• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

romy6 2013

Well 2012 is old news so time to push onward. It was a great year for me pepperwise. If you did not get a chance to follow me last year and would like to check it out here is the link http://thehotpepper.com/topic/27252-romy6-2012/. It will save me from explaining my grow and being redundant. I am an outdoor grower only from start to finish. I try to keep my aphid /bug colonies to a minimum while batteling the temps as while growing in east central Florida. I plan on growing many other new varieties in a few months so keep an eye out. Until then I wish a great grow for all and look forward to following all of your grows. After fighting off the tequilla hangover this moring I managed to stumble along and pick my first harvest of the new year. Some yellow 7's, yellow scorps, yellw scotch bonnets with a tail, hybrid bhut, not douglah, mystery annums, choc hab , cho bhut bhut and a choc bhut x yellow 7 f3. Winter pods are always a little funky looking IMHO :rolleyes:

:dance: Happy New Year :dance:

Hi Jamie,
   Glad to know about the 7-pot White and Yellow Jonah... Does the Brown Moruga taste anything like a Doughah? How thin did you slice the Garlic before you tried to grind it if you thought you were going to break the blades? The finished product looked pretty good though. Take care guy!
I slice the garlic in 1/8" slices then put them in the dehydrator with the peppers. I don't notice it being any harder on my coffee grinder than the peppers.
The powder looks great. What is in it besides the garlic?
Devv said:
Very nice Jamie!
Pod sizes are really up there in size too.
Cute little human girl you have there! She cracked me up!
Powder looks great too!
I wonder if slicing the garlic would help, maybe place it on a small piece of screen? IDK, but thanks for the tip!
Have a great week!
 Thanks Scott. She is my princess. I am blessed. Yeah I sliced them in half which was a mistake. Next time I will cut them up much smaller. 
stickman said:
Hi Jamie,
   Glad to know about the 7-pot White and Yellow Jonah... Does the Brown Moruga taste anything like a Doughah? How thin did you slice the Garlic before you tried to grind it if you thought you were going to break the blades? The finished product looked pretty good though. Take care guy!
 Thanks Rick. The brown moruga tasted much like a douglah. I think. The heat came on so fast I didn't really get to enjoy it much. Cut the garlic  in halves. Way too big.  :rolleyes:
Jeff H said:
I slice the garlic in 1/8" slices then put them in the dehydrator with the peppers. I don't notice it being any harder on my coffee grinder than the peppers.
The powder looks great. What is in it besides the garlic?
 Good idea Jeff. Live and learn my friend. I added a pinch of sea salt just to sweeten it up.  ;)
jedisushi06 said:
Nice looking powder buddy!  How's that yellow jonah taste?
 Thanks Mike. I saved u some. The Jonah was very much like a yellow 7. Really tasty and a slight citrus under tone.  :drooling:
Bodeen said:
Looking good!!!
 Thanks Jeff !!!!!!!!!!!!! :fireball:
Brown Moruga internal picture came out great, I love those cut in half pictures, sure looks wicked mon. Nice video too, I love the way you walk around ID’ing dem all … sad to see your Brain missing but I’m sure you’ll grow another bigger lady.
Powder looks great, super fresh! What did you put in the powder besides garlic? Great looking coke bottle salt shaker.
Beautiful color on the featured pods, nice shot with the glass table … have a great week brethren ^_^
Lookin great my brother!  1/2 pound of powder!! WOW That is a nice haul!  Those Brown Morugas are no joke, I ate that whole pod and it came up not long after the camera turned off....no bueno! And I am super jealous on that Purple Bhut X T. Viper.  I grew a few from Brandon and mine all turned green :(  I am planning on planting a half dozen or so seeds in hopes a couple pop purple. 
Hey, Jamie.  Glad to see that the Romymachine is still rollin' along.  
I hope the weather has in fact mellowed out for you.  You need the
rest of those pods to ripen!  Plants look loaded - right on.
As always, some intriguing and interesting varieties you're showing!
The seed I got from the yellow CARDI scorpion you sent me last year has produced wonderfully for me this year.  I almost didn't grow it, but decided to try and I'm glad I did.  It was kind of a rough year, but the two CARDI's I planted did very well.  The pods are really coming in now.  Here's a shot of one:


It's putting out some beautiful pods - great shape and color:


I picked one just yesterday and took it to a church dinner meeting.  I got a dairy farmer to try it, and was trying to impress him by explaining that an Ag research department developed this strain.  He couldn't get past the heat.  The table full of ladies by us got a real kick out of the whole thing.
Anyway - thanks!
WalkGood said:
Brown Moruga internal picture came out great, I love those cut in half pictures, sure looks wicked mon. Nice video too, I love the way you walk around ID’ing dem all … sad to see your Brain missing but I’m sure you’ll grow another bigger lady.
Powder looks great, super fresh! What did you put in the powder besides garlic? Great looking coke bottle salt shaker.
Beautiful color on the featured pods, nice shot with the glass table … have a great week brethren ^_^
 Thank brethren Raymon. Just added  a pinch of sea salt. Almost as good as your MoA salt you sent me.Very hot indeed. I sneezed twenty time last night packaging some up.   :fireball:
MGOLD86 said:
Lookin great my brother!  1/2 pound of powder!! WOW That is a nice haul!  Those Brown Morugas are no joke, I ate that whole pod and it came up not long after the camera turned off....no bueno! And I am super jealous on that Purple Bhut X T. Viper.  I grew a few from Brandon and mine all turned green :(  I am planning on planting a half dozen or so seeds in hopes a couple pop purple. 
 I may have pulled the old fish was 50 inches when it was more like 30 inches when I said almost a 1/2 pound Matt  :shh:  But it did make more than I though with the amount of pods I dried. I think the garlic really added to the weight. I will try to send you a few pods on the purple bhut X viper when and if I get pods. 
PaulG said:
Hey, Jamie.  Glad to see that the Romymachine is still rollin' along.  
I hope the weather has in fact mellowed out for you.  You need the
rest of those pods to ripen!  Plants look loaded - right on.
As always, some intriguing and interesting varieties you're showing!
  66 degrees here today Paul  :dance: l. It was so nice I did not want to go inside . Plants look'd more happy than they have in a long time. Thanks for stopping bye and the kind words. 
Pulpiteer said:
The seed I got from the yellow CARDI scorpion you sent me last year has produced wonderfully for me this year.  I almost didn't grow it, but decided to try and I'm glad I did.  It was kind of a rough year, but the two CARDI's I planted did very well.  The pods are really coming in now.  Here's a shot of one:


It's putting out some beautiful pods - great shape and color:


I picked one just yesterday and took it to a church dinner meeting.  I got a dairy farmer to try it, and was trying to impress him by explaining that an Ag research department developed this strain.  He couldn't get past the heat.  The table full of ladies by us got a real kick out of the whole thing.
Anyway - thanks!
 No thank you Andy . The yellow Cardi is indeed one of if not the strongest pepper plant i have ever had the pleasure of growing. Great tasting, nice heat , and perfect pods. Glad they did well for you. I see some nice jam and sauce in your near future  :onfire:
 Gonna have some nice pics here soon. Plants are really dialing in . With the cooler temps I see many sfrb's hitting the highway  :P
romy6 said:
Thank brethren Raymon. Just added  a pinch of sea salt. Almost as good as your MoA salt you sent me.Very hot indeed. I sneezed twenty time last night packaging some up.   :fireball: … …  
I’m sure your infused salts are just as good or better than mine … I don’t recall what was in the one I sent but that doesn’t surprise me, lol. But I should have written dat on the pack, glad you liked it ... The heat picante you describe sounds great, always cool to read how you enjoy your concoctions, keep up da killer work brethren :)
I’ve been using garlic & onion powder with my picante infused salts lately. I loved the way the mango one came out but even with 8+ trays I can’t dry enough fruits to make more than one small batch, you should give that a try too. Hope to get some pictures and info up tomorrow after some work with my brother and sisters, have a wonderful Friday mon!
WalkGood said:
I’m sure your infused salts are just as good or better than mine … I don’t recall what was in the one I sent but that doesn’t surprise me, lol. But I should have written dat on the pack, glad you liked it ... The heat picante you describe sounds great, always cool to read how you enjoy your concoctions, keep up da killer work brethren :)
I’ve been using garlic & onion powder with my picante infused salts lately. I loved the way the mango one came out but even with 8+ trays I can’t dry enough fruits to make more than one small batch, you should give that a try too. Hope to get some pictures and info up tomorrow after some work with my brother and sisters, have a wonderful Friday mon!
 Ramon, Nice to hear you are enjoying my 1/5 of your level descriptions of my pods . I will most likely send you a few to get a real description of them  ;)  Might have a few white 7's for ya 
Plant is so loaded down it keeps leaning to one side

Bodeen said:
That Cardi is one sexy looking plant.  
Nice care package in the mail today...many many thanks.  I written more about it in my glog.  I need to do the garlic salt like your sent.  Haven't tasted it yet but it sure smells wonderful.
 Glad you like the powder Jeff. Can't wait to see you grow some brown morugas. They will spice up an omelet really well  :fireball:
 Finally got a chance to work on the garden for a few hours yesterday. Again found a ton of aphids and ants  :mope:
Decided to pick all the ripe ones and blast them again. Never have I  had to spray so many times in a year  :crazy:  


Few pod shots
My yellow naga from wayright is really dialed in. Producing giant pods 


Sepia serpents. First off smaller plant

Larger plant producing giant pods. Both plants have very douglah like shape 

Couple mystery plants


funky reaper

Bump please 
Go Madballz! And those white 7's and yeller Nagas and YJonahs look . . .  so I send you 5.80 through PPal and maaaan, I really want to taste W7, YN and YJ and some seeds. (Of course, Madballz is critical but can wait out pod ripening--am sorry about the BA Brain tree that crucified so many gastrointestinal sites of eaters but a red brain will do that in a nanosecond!) 
Nice to see the uptick in your grow brother Jamie... looks like the cooler temperatures are reviving your garden! Dang those Aphids and Mites... seems like there are always at least a few Ants at every picnic, but it's a drag that so many showed up for you. Too bad you don't have enough space to effectively practice crop rotation so you could lose them the easy way...
 Annie thank you for the bump and you owe me nothing. I will have a nice variety to send ya in a week or so. :dance:  
Rick, could not agree more. I have been thrown to the side of the house by my wife and dog :liar: . Luckily that is the sunniest part in my yard  :party:
Few more pics
Peruvian Serlano is a great pepper. Low heat but makes up for it in productivity and flavor 

Loving the yellow jonah. Almost getting a SBJ7 shape. And great flavor 

Madballz Annie ?

My Birgit Locoto is loving the lower humidity and cooler temps like a good baccatum should

Giant chco hab was cutback due to infestation. Coming back strong. Just two weeks growth 

 And my newest pepper is the yellow chiguanas. 

 A very cool looking pepper. Lots of oils and nice amount of heat. There were only 3 seeds in this pod.

 Not quite as tasty as the yellow jonah but not bad. Had a little more of a earthy flavor . But cooked with some spices or smoked that could easily be taken care of. Even caused my wife to hiccup ( that is not something that yellow pods usually do ).  :hell:
Had a nice mouth burn for about 5 minutes.  :fireball:
Watched pots and boiling . . . am going to cease obsessing on that Madballz plant and see if that . . . WORKS! lol
Either Shane or Jason hurt me with the chiguanas--let's blame it on Shane!--(but it was probably Jason)--right on about that uh flavor and heat profile for a 7! Woah.
Holy Dole Pineapples from O‘ahu … oh that’s right Dole closed da plantations in Hawaii, moved dem to Jamie’s house in FL, lol
Super harvest, love the colors and the Pineapple touch … classy pics you be throwing at us and I for one am enjoying dem, great job!
Your plants are looking good, I’m getting hit with mites again … I had the best ladybug thing going for months and when da weather cooled off they’ve flown the coup. I sure hope they come back as I hate to start spraying again.
Loving your pod pics, super nice … Yellow Naga has that kick azz green look and loaded up very nice. Sepia has that same coloration to the leaves, you’re going to be pulling some great hauls … Man that Peruvian Serlano looks very cool, low heat shouldn’t be a problem if da flavor is great like you say. All da other pods look awesome too, very interesting how your yellow chiguanas only has 3 seeds. I found that in my white bhuts, very low seed counts but over time they seem to be providing a few more. Actually I like low seed counts, surprised no one has focused on breeding seedless like fine oranges or grapes.
Hab a great week!