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romy6 peppers

Lookin good, MGOLD it is unusually warm right now. Last Dec. it had days of 22... and as you see the tropical plants here 22 deg makes this place look barren. I have been loving it, surf fishing water is still warm enough to get out still. Where are you at?
My first ripe yellow 7 pod :hot:


my chocolate bhut. :cool:


7 pod red with a lill 8 legged friend I didn't even notice

Great looking plants romy. That 7 red looks mean!
The fact that your growing near mature plants in late December is pretty unbelievable.
I'm green with envy.

SS, That is very interesting that you say it's been alot warmer for you guys this year.. Here on the opposite corner of the US It was been the exact same way. It should be snowing, in the 20's and raining ALOT. Instead night temps have rarely gone below 37degrees, we have had a record breaking month for the least amount of rainfall ever. only 1/4inch all month. We've had more sun this month than we did in June. freaking ridiculous. I could put my over winters in the greenhouse and they would survive. That is farrrr from normal here.
You have some healthy plants with some dangerous looking pods!
I envy the long growing season down south.......no plants left up north...just snow bird's
I hope to hit the FT. Myers area after the holidays...

Had a little harvest today. Unfortunately there are a couple green brains do to a cold front swooping in and knocking over one of my prize plants. Mutated jal's,red habs,1 ripe brain,choc habs,2 african tunisian,nag jolakia pc1, super small dorsett naga's and aji lemons


Pickled a few


My bhut is almost ripe!


And a bunch o bhut's

Looking good Jaime! Yesterday morning when I woke up I was surprised how the weather shifted down there. It was chilly in Orlando and I figured it was gonna hit yall or already did. Now that I am back in NC it is like 28 freaking degrees. The ground is frozen, no way no how any peppers surviving year round up here.

Keep the pics coming so I can bask in your glory and pretend they are mine.
Thanks Brandon. It has been super warm but a lil cooler weather is in the forecast. But nothing to worry.

Thanks Greg. Too bad you weren't coming a little closer to me. I have a nice amount of fresh pods.

Hey Matt. Happy New Year my man! Yeah it has been really cold here. Lows in 40's and high in 60's. I almost took off m y flip flops but I figured sock and flops are more better. :rofl:

Be ready in a few weeks I will have some nice ripe brains for ya!
