• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

romy6 2013

Well 2012 is old news so time to push onward. It was a great year for me pepperwise. If you did not get a chance to follow me last year and would like to check it out here is the link http://thehotpepper.com/topic/27252-romy6-2012/. It will save me from explaining my grow and being redundant. I am an outdoor grower only from start to finish. I try to keep my aphid /bug colonies to a minimum while batteling the temps as while growing in east central Florida. I plan on growing many other new varieties in a few months so keep an eye out. Until then I wish a great grow for all and look forward to following all of your grows. After fighting off the tequilla hangover this moring I managed to stumble along and pick my first harvest of the new year. Some yellow 7's, yellow scorps, yellw scotch bonnets with a tail, hybrid bhut, not douglah, mystery annums, choc hab , cho bhut bhut and a choc bhut x yellow 7 f3. Winter pods are always a little funky looking IMHO :rolleyes:

:dance: Happy New Year :dance:

stc3248 said:
Nice tribute to Shawn brother...I kept one plant also. I got it growing here at the Barracks. His sister got in touch with me and said she would like a few seeds if I get some pods/seeds from his plants to plant for herself to try to keep a little bit of him going. 
Vid looked great! You're doing it right growing some trees! I am having to adjust feeding myself with some pretty heavy weekly foliar feed and root soak. Need to get some more time release to throw in too. Already seeing results like you. I like your sentiments on some of the plants...I have already yanked 4...because as you said, I am just over it! 
Keep 'em green brotha!
 Thanks Shane. Yeah it is time to start weeding out the problem children and focus on the better students. 
annie57 said:
Gorgeous pulls, Jamie! And love St. Augustine! Fave place on east coast of FL! Castillo de San Marcos is amazing, historically, architecturally, and just fun. I mean, there's the Alamo and Ft. Sumter: "Yep; this is it folks." ? You guys look like you're having a blast! :party: Love the beach shot . . . beach, beach, beach . . . :clap: So glad you got away to spend time with your family!
Hot sauce with maters, looks like it rocks! Hot Tuna Flounder!
And you got me again :dance: ! (Just messaged Gary about Choc Naga Brain seeds!) Agree on vanilla extract. Almond extract seems to do something nice for yellow 7's too. Thank you!
 Annie, St aug is a great place to spend with the family. Always something to do. But I prefer the beach,pool hot tub and then repeated. I can sen you some choc nagabrains with the madballz seeds and yellow primo's you have on your wish list. 
Nice video update Jamie.  You kill me.  You're walking around, especially in the beginning, saying "has seen better days" for most of the plants, and I'm looking at it going, "Seen better days? Those look great".  Wish my plants were that big!  Anyway, keep up the good work my friend.  Keep on pulling in those nice harvests.  Plenty of yellow and red showing through in that video, so I know you have  a good harvest on its way!
compmodder26 said:
Nice video update Jamie.  You kill me.  You're walking around, especially in the beginning, saying "has seen better days" for most of the plants, and I'm looking at it going, "Seen better days? Those look great".  Wish my plants were that big!  Anyway, keep up the good work my friend.  Keep on pulling in those nice harvests.  Plenty of yellow and red showing through in that video, so I know you have  a good harvest on its way!
 Happy Birthday brother man. Gotta a late present heading your way. Thank you for all the love. 
Devv said:
Nice video Jamie!
My feeling the plants are looking good!
Everyone has a red headed step child that needs an attitude adjustment ;)
Have a great week!
 Thanks Scotty. Pants really do look bad but I see potential  in the near future. 
 NIce little harvest I had last night
FreeportBum said:
Harvest shot looks great Jamie love all the colors. What are the little peppers on the left smallest pods in pic. Thanks
 Thank you sir. Those are chiltepins. Great taste and a quick burst of heat that only lasts a minute. But they will get ya if you ain't careful  ;)
compmodder26 said:
Boom! Once again you show exactly why you are THE MAN!  I think I shall crown you "The Most Generous Man on THP!"  Thanks a million brother!
 Just trying to do my duty as a spreader of the heat. Enjoy brother man.  :dance:
georgej said:
damn, those pods look good!
 Why thank you very much George.  :party:
Wow I feel behind, my apologies ... awesome video & naration Jamie. Strange that you have the same black ant (white footed) problem I'm having. I didn't have them last year so it's been a bad surprise. I spray them back but they seem to come back with their aphid farming :/ I'm testing a DIY reciepe to kill the nests, I'll let you know if it works.
Great pull, love the colors mon ... keep up da great grow \o/
Here's a picture of da peppers that brethren Jamie sent me, thanks kind sir! Don't ask me why I spread them out like that, came home late and brain malfunction, haha ... I have to say he’s the kindest mon on THP and I tip my hat to him \o_ 

I tried this one first thinking reaper but Jamie told "You ate the hottest pepper in the  box. 7 pod barrackpore," lols!

Sanarda said:
Love the update and the harvest.  Things are looking better than your letting on my good man :shame:  :onfire:  :onfire:
 Thank you Pia. Honestly they look bad but are still producing nicely. At Least the two year or older plants. All of which are in larger pots and get more shade. You would think I would get the hint  ;)
Bodeen said:
Tremendous pull...nice looking pods.
 Thank you Jeffrey. Love your grow. Always plenty to see. And lots of good ideas for pepper preparations. 
WalkGood said:
Wow I feel behind, my apologies ... awesome video & naration Jamie. Strange that you have the same black ant (white footed) problem I'm having. I didn't have them last year so it's been a bad surprise. I spray them back but they seem to come back with their aphid farming :/ I'm testing a DIY reciepe to kill the nests, I'll let you know if it works.
Great pull, love the colors mon ... keep up da great grow \o/
Here's a picture of da peppers that brethren Jamie sent me, thanks kind sir! Don't ask me why I spread them out like that, came home late and brain malfunction, haha ... I have to say he’s the kindest mon on THP and I tip my hat to him \o_

I tried this one first thinking reaper but Jamie told "You ate the hottest pepper in the  box. 7 pod barrackpore," lols!

 Raymond. That is a beautiful shot of the barrackpore. Really shows off the placenta and oils nicely. But I really want to hear your take on the yellow 7's. Can't wait for the review  :party:
Jamie, Brethren, those pods just keep piling up for you man. You must have some really good Garden Gnomes taking care of things for you, that or you have one heck of a green thumb.
Might have to get you down some weekend after, She who must be obeyed says ok ;) and help me plan out Pepper Row. Might just take up a beer or 6. Of course it'll also involve something out of the smoker and kids in the pool. I'll PM you later.
You say the plants look bad, they must be some kind of happy to bless you with that haul!
I think all of us way south are having plants looking at their worst, I know my summer was 6 degrees hotter this last month.
Come mid September they should pretty up and flower like crazy!
Have a great weekend!
I hear you guys ... can't wait for Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec \o/ we have great weather den ...
Great call on da Yellow 7 brethren Jamie, had a boat load for dinner last night with our steak and again in my omelet this morning … thanks again mon!
Click da picture to read my Yellow 7 taste impression ...
RocketMan said:
Jamie, Brethren, those pods just keep piling up for you man. You must have some really good Garden Gnomes taking care of things for you, that or you have one heck of a green thumb.
Might have to get you down some weekend after, She who must be obeyed says ok ;) and help me plan out Pepper Row. Might just take up a beer or 6. Of course it'll also involve something out of the smoker and kids in the pool. I'll PM you later.
 Awesome Bill. Can't wait to come down to the new house and have some fun. 
Devv said:
You say the plants look bad, they must be some kind of happy to bless you with that haul!
I think all of us way south are having plants looking at their worst, I know my summer was 6 degrees hotter this last month.
Come mid September they should pretty up and flower like crazy!
Have a great weekend!
 Thanks Scotty. Yes we are nearing the turn around point for sure. Been a long hot summer as usual. 
WalkGood said:
I hear you guys ... can't wait for Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec \o/ we have great weather den ...
Great call on da Yellow 7 brethren Jamie, had a boat load for dinner last night with our steak and again in my omelet this morning … thanks again mon!
Click da picture to read my Yellow 7 taste impression ...
 Sweet Ray. You are a true chiliheaqd in every aspect. 
Stefan_W said:
Great looking mini harvest! I love the mix of colours in your pepper selection.
 Thank You Stefan!
 Just wanted to share the amazing box of love I just receive from Raymon( WalkGood). 

 Immediatly jumbed on the MoA garlic infused salt. Like nothing I have had before. First taste is the citrus y spice of the bonnet followed by the garlic , and finishes with a sweet saltyness almost tang. . Cant wait to start cooking with this amazing spice. Thank you Raymon. Ja makin me  :crazy:
 More to come on these goodies.  :lol:
 My plants are sucking ass so not much to report other than another white furry aphid infestation .   :shame:
Time to  :flamethrower: again. But not all bad my younger plants are thriving and putting out some nice growth. Still harvesting small amount as well. WILL  ONLY GET BETTER  :pray: