?
Plants are hangin' real well for the hot part of the year!
They can go from looking pretty to hurting in just a few hours.
But you're still pulling bad boys!
When do they start to set again? Early Sept.?
Damn... :mope: that really sucks dude. I think Noah nailed it down with his Tree Hab ID...I have only saved about 1000 seeds from each phenotype so far...so maybe we can recreate the monster! I would seed out that one lonely pod and plant them in the dirt right there...with some added anti-tebow defense systems. Would be cool to have the last pod on the plant give birth to a new and better monster!  Let me know if you need seeds brotha!
Nice pull to offset the sadness...I guess we all gotta take the good with the bad.
I fell so far behind on my glog reading - sorry I've been away from yours for so long.  Wow, so much awesome going on.  Great harvest shots and flavor reporting.  It seems like every other post you put up has some grilling masterpiece going, lovely tasty looking red meat :drooling: .  Those yellow (not orange) primos look amazing.  Beautiful looking pepper and I appreciated your flavor description.  Bummer about the monster annuum.  You need to put a plaque commemorating her life, kind of a memorial spot.  She was a great pepper tree and will be missed.
That's a dangerous collection you have there :fire:
I fear for the monster annuum. Doesn't look good. But peppers are strong plants, so let's hope for the best.
Where could I get yellow primo seeds? Definitely a want for next season :P
stickman said:
Hi Jamie, It looks like pod production is slowing down a bit in the heat, but that just gives you more time in front of the AC, right? No doubt production will pick back up when things cool down again. Bummer about the Monster Annuum, but s#!* happens, eh?
 Slowing a bit but my older plants are not skipping a beat. Just happens most of them are in larger containers and get less direct sun. Go figure. As they say it is what it is with the monster annuum.
Devv said:
Plants are hangin' real well for the hot part of the year!
They can go from looking pretty to hurting in just a few hours.
But you're still pulling bad boys!
When do they start to set again? Early Sept.?
 Thank Scotty. Some of them are flourishing while others struggle. Should have put them all in a shady spot but with Tebow controlling the backyard I am limited. They never stop producing but yeah come october they will hopefully go off crazy popd action again 
stc3248 said:
Damn... :mope: that really sucks dude. I think Noah nailed it down with his Tree Hab ID...I have only saved about 1000 seeds from each phenotype so far...so maybe we can recreate the monster! I would seed out that one lonely pod and plant them in the dirt right there...with some added anti-tebow defense systems. Would be cool to have the last pod on the plant give birth to a new and better monster!  Let me know if you need seeds brotha!
Nice pull to offset the sadness...I guess we all gotta take the good with the bad.
 Brother man. So grateful you are saving so many seeds. That is one thing I am bad about. I have enough for me and a few others but not enough to spread to everyone. But will start another then keep it protected from you know who 

Pulpiteer said:
I fell so far behind on my glog reading - sorry I've been away from yours for so long.  Wow, so much awesome going on.  Great harvest shots and flavor reporting.  It seems like every other post you put up has some grilling masterpiece going, lovely tasty looking red meat :drooling: .  Those yellow (not orange) primos look amazing.  Beautiful looking pepper and I appreciated your flavor description.  Bummer about the monster annuum.  You need to put a plaque commemorating her life, kind of a memorial spot.  She was a great pepper tree and will be missed.
 So many glogs so little time Andy. I only get to about 10 percent of the ones I want to follow and I have more time than  most . I agree she had a great two year run but I was hoping for many more  :confused:
wahlee76 said:
That's a dangerous collection you have there :fire:
I fear for the monster annuum. Doesn't look good. But peppers are strong plants, so let's hope for the best.
Where could I get yellow primo seeds? Definitely a want for next season :P
 Thank you for stopping bye wahlee76. The seeds came from Grant ( junnglerain) . He is not far from you. Has an amazing list of seeds for sale
jedisushi06 said:
Smoked some tomatoes i grew and some pods you sent me Jamie. 
Wish you could try this.  I think i used about 12 pods you sent me to make this salsa.  I made about two quarts.

The big green egg strikes again.
 I am speechless Mikey. Just wish you could post the taste and smell  :fireball: Thank you. 
I put about 12 pods in it i think and a whole head of garlic.  Light smoky flavor to it.  Best salsa i have ever made.  

I will make it again this year and can some.  I will save u a jar or two buddy.
Thanks for the link :P , but not far from me?
Did you notice I' m dutch? LOL 
Unfortunately sold out atm, but I'll get in touch with them anyway!
Sad to see the monster annuum going downhill Romy .... Always sucks to see hard work and genetics disappear ... But everything happens for a reason ... Monster mk II lurking in some of those seeds no doubt.
WOW Jamie! The food and pods and fireworks and everything! I had a great time getting caught up on your glog brotha! I agree with GA Growhead, them Not Orange Primos look exactly like what a yellow primo should look like! Fantastic job buddy!
PepperDaddler said:
 I will not even tell you what he did last night. BAD TEBOW  :confused:  :confused:  :confused:
jedisushi06 said:
I put about 12 pods in it i think and a whole head of garlic.  Light smoky flavor to it.  Best salsa i have ever made.  

I will make it again this year and can some.  I will save u a jar or two buddy.
 Man Mikey you have inspired me to fire back up the smoker this weekend.  :fireball:
wahlee76 said:
Thanks for the link :P , but not far from me?
Did you notice I' m dutch? LOL 
Unfortunately sold out atm, but I'll get in touch with them anyway!
 My bad. I really should not sniff glue before I post . 
Trippa said:
Sad to see the monster annuum going downhill Romy .... Always sucks to see hard work and genetics disappear ... But everything happens for a reason ... Monster mk II lurking in some of those seeds no doubt.
 Hey Trippa. How are the seedling coming along? It is sad the monster slowly  die. Still have not found the gumption to pull it yet. Time to start his predecessor.  Stay tuned. I am gonna reach down  deep and pull some plants I have never been happy with and make room for some new guys . You have inspired me to do that. 
jedisushi06 said:
THat douglah pod you sent me was insane!  The hottest pod i have tasted this year.  Did you put battery acid in that bad boy?
 Mikey, the fresh Douglah's are were it's at. I am gonna pick about 4 or 5 this weekend and make some smoked sauce. Thank you
Jamison said:
WOW Jamie! The food and pods and fireworks and everything! I had a great time getting caught up on your glog brotha! I agree with GA Growhead, them Not Orange Primos look exactly like what a yellow primo should look like! Fantastic job buddy!
 J man . So awesome to hear from you. I know you have been super busy . It is funny my yellow primos look like bhuts and my orange primo looks like a scorp. I am the king of nots:)  But I like it Not!!! :rofl: