• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

romy6 2013

Well 2012 is old news so time to push onward. It was a great year for me pepperwise. If you did not get a chance to follow me last year and would like to check it out here is the link http://thehotpepper.com/topic/27252-romy6-2012/. It will save me from explaining my grow and being redundant. I am an outdoor grower only from start to finish. I try to keep my aphid /bug colonies to a minimum while batteling the temps as while growing in east central Florida. I plan on growing many other new varieties in a few months so keep an eye out. Until then I wish a great grow for all and look forward to following all of your grows. After fighting off the tequilla hangover this moring I managed to stumble along and pick my first harvest of the new year. Some yellow 7's, yellow scorps, yellw scotch bonnets with a tail, hybrid bhut, not douglah, mystery annums, choc hab , cho bhut bhut and a choc bhut x yellow 7 f3. Winter pods are always a little funky looking IMHO :rolleyes:

:dance: Happy New Year :dance:

  • OMG pods (this white does look white \o/, Sepia looking deadly and da Jonah is bitchin mon)
  • Seedlings (Red Rocoto, Manzano) look awesome!
  • I’m going to steal what Jamison said and up it to total badassery again, great job brethren!
Jamison said:
Sepia looking badass! I think they are the most badass looking pod on this planet!
 Could not agree more J . Gonna sample one tonight  :fireball:
WalkGood said:
  • OMG pods (this white does look white \o/, Sepia looking deadly and da Jonah is bitchin mon)
  • Seedlings (Red Rocoto, Manzano) look awesome!
  • I’m going to steal what Jamison said and up it to total badassery again, great job brethren!
 Thanks Ray Man!!!! 
Devv said:
+1 on 1002  And the salsa looks tasty!
 Thanks Scotty. It was yummy. Orange thais are great for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 7 pot white ( I love this plant if you have not noticed  ;) )

 And some sad news. I had to get rid of the Monster Brain strain, it was so infected with bugs even my strongest peritherins were no match for it . It had a great new and a half years and supplied seeds and pods to many folks
No pics. But a small harvest. Kinda pathetic actually

 My nice new pods, yellow jonah's white 7's and sepia serpent. 

And look out for some tasty powder soon  :dance:
Sad to hear about the monster brain, damn bugs, I've had my share too this year.
Hey any harvest is a good harvest, and I know with the weather changing you'll be loaded down real soon. Mine have finally started to do something.
Lots of powder material there too!
Have a great week!
 Thanks Mike and Scott. U guys are inspiration enough for  for me to keep my grow log on  :fireball:
Today I sampled my first home grown sepia serpent. This is one bad ass pepper. Ate a small sliver and my mouth was on fire for a good 20. Very clean tasting. More douglah like than Scorp . Which is a good thing. 



 And had to cook up some more edible peppers for dinner

 Happy hump day eve all
Damn...and I was just braggin about what a genius you were with your BA Brains...Suck man. :drunk: I'm gonna pour out a little for our fallen homie...
Sorry about my absence brotha...everything looking A O K over here...some awesome food, packages and powders going on as always!   
  • Dam I’m sorry to read of your loss :/ We should set aside a day to commemorate your gardens fallen hero … she sure put out some marvelous pods ^_^
  • Love da harvest, beautiful colors of lush pods … awesome mon!
  • Bags of dehydrated pods look great, how long do you store before you grind them?
  • Wow your Sepia Serpent sounds super picante, nice description and great close ups shots. She almost looks like she’s ready to drip Capsaicin juice, MMMM… juicy pod!
  • Have a great week brethren!
capsidadburn said:
Jamie, those bags of multi colored dried pods are just fabulous looking!  Great looking 7 pot white plant too!
 Thank you Mike!!!
Devv said:
Sad to hear about the monster brain, damn bugs, I've had my share too this year.
Hey any harvest is a good harvest, and I know with the weather changing you'll be loaded down real soon. Mine have finally started to do something.
Lots of powder material there too!
Have a great week!
 Sad but it was time to focus on some new stuff anyway. She had a long run and lived a happy life. Thanks Scott
stickman said:
Sorry to hear about the demise of the Monster Brain bro', but I see you've drowned your sorrows in the Sepia Serpent pods... :fireball: Hoo, that'll clear up your sinuses! Cheers mate!
 Brother Rick. I was breathing quite well after that. Now I get to battle the brown moruga. I am very scared :)
stc3248 said:
Damn...and I was just braggin about what a genius you were with your BA Brains...Suck man. :drunk: I'm gonna pour out a little for our fallen homie...
Sorry about my absence brotha...everything looking A O K over here...some awesome food, packages and powders going on as always!   
 No worries Shane. life always get's in the way . Glad you are back and the petal is to the metal :)
RocketMan said:
NO, No, no, say it isn't so! The Brain Tree has passed
:pray:  RIP sir tree
Sorry for your loss Jamie, that was a heck of a pepper plant. On the other hand your Sepia Serpent look'n good.
 You were one of the few guys to actually see her in person. And yes I think the Sepia is gonna replace her just fine  :dance:
Pulpiteer said:
I will join in with everyone and offer my condolences for the fallen Brain Strain plant.
**moment of silence**
Although, that was the plant that sent the pod that really messed me up? (Stomach celebrates learning of a foe's demise)

That asparagus looks tasty...
 Thank you Andy. I still remember you eating that pod. I was thinking better u than me. 
Jeff H said:
My condolences as well. A sad day to loose a pepper plant to pests. 
 Thank you Jeff. It hurts losing any plant much less one that was as old and productive as that baby. 
WalkGood said:
  • Dam I’m sorry to read of your loss :/ We should set aside a day to commemorate your gardens fallen hero … she sure put out some marvelous pods ^_^
  • Love da harvest, beautiful colors of lush pods … awesome mon!
  • Bags of dehydrated pods look great, how long do you store before you grind them?
  • Wow your Sepia Serpent sounds super picante, nice description and great close ups shots. She almost looks like she’s ready to drip Capsaicin juice, MMMM… juicy pod!
  • Have a great week brethren!
Thank you Ramon
I usually grind them up in a week tops. But it has been a little longer with coaching my sons baseball team. 
She was dripping juice. One hot mama jamma  :fireball:
 So first I would like to share an amazing package I received last night from saugapepper via Judy ( pepperlover.com) . Totally hit me by suprise. A full box of chocolate morugas  :onfire:  . Just cannot thank you enough Conor. And thank you Judy for being such an amazing grower and kind chilhead. 

 And had two sweet tasty pepper last night. Both would be great in any pepper fanatic's garden. The 7 pod white and the yellow jonah. 
The 7 white is a great pepper with medium heat. Habanero level heat. Has a very clean almost zest flavor to eat. Not bitter aftertaste or earth flavor whatsoever. Would be great for salsa or grilled up  with your vittles. 

And the yellow jonah is another great tasting pepper. Heat level and taste is very much like it's cousin the yellow 7. Pod shape is very eratic like many unstable varieties. But overall a nice sweet citrusy pepper with no ill flavors at all. A nice replacement for my yellow 7's for the moment. 
Peppers are looking good my friend.  Sorry to read about the demise of the plant...I know a little late but condolences anyway.  I had to check in and get my "romy6" fix....LOL.
That white sounds mighty tasty and that yellow jonah just looks sexy good.  Might have to think about these two.  My garden is already plenty yellow for next year lol.  Does PepperLover carry those seeds too?
  • Mmmmm choco morugas super giftage and very nice of Conor to pass dat pepper love ... pass him da hat mon \o_
  • Great to read you are digging da White 7s mon, I just transplanted 3 seedlings from their eggs to their first set of real shoes today and I can’t wait till my new girls put out, hahahaha
  • Wow dat Yellow Jonah looks awesome, great photoging brethren
  • Hope you have a great weekend \o/
Devv said:
Those brown pods look evil!
Let us know how you like them, and there's something about the flavor of the yellows that can't be beat!
Have a great weekend!
 The brown morugas are deadly. Deseeded a bunch Friday night and my whole face was on fire for like an hour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Taste , could not tell from the pain I was in .  :mouthonfire:

Barley-pop57 said:
Peppers are looking good my friend.  Sorry to read about the demise of the plant...I know a little late but condolences anyway.  I had to check in and get my "romy6" fix....LOL.
 Thanks Mike. It had to go. It was feeding the aphids too well. 
Bodeen said:
That white sounds mighty tasty and that yellow jonah just looks sexy good.  Might have to think about these two.  My garden is already plenty yellow for next year lol.  Does PepperLover carry those seeds too?
 Judy has about everything. I would check out her site for sure. I got some yellow scorps headed your way. Might be a bonus as well  :shh:
WalkGood said:

  • Mmmmm choco morugas super giftage and very nice of Conor to pass dat pepper love ... pass him da hat mon \o_

  • Great to read you are digging da White 7s mon, I just transplanted 3 seedlings from their eggs to their first set of real shoes today and I can’t wait till my new girls put out, hahahaha

  • Wow dat Yellow Jonah looks awesome, great photoging brethren

  • Hope you have a great weekend \o/

 Conor is an amazing friend. He would give you his left arm if you ask'd him too.  :fireball:  I will have some white 7's for you to sample soon. Thanks Ray Ray!!!!!
 Here is a quick vid I made of the new garden. Seems empty without the old Brain tree  :tear: Very fuzzy vid I guess it was too dark  :rolleyes: I called the white 7 a yellow in memory of it fallen comrades  :pray:
And a few pics of the powder i made last night. It was tasty . Grinding the garlic was very tricky. I thought it was going to break the blades of my blinder at one point  :crazy:

The garlic after grinding

The finished product made about a 1/2 pound of powder  :twisted:


some peppers 
Very nice Jamie!
Pod sizes are really up there in size too.
Cute little human girl you have there! She cracked me up!
Powder looks great too!
I wonder if slicing the garlic would help, maybe place it on a small piece of screen? IDK, but thanks for the tip!
Have a great week!