• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

romy6 2013

Well 2012 is old news so time to push onward. It was a great year for me pepperwise. If you did not get a chance to follow me last year and would like to check it out here is the link http://thehotpepper.com/topic/27252-romy6-2012/. It will save me from explaining my grow and being redundant. I am an outdoor grower only from start to finish. I try to keep my aphid /bug colonies to a minimum while batteling the temps as while growing in east central Florida. I plan on growing many other new varieties in a few months so keep an eye out. Until then I wish a great grow for all and look forward to following all of your grows. After fighting off the tequilla hangover this moring I managed to stumble along and pick my first harvest of the new year. Some yellow 7's, yellow scorps, yellw scotch bonnets with a tail, hybrid bhut, not douglah, mystery annums, choc hab , cho bhut bhut and a choc bhut x yellow 7 f3. Winter pods are always a little funky looking IMHO :rolleyes:

:dance: Happy New Year :dance:

Bodeen said:
Glaze up some chicken or pork with that jelly and dig in!!!!
 That does sound tasty Jeff. Might try that tonight. Sweet and spicy glazed chicken. 
Dot Com said:
All the thread food & condiment pics makin' me hungry :P
 Glad I could urge your hunger :)
Sanarda said:
YUMMMYYYYYYYY :dance:  :onfire:  :dance:  :onfire:
 Thank you Pia . 
WalkGood said:
For being “slightly under influence” as you say the pictures are wonderful, awesome job on dis pod porn & Tebow guarding da casa!
Hab a super Sunday!!!
 The pics were taken pre intoxication  :rofl:
Penny said:
Question for you.....is the Peruvian serlano pepper, is it very hot? And what a cute best friend too!
 Thank you Penny. Not very hot at all
Bodeen said:
Serlano isn't a really hot pepper
Penny said:
Cool thanks! ;)  On a scale of 1-10, what would you rate it?
 On a scale I would agree with Jeff. Maybe a 4 . Serlano type heat. I could get you some seeds Penny if you desire to grow them. 
 Had a small harvest last night. White 7's, sepia serpents,madballz, nagas, yellow and red jonah's ,yellow cardi scoprs, yellow primos, douglah's, peruvian serlano's, and a few birgits. 
Nice harvest Jamie!
Tebow is looking mighty stout there!
Now that a little older is he better behaved? My pits have always trained themselves...they just seem to know what you want out of them..
Have a great week!
Jamie it's great man, I see you're still growing, picking , eating peppers. I saw a picture of the steak...wow. That got me so hungry I ripped open a bag of  halloween candy....no kidding, I'm on my 3rd Snickers bar...........just ain't the same as that delish looking steak.
I envy you Flo Gro'ers.
Heck I'd be happy right now just to come down to the great, sunny weather, tailgate at a college game and get drunk..happy !
Good luck with the rest of your season.......does it ever end ?
Penny said:
Last nights harvest looks like colors of the rainbow! :dance:
 Thank you Mrs Penny :)
Devv said:
Nice harvest Jamie!
Tebow is looking mighty stout there!
Now that a little older is he better behaved? My pits have always trained themselves...they just seem to know what you want out of them..
Have a great week!
 Scott, Tebow is getting better but still only a year old. For the most part he is a great dog. He rarely tests my patience. But he left home alone way too much. If the wife and I did not work there is doubt he would be a perfect dog. Just gets a little wound up and needs to release some energy. A quick 1 mile walk/run has him very relaxed and happy.  :fireball: You have a great week too!
PIC 1 said:
Jamie it's great man, I see you're still growing, picking , eating peppers. I saw a picture of the steak...wow. That got me so hungry I ripped open a bag of  halloween candy....no kidding, I'm on my 3rd Snickers bar...........just ain't the same as that delish looking steak.
I envy you Flo Gro'ers.
Heck I'd be happy right now just to come down to the great, sunny weather, tailgate at a college game and get drunk..happy !
Good luck with the rest of your season.......does it ever end ?
 Greg for the 1000 times you have made me hungry with your amazing dishes it is nice to be able to pay ya back.  :dance: Would love to have you over for a Gator game. We could have a happy time  :drunk:  Might have a better time at  UCF game ;)  cause my gators are sucking it up this year  :snooty:
The season never ends here. Many times I tell myself I am gonna trash all my plants and start from scratch.  I really don't see that happening because I  enjoy fresh chili's daily and that is a tough habit to break  :P
Have a Happy halloween all
Rose Bush is loving this time of year
 So first I would like to share an awesome package I got from Devv. Scotty sure know's how to grow em. Nastiest reapers I have ever seen, The reaper powder is so tasty I burned my as up that night. Momma came home with some fresh Mole and I had to spice it up. Thank you Scott. 


 Had a nice harvest yesterday. 

And today I decided to try my not yellow naga . Seeds from my brother wayright. Just an amazing productive plant. 

Giant pods 

 At first i was bummed it did not grow true but after sampling a pod today I am loving this pepper. 

Upon slicing it open I could see this pepper was gonna be a hot one. Smelled very bhut/ floral like . Almost a sweet smell. 

 Flavor was very clean and very naga like. Citrusy with no bitter or earthy flavor. . Great for sauces or powders.  But the flavor  was quickly taken over by the heat of this pepper. It attacked my mouth like a swarm of bees . My tongue was the main pain receptor. Very short throat burn and sides of mouth. But mainly  just hit the top and sides of tongue for like 10 minutes. Took a good 20 for the heat to mellow . Stomach is still warm and glowing. Great pepper.Can't wait to cook some sauce with it. 

ur never endings harvests is really awesome lol...im loving it, im waiting for mine grow and bloom, feels like forever now again since i have a lil time to tend on them and hang out in my yard,
Where have I been, 2 great harvests, beautiful pods with great color … looking awesome brethren! Miniature roses looking very good, I let mama’s die but shhhh don’t tell her, lol.
Awesome package of pepper & powder love from brethren Scott, hat’s off to him for sharing da pepper love \o_
Not to diminish your generosity either, you’ve taken care of da whole community here with all your pepper sharing of pods and seeds, so a hat’s off to you as well \o_
Jamie, I love da look on your “not yellow naga,” the color and taste description you’ve shown/wrote about sound fantastic and I agree that pepper will be awesome in sauces or powders. Great write up my friend :)
Hab a great week mon!!!
Bodeen said:
Awesome looking giant pod.  Nice gift box as well.
 Thanks Jeff. It was quite a surprise from our brethren Scott . Pod is nice. 
Pinoy83 said:
thnxxx for the package romy... now can u named the fresh pods for me lol, so i can save the seeds as well

 Wow Jericson that made it fast. I sent that package out saturday. Made i all the way to the islands in under 72 hours. Looks like one pod did make the trip. He wanted to see the island so bad too :rofl: Please make sure he has a proper burial.You have one small brown 7, 4 mutated reaper pods( do not save seeds from these pods, just for flavor and heat) , 2 white 7's,1 yellow jonah,2 peruvian serlano's, one dead yellow chiguanas, And some of my favorite spice blend yet. Enjoy my brotha from anotha. 
Penny said:
Nice looking pod, for a not yellow naga ;) ...Good luck with the sauce. :dance:
 Thank you Penny
WalkGood said:
Where have I been, 2 great harvests, beautiful pods with great color … looking awesome brethren! Miniature roses looking very good, I let mama’s die but shhhh don’t tell her, lol.
Awesome package of pepper & powder love from brethren Scott, hat’s off to him for sharing da pepper love \o_
Not to diminish your generosity either, you’ve taken care of da whole community here with all your pepper sharing of pods and seeds, so a hat’s off to you as well \o_
Jamie, I love da look on your “not yellow naga,” the color and taste description you’ve shown/wrote about sound fantastic and I agree that pepper will be awesome in sauces or powders. Great write up my friend :)
Hab a great week mon!!!
 Ramon, I too have been slacking on keeping up with your grow log. Hopefully I can find some time today to catch up on all my favorite glogs. Thank you for the love my friend. 
So first I would like to share an awesome package I got from Devv. Scotty sure know's how to grow em. Nastiest reapers I have ever seen, The reaper powder is so tasty I burned my as up that night. Momma came home with some fresh Mole and I had to spice it up. Thank you Scott.
You're very welcome Jamie, I hope your enjoying the reds.
Nice write up and description of the not yellow Naga, still looks like a mighty mean pepper to me.
Have a great week!
Great updates all around, Jamie.  I really like that giant not-yellow Naga.  What is the lineage of your white 7 Pot?  They look quite a bit like my giant white Habs.  I got the seed from Refining Fire Chiles.  Thinking about getting some white 7 Pot seeds from Jungle Rain for 2014.  I think somebody here is growing both this year, but I forget who.