• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

romy6 2013

Well 2012 is old news so time to push onward. It was a great year for me pepperwise. If you did not get a chance to follow me last year and would like to check it out here is the link http://thehotpepper.com/topic/27252-romy6-2012/. It will save me from explaining my grow and being redundant. I am an outdoor grower only from start to finish. I try to keep my aphid /bug colonies to a minimum while batteling the temps as while growing in east central Florida. I plan on growing many other new varieties in a few months so keep an eye out. Until then I wish a great grow for all and look forward to following all of your grows. After fighting off the tequilla hangover this moring I managed to stumble along and pick my first harvest of the new year. Some yellow 7's, yellow scorps, yellw scotch bonnets with a tail, hybrid bhut, not douglah, mystery annums, choc hab , cho bhut bhut and a choc bhut x yellow 7 f3. Winter pods are always a little funky looking IMHO :rolleyes:

:dance: Happy New Year :dance:

BUrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Johnny that looks amazing. Is that your :hot: TUB?
Okay so I managed to put 20 varieties in some dirt yesterday. I usually do not have much luck germinating outdoors this time of year but since it has been so warm I decided what the F@!k . Here day be .Put two seeds in each cell. Shooting for one of each except biker Billy i did two cells. Keep in mind I have about 40 plants already to tend to :shh:

1. Not Black naga (Prodigal_son)
2.Jays peach ghost scorp (Tmudder)
3.Jay's red ghost scorp(Tmudder)
4.yellow naga ( Wayright)
5.DouglahX Butch T ( SS vis coheed196)
6. Sepia serpeant ( ss via coheed19)
7 7 Pot Burgandy ( meatfreak)
8.Yellow Jonah( meatfreak)
9. NagaX Brain( windchicken)
10. White 7 ( wayright)
11. Yellow 7 Chiquanas(meatfreak)
12. Fidalga Roxa( meatfreak)
13. Bonda Ma Jaques(wayright)
1. Yellow Tepin( chile_freak)
2. Jalapeno Hercules( meatfreak) .
3. Biker billy ( meatfreak)
4. Jalapeno Zapotec( roper2008)
5. Florida Wild( saugapepper)
1. Lombok( wayright)
2.Malagueta ( wayright)

Manage to snap a few pod pics as i was picking peppers:)

White Bhut's ?


baby Primo


yellow scorps



Not Douglah




and not yellow brain


And a harvest shot. 1st person ( living in the U.S.A )with less than 200 posts and has not received any thing from me before will receive a small sampling of this harvest, if you can tell me at least 3 varieties on the cutting board. Offer ends at 7 pm today. Thank you all for stopping bye.

I'm in Canada so I wont enter into the contest.

Very nice pics! I love the shots of the baby pods. I'm trying to figure out what a sepia serpent is, never heard of that one before. I'm always interested in hearing about the flavour of new (to me at least) varieties and how they are used.
Planting outside and harvesting in January? Must be nice!
It is pretty warm here... The house got up to 72F yesterday and I had to turn on the A/C :) , but its gonna be back to the cold soon
The pic of the Yellow Scorp that's ripening is way cool!
Beautiful pod pics as usual. I cant believe you can start with an outside grow already. That is amazing. Good luck with the new starts and post pics pleaser.
Always enjoy your winter pod porn Jamie...Those whit bhuts probably won't get any whiter than that...then they'll turn red. Mine put out TONS of pods without much heat.
Nice update, Jamie hope the seeds do well so far the germination rates have been good for other people :) The White Bhut looks more like a Hab?
The give away is officially over. They will go to a chilihead in need . All the newbies out there must be sleeping.

Nice to see you out and about Vlad. Thank you kind sir:)

Stefan I wish I could send you great white northerners pods but sadly they would be mush . :confused: Sepia Serpeant is a cross from Silver Surfer. It is a nasty looking pod so I had to try and grow it. I think it is a douglah X choc scorp. Here is a pic of some of silver surfers pods. He is the master .


Patrick my man, it is a rough life i live here in the tropics.

Thanks Ryan. It has been unseasonably warm this year for sho:) Thanks for the compliments.

Pia I have never started peppers outside this early but it's not like I am low on seeds. Still envy you guys with your perfect loking indoor gardens. Just don't envy the cost and work:)

Brother Shane. Glad I could give you some eye candy. I hope my white bhut's have some heat or they are going to the compose ben.

Stefan Meatfreak. Thanks for all the cool seds. I am sure they will pop being so fresh. I agree about the white bhut's. Look nothing like any bhut I have ever seen.
That is one hell of a pod. So glad Denniz sent me seeds. This is the one pepper I am looking forward to the most because it has me simply intrigued.
late to the game as normal. but just for grins is it lemon drops/aji lemon, dorset naga, and scotch bonnet

must be nice to be pickin pods in January :party:
In the tub as we speak,65° today so not as fun as when snow is flying. Nice pod offer,that not doogie looks really big! I started planning my list today,let's see if I can get it done by march.
Pia, I hope we can grow them half as well as Silver Surfer.

Brownb4, close but no cigar, They were barrackpores, brains, yellow 7's, yellow cardi scorps, choc habs, not douglah's, ts morouga, mystery annuums, and aji lemons.

Ohiogrown, you snooze you loose. There will be more giveaways so be on the hunt;)

Yes they do Trippa!

John, it looks big only beause the others are on the small size.

Jeff my man! It has it's high's and low's. :)

Wow, how did I miss this one. Just ran across it. Glad it was only four pages. Awesome to see things getting started for round 2013. Very cool that it is warm enough there to outdoor germ. Like Melissa said, our weather has been cold for So Cal. I had to bring my outdoor plants in the garage to "overwinter" them for a week. ;)

Looking forward to following this one, for sure. And for those who are growing the Sepia Serpent and did not have the opportunity to try the pods, approach that one with the ultimate of respect. That is the hottest friggen thing I have ever tried. Just a tiny sliver lit me up, more so than with a Red Brain. Very happy to be growing that one out this year. How many plants of the SS are you growing, Romy6? If I recall, the current seeds are F4.

Good growin' to ya!