• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

romy6 2014

 So I guess it is about damn time I started a grow log! Not a whole lot going on at the ranch  :shh:  but hopefully that will change soon. I grow peppers all year around outdoors. I live on the central east coast of Florida. It has many ups and downs but more ups  :fireball: . Bugs such as mites and aphids are always a problem for me. Over the years I am getting better at diagnosing them at a early stage . This Christmas I was lucky enough to have santa bring me an aerogarden and some how managed to make it's nesting place on my kitchen table. I know this is short lived and I will need to find a safer resting spot for it. Here is a pic of my outdoor operation. Most of these plants are between 8 months or older. 

 They look very haggard at the present moment. Lack of sunlight and low humidity will do that. But come spring they better bounce back into action.  :dance:
 Here is my little indoor operation. It isn't much but keeps me happy and grows peppers super fast. I planted a 7 pot lava( judy) , borg9( tmudder), yaki blue( nigel via standbyandfire), true cumari ( from judy) , defcon 7 ( tmudder), choc naga x brain ( me,via winchicken, via tmudder), and parsley for the boy :)
 First to pop was the 7 pot lava. Few days later the defcon 7. Yaki and borg both popped with helmet heads and I managed to kill them trying to remove. I just added a few more seeds in each pouch . 

 Stay tuned and keep it green my fellow chili addicts . 
Barley-pop57 said:
NICE !!!!!!  Getting hungry for peppers...lol     The dogs look like they are having a good time too
  Thanks Mike . Dem Dogs have it ruff  :rofl:
PaulG said:
Your aerogarden stuff looks great, Jamie.  
You are making good use of it!
 Thanks Paul. I see you are as well  :dance:
jedisushi06 said:
Defcon 7 pod ripening up yet?
 Not yet but getting bigger  :fireball:
 Couple pics from the weekend
Aji chuncho on top and mustard bhut on bottom

Choc naga x brain


And the main reason some frequent my grow  ;)
2 peas in a pod 
Hey Jamie, the new pup is a beaut , and it goes without saying Tebow has turned out well(read:Damn fine lookin' dogs!).
Come hell or high water, I'm getting a Green Hornet through fungus gnat hell-looked like the little guy is standing tall after the move to cup yesterday.
That Jalapeno looks like a custom job, corking and all!
Have a good one-
Penny said:
Awwww, and aren't they a couple of cute pea's. 
 Thank you Penny . !!!
gnslngr said:
Hey Jamie, the new pup is a beaut , and it goes without saying Tebow has turned out well(read:Damn fine lookin' dogs!).
Come hell or high water, I'm getting a Green Hornet through fungus gnat hell-looked like the little guy is standing tall after the move to cup yesterday.
That Jalapeno looks like a custom job, corking and all!
Have a good one-
DJ. Nice to see you have uprooted from the deep blue just long enough to tease us with your presence only to vanish back into the depths once again. Super amazed how you keep your traveling grow. You indeed are the toughest chili grower I know !!!! :party:
Nulle said:
Every time I see those two cuties it brings a big smile to my face. 
 Thank you Linda Lou  :dance:
Jeff H said:
Dogs are cute and the plants are looking real nice.
 Muchas Gracia Senor  :fireball:
windchicken said:
That Lava plant is drop dead gorgeous Jamie! Man, I'm jealous of your long season... 
 Thanks G money. Your season ain't so bad either  ;)
Devv said:
Beautiful plants Jamie! Such a nice deep green!
Ally and Tebow are camera hogs ;)  A great looking pair!
Scotty Mcgee . Thank you for the kindness. And yes them puppies steal the show  :shh:
Last year at this time I had pods like this. Damn cold weather has set me back a bit  :rolleyes:
jedisushi06 said:
Sepia pods?
 No Mikey choc habs :)
Devv said:
Looking good, coloring up already!
Can't beat that.
Bill, I don't EVEN want to go there....
 Ha ha scotty thank bro . 
maximumcapsicum said:
Looking good man. I think the cold is done. Time to take off!
 Yes sir Adam the heat is here and plants and bugs  :rolleyes:  are loving it . 
gnslngr said:
That sure is a funny lookin pepper plant on the right corner in that aerogarden shot......is it a Watermelon "Bhut" :rofl: ?
 Ha ha that is the wifey's melon bhut  ;)
Quick update from the weekend
First Lava pod :)

Galapogoense. One in aero and one outside


lots of food for the lady bugs at my house  :confused:

Pimenta Lisa from meatfreak cool plant

Evil Jonah from wayright fitten to explode 

Green Hornet is back and loaded with flowers

Some of the nicer looking guys 

And a shout out to Rocketman for the tasty sauce,powers and most of all the hot tub  :fireball:

Cannot thank you enough 
Your pepper shrubs never disappoint me Jamie!  Looking stellar down there in FL.  Tebow is a frickin beast brotha man.  Well fed ;)     That lava has huge leaves.  Reminds me of the one I have growing.   Chuncho looks absolutely promising bud!  I'm sceered now. 