• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

romy6 2013

Well 2012 is old news so time to push onward. It was a great year for me pepperwise. If you did not get a chance to follow me last year and would like to check it out here is the link http://thehotpepper.com/topic/27252-romy6-2012/. It will save me from explaining my grow and being redundant. I am an outdoor grower only from start to finish. I try to keep my aphid /bug colonies to a minimum while batteling the temps as while growing in east central Florida. I plan on growing many other new varieties in a few months so keep an eye out. Until then I wish a great grow for all and look forward to following all of your grows. After fighting off the tequilla hangover this moring I managed to stumble along and pick my first harvest of the new year. Some yellow 7's, yellow scorps, yellw scotch bonnets with a tail, hybrid bhut, not douglah, mystery annums, choc hab , cho bhut bhut and a choc bhut x yellow 7 f3. Winter pods are always a little funky looking IMHO :rolleyes:

:dance: Happy New Year :dance:

Sorry to hear about the mystery annuum.  Sucks to lose a favorite plant.  Love the harvest shot, though!  The remaining plants are kicking out some serious poddage.
RocketMan said:
Dang Jamie, playing Taps for that monster plant of yours.
Now lets get some seeds germinating and Son of the Monsta in the ground :)
 Thanks Bill. I plan on starting another monster this weekend. I may leave the old one in the ground until the new guy is big enough to take his place. 
Trippa said:
Its tough to ditch plants for sure but starting afresh is liberating in many ways. Best way I find to ditch plants is to give them away.... Then if they die its not your fault ;)
 Thanks for the support Trippa. So far I have gotten rid of about 3 plants. They were all looking really bad anyway. Now I just got to get rid of about 10  more  :tear:
Bodeen said:
Everything is looking great...sorry for your loss.
 Stuff happens Jeff. I gotta a milion pods off that bad boy and many folks were able to sample it's fruit. And several are carrying on it's strong genes. 
DocNrock said:
Sorry to hear about the mystery annuum.  Sucks to lose a favorite plant.  Love the harvest shot, though!  The remaining plants are kicking out some serious poddage.
 Thanks for the love Brent. Really baffled at the moment. One of my Birgits in ground in the backyard is starting to show the same signs. Not sure if it is Mites or a virus but it's only infecting my backyard plants in ground.  Hopefully I can figure it out before I have an epidemic on my hands.  :rolleyes:
 But I would Like to share the amazing care packages I received this week. The main reason I come here everyday is because the amazing people on this site. Never in my short life have I been around so many giving people. 
 First an amazing selection of Matt's (mggold86)super hot powder. All three are amazing. perfect color and dried to perfection. taste is off the charts.

 Then came some of Ann's ( Annie57) giant box o love. Cannot wait to start dabbling in her sauces. They look amazing and I know they will taste even more spectacular.

And last not not least Terry ( buddy ) sent me an really cool book. I have been wanting to read and some of his super tasty strawberry hab jelly. Tried some this morning on some toast and it was off the chain. Not gonna last long. 

 Cannot thank you guys enough. You guys are why I love this place  :party: What a great community  :dance:
 And came home last night and saw the giant redtail hawk( I think it is ) sitting on my fence. He did not even run when I opened the door . But he did when he saw Tebow the terrible  :rofl:

 Have a great weekend all. Will update all the new seeds I sowed this weekend. The joy of living in the swamp :)
Super score Jamie \o/ very nice & generous of Matt, Annie and Terry. Cool hawk pic, birds are hard to catch as you say dem fly away, funny how Tebow took off after him. Have a great weekend mon!
romy6 said:
 Slowing a bit but my older plants are not skipping a beat. Just happens most of them are in larger containers and get less direct sun. Go figure. As they say it is what it is with the monster annuum.
 Thank Scotty. Some of them are flourishing while others struggle. Should have put them all in a shady spot but with Tebow controlling the backyard I am limited. They never stop producing but yeah come october they will hopefully go off crazy popd action again 
 Brother man. So grateful you are saving so many seeds. That is one thing I am bad about. I have enough for me and a few others but not enough to spread to everyone. But will start another then keep it protected from you know who 

 So many glogs so little time Andy. I only get to about 10 percent of the ones I want to follow and I have more time than  most . I agree she had a great two year run but I was hoping for many more  :confused:
 Thank you for stopping bye wahlee76. The seeds came from Grant ( junnglerain) . He is not far from you. Has an amazing list of seeds for sale
 I am speechless Mikey. Just wish you could post the taste and smell  :fireball: Thank you. 
Aww, your doggie is so cute.
jedisushi06 said:
I have that book.  It's a great read.  
Romy6 breakfast sausage!  
I took a brain strain and a naga you sent me and mixed them chopped with some Berto Farms sage sausage.
 Yummy!  Love me some brain strain sausage!
 Man Mikey you always be making me hungry:)
PepperDaddler said:
"Tebow The Terrible" ,lol.
"Brain Strain Sausage, yummy!" , does not even sound right...lol.
 Thanks brother and Happy Birthday
WalkGood said:
Super score Jamie \o/ very nice & generous of Matt, Annie and Terry. Cool hawk pic, birds are hard to catch as you say dem fly away, funny how Tebow took off after him. Have a great weekend mon!
 You know it ray ray. I got lucky with that bird. He was not sacred at all. 
roper2008 said:
Aww, your doggie is so cute.
Linda Lou looks can be deceiving. 
jedisushi06 said:
tastes so good but comes out screaming from my bottom!
 I hear ya on that Mikey . 
 So it was a great but short weekend. Have some sad news to report . look away if you are faint of heart. My in ground birgits have succumb to some type of virus or massive mite infestation. My bug control did not get here in time. 

 Just topped him and hoping for the best. The little guy next to him is in trouble too
 Good news is I kept two birgits in containers and this one is growing nicely so I ma not completely out of the grow contest

Did manage to get a few pods picked today. Nothing special but I ain't complaining. 

 And my not orange primo is putting out a second round of nice pods

 Picked 3 Florida Reapers today. Decided to make some sauce

6 nice baseball sized fresh picked local maters
1/4 cup of rice vinegar 
1/5 cup of minced garlic
3 reapers 
1 madballz
1 dorsett naga

handful of aji lemons
handful of carrots 
1 peruvian serlano
dash of all spice
dash of italian seasoning
tablespoon of balsamic vinegar
 Smoked with apple and mesquite at 200 for an hour and a half


Sliced up ready for the smoker

Brought in and blended then simmered at medium for 20 minutes

 PH was perfect

 Canned and warm bath

 Done. This is gonna go great with some fish and rice tonight. 
Okay first person to name the starting quarterback for my favorite college team will get a free jar of this sauce. Must be in the USA. Sorry guys I am poor:) 
That hot sauce looks good.   Probably too hot for me.  I just made some pepper jelly out of the Carolina Reapers that had smooth small pods.  
It should be hot, but the sugar will tame it some.  Will make a good dip.  Sorry about your birgits.  Mine has pods, and is away from all my other
peppers, so it should be pure for next growing season.  I will pot it next year.
6 nice baseball sized fresh picked local maters
1/4 cup of rice vinegar 
1/5 cup of minced garlic
3 reapers 
1 madballz
1 dorsett naga

handful of aji lemons
1 peruvian serlano
dash of all spice
dash of italian seasoning
tablespoon of balsamic vinegar
and Carrots?  :confused:  ;) :D
 Mikey you are the winner. I have your addy  :fireball:
 Trippa yes carrots too. Thanks broham:)
 Linda it is hot but so tasty. You would love it. eating it with some fish and it is super tasty. 

 I think you are correct Trippa. Just don't want to face the facts 