• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

romy6 2014

 So I guess it is about damn time I started a grow log! Not a whole lot going on at the ranch  :shh:  but hopefully that will change soon. I grow peppers all year around outdoors. I live on the central east coast of Florida. It has many ups and downs but more ups  :fireball: . Bugs such as mites and aphids are always a problem for me. Over the years I am getting better at diagnosing them at a early stage . This Christmas I was lucky enough to have santa bring me an aerogarden and some how managed to make it's nesting place on my kitchen table. I know this is short lived and I will need to find a safer resting spot for it. Here is a pic of my outdoor operation. Most of these plants are between 8 months or older. 

 They look very haggard at the present moment. Lack of sunlight and low humidity will do that. But come spring they better bounce back into action.  :dance:
 Here is my little indoor operation. It isn't much but keeps me happy and grows peppers super fast. I planted a 7 pot lava( judy) , borg9( tmudder), yaki blue( nigel via standbyandfire), true cumari ( from judy) , defcon 7 ( tmudder), choc naga x brain ( me,via winchicken, via tmudder), and parsley for the boy :)
 First to pop was the 7 pot lava. Few days later the defcon 7. Yaki and borg both popped with helmet heads and I managed to kill them trying to remove. I just added a few more seeds in each pouch . 

 Stay tuned and keep it green my fellow chili addicts . 
Jeff H said:
Everything is looking great Jamie. and soon, Monzanos in  FL. Who knew it was possible. :dance: :dance:
 I for one did not think it was possible . if I get one pod I will consider it worthwhile :pray:  
Devv said:
I see your son plays hard! That's great!
That purple Bhut is sweet looking, something about those purple plants.
Speaking about purple, can't wait to see that Manzano flower open.
Have a great week!
 If I get a flower Scotty you will be the first to know  :lol: Thank you for the kindness. 
buddy said:
Great looking plant and even a better looking young man.  Congratulations on both fronts . . . you're a lucky guy!
Thank you Terry. Very blessed indeed 
maximumcapsicum said:
Looking great J! Little J a fan of the heat?
Thanks Adam. JJ is a big Lebron fan. He happens to be on the Heat :scared: . I will; not lie my boy is a bandwagoner  :banghead:
Plants are looking good Jamie, I know your going to be in for some good summer heat. Right now I'm just  :pray: that my seeds will sprout and grow. 
Manzano's? In Florida? Only you Brother, only you :) 
Next year your going to be growing Rocoto as well
meatfreak said:
Nice action pictures, Jamie! I'm really impressed by the growth of your 7 Pot Lava, great job!
 Thank you Stefan. I think it has grown another 6 inches in one week. Super strain for sure. 
RocketMan said:
Plants are looking good Jamie, I know your going to be in for some good summer heat. Right now I'm just  :pray: that my seeds will sprout and grow. 
Manzano's? In Florida? Only you Brother, only you :)
Next year your going to be growing Rocoto as well
 Funny you that Bill. I have a Rocoto growing too but it is not in the best of shape  :confused:
compmodder26 said:
Manzanos in Florida?  Wow, that's impressive Jamie.  You're going to be swimming in peppers come summer.  Keep it at my man!
 hanks Brother Brian. I sure hope I am . 
Pulpiteer said:
Love the baseball pics! 
 Thank you Andy. Wish I had a camera like that one. Professional photographer took those pics  :fireball:
Not a whole lot on the pepper end but did get a new member of the Family. Her name is Alberta . Please welcome her into the pepper community  :onfire:

And a big fat ripe Jalapeno that was so tasty last night on Taco Tuesday  :P
Congrats on the new pup !  The young one that's holding the pup is also trying to hold back that happy smile....
Aha....baseball, those photos bring back memories. ........my eldest continued to play in a 21 and over league.......wooden bats...dang those do break !
The funny part about that a few of his friends were also on his team and my buddies and I coached them through T-Ball. We'd get together and watch the "adults" play while we had a beer in hand.......not the pencils and scorebooks........enjoy these times to the max !
Looks like you got a professional in the making.  Loved my baseball days,  and still miss it.  Plants are looking stellar.  Some really fast growth on that Lava!!  I can't wait for some pods this summer.  That ripe Jalapeno has me droolin over here!
Hay-zeus, another cheater aerogarden. Surely real growers would want to outlaw those dangerously seductive contraptions? And don`t call me Shirley!
Nice looking grow Jamie, as usual. I`m glad to see Florida had a winter this year. Must be the first time since the Ice-age retreated. We`ve just had a week of 60 degree days, so I feel your pain  :rofl:
Keep the roots of those pubes cool. The plants may stand up to your heat, but only if you somehow figure out a way to keep the roots below 75 degrees. 
PIC 1 said:
Congrats on the new pup !  The young one that's holding the pup is also trying to hold back that happy smile....
Aha....baseball, those photos bring back memories. ........my eldest continued to play in a 21 and over league.......wooden bats...dang those do break !
The funny part about that a few of his friends were also on his team and my buddies and I coached them through T-Ball. We'd get together and watch the "adults" play while we had a beer in hand.......not the pencils and scorebooks........enjoy these times to the max !
I hope my boy continues to play until 21 or older . I dread the day he moves out on his own and wants very little to do with me. Hopefully that will never happen . 
Nulle said:
Alberta is just beautiful. Looking forward to lots more photos of her :P
Thank you Nulle. I will be sure to show her off in between pepper updates. 
Penny said:
Awwww Alberta is just adorable.....cant wait to see more pics!! ;)
 Thank you Penny . 
Jamison said:
Looks like you got a professional in the making.  Loved my baseball days,  and still miss it.  Plants are looking stellar.  Some really fast growth on that Lava!!  I can't wait for some pods this summer.  That ripe Jalapeno has me droolin over here!
Thank you J man. I love watcthing my son play any sport. The Lava has be bewildered on it;s fast growth. Should have pods soon. That would be like 60 days from sprout  :crazy:
Devv said:
Welcome to the THP Alberta!
What does Tebow think of his new pal?
Congrats on the ripe pod, I'm sure many, many more to follow!
Thank you Scott. Tebow loves Ally ( aka Alberta) . They are like two peas in a pod  :cool:
Penny said:
My man Tebow......I did forget to ask, like Scott asked, what does he think? ;)
He loves her a bunch Penny. Thank you for asking . 
Nigel said:
Hay-zeus, another cheater aerogarden. Surely real growers would want to outlaw those dangerously seductive contraptions? And don`t call me Shirley!
Nice looking grow Jamie, as usual. I`m glad to see Florida had a winter this year. Must be the first time since the Ice-age retreated. We`ve just had a week of 60 degree days, so I feel your pain  :rofl:
Keep the roots of those pubes cool. The plants may stand up to your heat, but only if you somehow figure out a way to keep the roots below 75 degrees. 
No problem Shirley  :lol:  I don't recommend anyone buying an AeroGarden ( wait now they are called a Miracle Garden  :snooty: ) they are useless  :liar:
Quick update then back to work 
Speaking of Aero my round two plants are doing well. Have a really nice Rocopica and Galapagoense thanks to JB ( prodigal_son ) . That guy rocks the pepper community . 


The previous Aero dweller are exploding outdoors with flowers and new foliage

Even have a few babies starting to dial in. It's all about proper temps. Does not matter what you feed them 

The Lava is crazy.Huge !  Can't wait to let someone else try a pod  ;) Only get about 5 hours of sunlight . 


 And back by popular demand Ally the new pepper head

For those fine folk who ask'd how Tebow was liking the new Puppy . Pics say a thousand words -
Everything looking good----The kids, the dogs and the peppers !!!  I still haven't gotten up the courage to try the galapoenese grow yet but IA weather is way different than FL's.....LOL     I'm not sure what a ropica pepper is either---is it a cross ?? 
Anyway buddy looks like all is well with you.  We just had a 78 degree day yesterday only to wake up to 23 degrees today---bet that would shock your peppers...LOL 
As always con't good luck bro
Lava volunteer here! Those pics of Tebow and Ally (and yeah, your "baby girl" was trying not to grin big-time). So CUTE! I have perfect faith that you, sweet Jamie, will stick those pubes in a bucket of ice if necessary!
And Jamie, darling, if you're having concerns with your son growing up . . . (my mother says, "Don't worry: let always come back"), when does your daughter get to even date? Okay. Dumb question. Never mind.
I do have faith in you and the manzano :party: . Peace, sweetie!