• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

romy6 2013

Well 2012 is old news so time to push onward. It was a great year for me pepperwise. If you did not get a chance to follow me last year and would like to check it out here is the link http://thehotpepper.com/topic/27252-romy6-2012/. It will save me from explaining my grow and being redundant. I am an outdoor grower only from start to finish. I try to keep my aphid /bug colonies to a minimum while batteling the temps as while growing in east central Florida. I plan on growing many other new varieties in a few months so keep an eye out. Until then I wish a great grow for all and look forward to following all of your grows. After fighting off the tequilla hangover this moring I managed to stumble along and pick my first harvest of the new year. Some yellow 7's, yellow scorps, yellw scotch bonnets with a tail, hybrid bhut, not douglah, mystery annums, choc hab , cho bhut bhut and a choc bhut x yellow 7 f3. Winter pods are always a little funky looking IMHO :rolleyes:

:dance: Happy New Year :dance:

Devv said:
You're very welcome Jamie, I hope your enjoying the reds.
Nice write up and description of the not yellow Naga, still looks like a mighty mean pepper to me.
Have a great week!
 Oh it is plenty mean my friend. Don't let the smooth outer walls of the pod fool ya. Happy hump day my brethren :)
Pinoy83 said:
yep, they arrived super fast theyre super excited to feel the fresh air and hawaiian sun, and yea 1 didnt make it lol
 Sweet. Poor guys wanted to see the islands so much too  :mope:
Penny said:
Getting a package like that is just like Christmas!! ;)
 Christmas In November. Love it. 
PIC 1 said:
Nice score with the Super hots. Glad to see they made it through ag at the airport. Jamie's a great grower and extremely generous !
 Thank you Greg . Coming from the master that will have me smiling all day  :P
Sawyer said:
Great updates all around, Jamie.  I really like that giant not-yellow Naga.  What is the lineage of your white 7 Pot?  They look quite a bit like my giant white Habs.  I got the seed from Refining Fire Chiles.  Thinking about getting some white 7 Pot seeds from Jungle Rain for 2014.  I think somebody here is growing both this year, but I forget who.
 Thank you sir. The white 7 pot came from my brother Wayright. Not sure where he obtained the original seeds from. Most likely was crossed with a white hab. But has no habby  flavor to me. More like a yellow 7 . It does go white at first but finishes a little on the yellow side. 


Nice looking pods, they look so harmless, but I know better.
I brought some supers into work today and shared with a buddy. The Primo and Reaper looked like they were twins. He commented that they look and feel like plastic...yeah until you bite into one ;) 
We made it past the hump!
Thanks Scotty and Jon. Great pepper for sure. 
Just a few pepper pics from today 
Yellow primos

peruvian serlano

madballz still kicking it

Stefan ( meatfreak ) I finally have a fresh Jalapeno Thank you sir

Birgit likes the cooler dryer air. Such a typical Bacc  :rofl:

Not yellow naga . Just moved to a 7 gall after this. Roots were almost a foot and a hlaf out of the pot

Sepia is getting big and demanding more food

Cut this plant back ( choc hab) a month ago. It is loving it

moruga via Nigel via pepperproblem via cmpman1974 07 seeds

My attempt to grow a rocotto and manzano over the not so winter here. 

Bump please 
+1 bump... lots of nice pics to look at brother Jamie... especially the "Not" Yellow Bhut. It looks a lot like Lourens' King Naga Jalokia from last year. Did yours have an orange citrus flavor like his did?
Ha ha Brian. I would say go Gators but not in the mood  :rolleyes:
Thanks for the bump  :party:
My douglah plant is greening up. It seems to require more ferts than any other of my plants . 

My yellow primo has a twin. He is kinda small  ;)

Madballz is super spiked this time around 

 And a nice little harvest from today  :dance:

Thanks for looking and have a great week .
A super  big Salute to all our Veterans out there .  :fireball:
You know me Jamie----loving those Madzballs & Sepia's.  :flamethrower:
Thanks to all the Vets !!!!   I know I'm going to over eat on Mon. at all the places that are taking care of us vet's :clap:
Nice pics, at least your not teasing me with the good cooking this time....lol
stickman said:
+1 bump... lots of nice pics to look at brother Jamie... especially the "Not" Yellow Bhut. It looks a lot like Lourens' King Naga Jalokia from last year. Did yours have an orange citrus flavor like his did?
 Thanks for the double bump Rick. The not yellow nagas are tasty. Has a slight citrus flavor but nothing overpowering. The pods are huge .Thank you.  
Barley-pop57 said:
You know me Jamie----loving those Madzballs & Sepia's.  :flamethrower:
Thanks to all the Vets !!!!   I know I'm going to over eat on Mon. at all the places that are taking care of us vet's :clap:
Nice pics, at least your not teasing me with the good cooking this time....lol
 Thanks Mike. Both are amazing peppers . Thanks for giving our Vets some love today. 
Hey, Jamie, just a quick look at your last three pages - great harvests
you're getting.  Looks like the cooler Fall weather is doing your shrubs right.  
Your pods all look fresh ad pristine - good growin'!
Sawyer said:
Nice harvest.  I like the looks of the Madballz.
 Me too J. They are a super cool looking pepper. 
PaulG said:
Hey, Jamie, just a quick look at your last three pages - great harvests
you're getting.  Looks like the cooler Fall weather is doing your shrubs right.  
Your pods all look fresh ad pristine - good growin'!
 Thanks Paul. Nothing like yours but I am trying:)
meatfreak said:
Plants and pods are looking great, Jamie :) That's a good looking Jalapeno, hopefully more will follow soon :D
 Yes sir my annuums like the cooler weather. Many pods on the plant right now. 
 Had some time so processed some powder. The color came out really nice . Low and slow


And the finished product. Gonna add some other spices and make a tasty blend

 Have a good rest of the weekend peoples . 
Barley-pop57 said:
Looking good amigo !!!!  Do You and Kevin have a personal contest going on ???   LOL
 Ha ha  Mike. i would loose that all day my man. 
Random pod shots anyone? Okay  :rofl:
World's hottest pepper  :rolleyes:

Jay's red ghost scorp. Maybe i mislabeled this one ?

This is a plant I am very excited about. It came from wayright and he calls it "The Evil Jonah". Said some of the nastiest peppers he has ever grown :hell:

Yellow chiguanas seeds from meatfreak. Awesome tasting pepper. Thank you Stefan

My not yellow primo is producing again :fireball:

yellow jonah another tasty treat from meatfreak

Moruga  plant via Nigel via pepperproblem via cmpman1974 07 original seeds  :party:

I have always said you cannot grow a pubescens in Florida. Hope I can prove myself wrong

yellow primo 

And my not yellow naga is gorgeous 

 Have a great week