• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

romy6 2013

Well 2012 is old news so time to push onward. It was a great year for me pepperwise. If you did not get a chance to follow me last year and would like to check it out here is the link http://thehotpepper.com/topic/27252-romy6-2012/. It will save me from explaining my grow and being redundant. I am an outdoor grower only from start to finish. I try to keep my aphid /bug colonies to a minimum while batteling the temps as while growing in east central Florida. I plan on growing many other new varieties in a few months so keep an eye out. Until then I wish a great grow for all and look forward to following all of your grows. After fighting off the tequilla hangover this moring I managed to stumble along and pick my first harvest of the new year. Some yellow 7's, yellow scorps, yellw scotch bonnets with a tail, hybrid bhut, not douglah, mystery annums, choc hab , cho bhut bhut and a choc bhut x yellow 7 f3. Winter pods are always a little funky looking IMHO :rolleyes:

:dance: Happy New Year :dance:

As usual-----excellent job on everything !!!!  Boy you do have friends....seems everytime I check you have scored something from someone (good job).
I tried the sauce recipe you fixed me up with and it is great (I did tweak just a little).  Anyway my friend keep up the great work, eats, scoring & etc....lol
Hi Jamie,
   I just tried one of my bottles of Choc. Hab. Blueberry sauce... it's mellowed a bit and the Blueberry taste has moved to the front, so I'd say it's time to unleash the dogs! Cheers guy... have a great Labor Day Weekend with your family!
Bodeen said:
Another Nardello fan!!!  Have you tried grilling the Dulce Rojo paprika pepper.  I think it is even sweeter than the Jimmy.
  I usually don't love sweet peppers but these are amazing. I have not tried the Dulco but hopefully will one day. 
MGOLD86 said:
Lookin great Jamie!  Those pods are pretty freakin perfect gotta love that shape and color! 
Those nards are great aren't they!  Brian sent me a few a couple seasons back, really awesome pepper.
 Thanks Matt. I am one lucky basturd!!!!!!!1
Barley-pop57 said:
As usual-----excellent job on everything !!!!  Boy you do have friends....seems everytime I check you have scored something from someone (good job).
I tried the sauce recipe you fixed me up with and it is great (I did tweak just a little).  Anyway my friend keep up the great work, eats, scoring & etc....lol
 Thanks brother. The love just never stops this time of year. 
stickman said:

Hi Jamie,
   I just tried one of my bottles of Choc. Hab. Blueberry sauce... it's mellowed a bit and the Blueberry taste has moved to the front, so I'd say it's time to unleash the dogs! Cheers guy... have a great Labor Day Weekend with your family!

 Rickster, great labor day weekend for sure. Thank you.  I will get on that sauce soon. I know it is off the chain if you made it. U got skillz my man!!!!
 Finally have a few white 7 pods forming. Great pepper can't wait to eat some

And the choc habs loaded up again

 Small harvest . 

 And some more pepper lve 
Wayright hooked a brother up. Thank you 

 And Pexpeppers sent me some seeds I have been wanting to grow. Thank you 

 Have a great week all and GO Gators !!!

Looking great Jamie - those "small harvests" that pop up daily must be tough  ;) .  
I second WalkGood - those chocolate habs do look huge.  But then again, you do grow pepper trees down there...
WalkGood said:
Jamie your chocolate Habs are huge compared to mine, they look great!
So let me see, huge Habs, awesome harvest, pepper love gifts & seed … mon you living la vida picante \o/
 Raymon my man. I be living it up mon!!! But it does have it downsides. My colon is on fire  :flamethrower:  :D
Pulpiteer said:
Looking great Jamie - those "small harvests" that pop up daily must be tough  ;) .  
I second WalkGood - those chocolate habs do look huge.  But then again, you do grow pepper trees down there...
 Andy , thanks for stopping bye. My chocolate hab has really been dialed in this year. I think it is because I have really increased my NPK regiment. Got a nice 10 10 10 granular and the plants love it.  Also I have not moved it in over a year so the roots have taken deep into  the ground.
Tinben said:
Chocolate habs are what dreams are made of. Man...... I love them things. Congrats on them huge habs.
 Thank you sir. Who doesn't like chocolate love  :clap:
standbyandfire said:
Pods and pic's look great Romy! :dance: 
 Thank you Stephen. Ready for some cooler weather so my plants will green up .  :fireball:
RocketMan said:
Ok Jamie, pods looking fantastic, garden looking/doing good but brother,
ya gotta give Tim back his car even if your dog is named Tebow!
 Brother Bill. How is the new casa treating ya? And when your dog is named Tebow u can get away with it.
standbyandfire said:
Yes, I've had my fill with this southern heat wave. I'm good with the 80's in the day....plants will be too.
 Oh please make it be October fast :)
 Got a few new pods forming. 
Sepia Serpent

Yellow chiguanas

yellow jonah

Birgit Locoto. a wonderful tasting Baccatum. 

7 pot white. Looks true hopefully they will ripen white!

NagaBrain. Thank you windchicken

Douglah is back in action  :fireball:


pepper row

Bump please
 Muchas Gracias mi amigo
Sepia Serpent is ready to pot up

More nagabrains. Just in time for the big game!!

madballz plant is loving the not 100 degrees weather

 Gonna try to grow some pubescens this winter
Rocotto and Manzano sprouted in 4 days. Seeds from Shane. 


This is a beautiful plant. Viper X purple bhut . Seeds from BigCedar ( Brandon )

 And my pepper Dragon 


 Have a great wekend and Go Gators!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great pictures Jamie ... you've taken it to the next level and the pods look awesome!
Not sure who I'm backing, both my sisters are Gators and will be at the game. The older one's husband, my brother in law is a Cane, lols ... should be fun to watch! Have a great weekend !!!!
Awesome snaps Jamie!  Looks like everything is just chuggin along in that Florida weather.  I keep tellin myself that I only have another 11 years or so and I can be growing year around.  Jess is even talking about looking for land now so we can build before we move down there. 
And awesome score on that T Viper X Purple Jal turnin purple!  I am definitely lookin forward to replanting next season.  This go around I am gonna plant a handful of seeds in hopes I get a couple with that awesome purple tint.  I cant wait to see the pods!
Great updates Jamie...looks like our college seasons are starting off in the same fashion. Glad they didn't carry the TX game out here. Ughhh...
See you got some of them Manzanos going! Sweet...All this seed starting everywhere had me start some too!