• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

romy6 2013

Well 2012 is old news so time to push onward. It was a great year for me pepperwise. If you did not get a chance to follow me last year and would like to check it out here is the link http://thehotpepper.com/topic/27252-romy6-2012/. It will save me from explaining my grow and being redundant. I am an outdoor grower only from start to finish. I try to keep my aphid /bug colonies to a minimum while batteling the temps as while growing in east central Florida. I plan on growing many other new varieties in a few months so keep an eye out. Until then I wish a great grow for all and look forward to following all of your grows. After fighting off the tequilla hangover this moring I managed to stumble along and pick my first harvest of the new year. Some yellow 7's, yellow scorps, yellw scotch bonnets with a tail, hybrid bhut, not douglah, mystery annums, choc hab , cho bhut bhut and a choc bhut x yellow 7 f3. Winter pods are always a little funky looking IMHO :rolleyes:

:dance: Happy New Year :dance:

MGOLD86 said:
Great idea with the boxes, do you dry the garlic as well??
 The garlic came from Devan( FreeportBum ) . He said I could dry it just like my peppers. Si that is what i am doing. I have a feeling they will take longer than the peppers though . Anyone know how long it takes garlic to dry at 105 degrees?  :lol:

capsidadburn said:
SFRB's look good Jamie. Love the THP mail truck. MMMmmm Garlic pepper!!!
 Thanks Mike. This is a very generous community I am very lucky to be apart of. 
meatfreak said:
You got more then enough heat going for you, Jamie :D Making some hot sauce of all the pods? It's funny, you want summer to end and we don't want it to end :lol: How's it going with your Jal's, any survivors after the hot summer?
 Yep Stefan, different strokes for different folks. I only have one Jalapeno left. It is really struggling with the heat. If I can milk it another month i have a feeling it will prosper. I am making a garlic pepper powder :)
Devv said:
Nice haul on the SFRB's!
Can't beat the THP peeps!
Have a great week!
Thank you Scotty. Great bunch for sure  :party:
WalkGood said:
Awesome pod gifts, great pics and you say "not much going on at romy6 pavilion," lol. There's always something shaking at your place and the heat looks incredible. Great to read your plants are kicking into higher gear, mine have had a boost as well with the last few days of rain, starting to see some flowers ... hope these next pods are bigga, the last harvest for me was embarrassing. Have a great week brethren!  [SIZE=12pt] [/SIZE]
 Well Ray compared to some nothing much. But I guess I am never spiced challenged ;)  Yep the pods have been small and the flower drop large. But that is all changing with the nice weather headed our way  :pray: Amen 
Hey Jamie everything looks great, just dry the garlic until it's not sticky anymore and snaps when you bend a slice. I slice and dehydrate almost 50 heads of garlic here. After it's dry I leave it sliced and turn it into powder when I am ready to use it. But even after it is run through the grinder it will keep great flavor for a long time.  all the best
JAMIE, my Brother, how's it going way up north there  :rofl:
Nope, I'm not gone just been working my arse off. It's really kicked my time on here to the pavement too. Now if I want to check the Glogs I have to read them on the IPhone so I can see the pics and then I can use my puter to post comments but if I want to post a pic it's back to the IPhone, phew! Man, those are some Bodacious pods you got there and those Jays peach Pods look beautiful and dude, what a great gift from Buddy. I'll be PMing you this weekend to see about setting up a pow-wow at the new launch pad. Hoping the new Garlic sauce will be ready by then so you can get a taste of it.
Take care Brethren and hey, IT'S FRIDAY EVE!!!
FreeportBum said:
Hey Jamie everything looks great, just dry the garlic until it's not sticky anymore and snaps when you bend a slice. I slice and dehydrate almost 50 heads of garlic here. After it's dry I leave it sliced and turn it into powder when I am ready to use it. But even after it is run through the grinder it will keep great flavor for a long time.  all the best
 Thanks Dev. The garlic is taking forever to dry but I think it will be ready to grind this weekend. Next time I will cut it into smaller pieces. 
WalkGood said:
The pirate speaks,"Ahoy brethren Jamie … nice giftage from Devan! Hope you guys had an awesome pirates day! Arrrr!"
  Thank you Raymond. The gifts just never stop. I love you guys. 
Devv said:
Never though about drying garlic. My whole crop went south when we went on vacation.
Another lesson learned!
 Yep Dev gave me the idea and sent me so much fresh garlic I had to maximize it's potential !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RocketMan said:
JAMIE, my Brother, how's it going way up north there  :rofl:
Nope, I'm not gone just been working my arse off. It's really kicked my time on here to the pavement too. Now if I want to check the Glogs I have to read them on the IPhone so I can see the pics and then I can use my puter to post comments but if I want to post a pic it's back to the IPhone, phew! Man, those are some Bodacious pods you got there and those Jays peach Pods look beautiful and dude, what a great gift from Buddy. I'll be PMing you this weekend to see about setting up a pow-wow at the new launch pad. Hoping the new Garlic sauce will be ready by then so you can get a taste of it.
Take care Brethren and hey, IT'S FRIDAY EVE!!!
 Brother Bill. So nice to hear from you . I feel ya on no time for blogging. Between coaching my sons baseball team ( what was I thinking  :crazy: ) and daughter joining a dance club I don'y know what day or time it is. 
  Amazing package of joy from Annie. Beautiful giant tasty orange thai's 
Thank you Annie

 And have not checked on the garden in a week  :neutral:  Rained everyday for 5 days. Found a nice surprise. New perfectly ripe white 7 pods. A plant that has been dodging my efforts to grow for way too long  :)

 And madballz plant is dialed in. 

 Happy sailing my brethrens. Keep it hot and spicy and have a great weekend. It was a double god morning
I forgot to mention I picked up some nice small pumpkins yesterday and I have a nice collection of Douglahs. So, I'm thinking that I might just make this years Flaming Pumpkin a Douglah sauce. Well, half of it anyways, I'd need another good pound or so of Douglahs so make a full batch. Plus I have enough pepper love in the Freezer to get a batch of Rocket Fuel going too :)
Happy Days are coming, cue Music, " Sunday, Monday Happy Days......"
RocketMan said:
I forgot to mention I picked up some nice small pumpkins yesterday and I have a nice collection of Douglahs. So, I'm thinking that I might just make this years Flaming Pumpkin a Douglah sauce. Well, half of it anyways, I'd need another good pound or so of Douglahs so make a full batch. Plus I have enough pepper love in the Freezer to get a batch of Rocket Fuel going too :)
Happy Days are coming, cue Music, " Sunday, Monday Happy Days......"
 Happy days are here again........ :dance: Billster, can't wait to see the new hacienda . Did you say pumkin and douglah in the same sentence  :hotsauce:
Devv said:
Glad to see things perking up!
I'm actually starting to see some of the supers do what they are supposed to, hopefully this was the last of the mid 90's...96° yesterday!
Scott weather is turning for sure. Now to make it stop raining.  :lol:
capsidadburn said:
Madballs looks great Jamie!
 Thanks Mike. That plant is a monster
Pulpiteer said:
Oh wow! Whew!! A double Rainbow!!! Double Rainbow all the way!!! Whew!!
 Yep don't see those often brother Andy  :shocked:
Barley-pop57 said:
Jamie,  I had to check in and get my daily dose of your good fortune :rofl:  and see what's for supper.  Seriously though, keep up the good work and con't good luck amigo.
Thanks Mike. Nice to hear from ya. Now I pic I know you have been dying to see. My first almost ripe sepia serpent :)
 Okay stupid photobucket site is down so I will post pics later Gators!!!!!!!!
Hi Jamie, those are some nice looking Orange Thais you got from Annie... how do they taste? I got some seeds for them this spring, but had so much going on already that I never ended up planting them.
Good catch with the double rainbow pic, and your back yard is looking a lot more lush now that the rain has come back. Cheers guy!
romy6 said:
 Happy days are here again........ :dance: Billster, can't wait to see the new hacienda . Did you say pumkin and douglah in the same sentence  :hotsauce:
Looking like might be next Friday. I'll double check with the CPO, Cheif Partay Officer ;) and make sure so don't make any plans till I PM you. Well unless plans are already made, you know.

Why yes, yes I did use Pumpkin and Douglah I'm the same sentence. :)
Jamie, dem OJ Thai’s look super, hats off to Annie \o_
Hope all that rain was beneficial, I kept seeing it on net radar but not as much hit us down south, it was very light for us but very needed. Nice looking 7s, do the Whites ripen yellow or are they “not’s?” Great to read your Madballz is setting up to deliver and I have one question, how did you know I was going sailing ;)
Have a great day & week brethren!
Jamison said:
MadBallz beasting out eh? Them white 7's look cool. Have a good weekend Jamie!
 Thanks J man. The weekend was awesome!!!! Yelow 7's and maballz are even sweeter. 
stickman said:
Hi Jamie, those are some nice looking Orange Thais you got from Annie... how do they taste? I got some seeds for them this spring, but had so much going on already that I never ended up planting them.
Good catch with the double rainbow pic, and your back yard is looking a lot more lush now that the rain has come back. Cheers guy!
 The orange Thais are amazing Rick. Annie is the bomb. Much like a normal Thai only sweeter and more better. Made a tasty salsa with some yesterday. Everyone loved it. Pics to follow. 
RocketMan said:
Looking like might be next Friday. I'll double check with the CPO, Cheif Partay Officer ;) and make sure so don't make any plans till I PM you. Well unless plans are already made, you know.

Why yes, yes I did use Pumpkin and Douglah I'm the same sentence. :)
 Friday does not look good Bill. Heading to G'ville for  Gator football game.  Can't wait to see the I mean taste the pumpkin sauce again. One of my all time favorite's. 
WalkGood said:
Jamie, dem OJ Thai’s look super, hats off to Annie \o_
Hope all that rain was beneficial, I kept seeing it on net radar but not as much hit us down south, it was very light for us but very needed. Nice looking 7s, do the Whites ripen yellow or are they “not’s?” Great to read your Madballz is setting up to deliver and I have one question, how did you know I was going sailing ;)
Have a great day & week brethren!
 The Thais are amazing. I highly recommend you grow some. I know I will be. They are also HUGE.  
White 7's are a little on the yellow side. But still love them for taste and over productivity. I will send ya a few and you can be the judge. 
Lucky guess on the sailing brother  ;)
 So sorry ass photobucket appears to be working again. So here ya go!!!
Mike the Sepia Serpent looks nasty. Very true for a F3 

The 7 pod white 

 Yellow Jonah's. Soon I will sample . Pods look really cool


The Pubes are growing fast  :rofl:
Red Rocoto


 And purple bhut X viper is starting to take off. Love this plant

 And made some tasty salsa for the Gator game. It was devoured fast. Orange Thais were a hit. 


Have a great Sunday all. And a fast week ahead