food S.I.P./Quarantine Cooking

I admit that i am cooking more... Aside trying to making bread (and having decent results being absolutely unsatisfied) today has been gyoza day!
I just followed first recipe in google (this and this for wrappers) and changed a bit ingredients:
pork, cabbage, turmeric, some hot calabrese annuums, black and white pepper. soy sauce, pampero rum, red onion, garlic, evo.
And farro to dust. I had open that one, so...
For the sauce i made the okonomiyaki one: mayo, ketckup, worchester and soy sauce.
I wasn't able to make them pretty (and i'm sure i'll never be), but they tasted really good!








I made fried rice and fried shrimp. I used Costco's Asian veggie blend, added onions, bell peppers and ginger with a homemade stir fry sauce.
Pro Tip I learned in Spain= add a dollop of your favorite Mayo to make it creamy and it adds zip from the lemon. I also had to add some Sambal Orlek hot sauce.

Frozen Spinach, Sour Cream, Mayo, Spinach Dip Seasoning mix, Dried Aji Blend flaked

Frozen Spinach is certainly not the most attractive looking...
Just wait.

It's gettin there
Spinach Dip Seasonings; Garlic, Onions, Carrots, Spices, etc. 
my Aji Confetti flake blend


Served on toasted french bread
this will go well as a dip, as a spread on sandwiches, or even just as a snack
GIP I knew where you were going with that....That dip and a crusty baguette is dinner for me. 
WM, can't go wrong with steaks on the grill. 
PtMD~  Cook something and post it, even if it is top ramen with sriracha! 
We gotta keep our spirits and heat tolerances up. 
Now, based on Essegi's dumpling post yesterday, that inspired tonight's dinner and my first attempt at gyoza.

What I found in the fridge/freezer/pantry-
Hanks breakfast sausage-1 pound/454g
red onion 1/3 cup fine diced
shredded carrot (no cabbage :shrug:) 1/4c
2 sad scallions that got trimmed up
2 cloves fresh garlic
1 tbsp ginger- frozen shredded
sprinkle of yellow blend hot pepper flakes
salt and pepper
1 tsp EVOO
1 tsp Mongolian fire oil (spicy sesame oil_
2 tsp tamari (soy sauce)
I followed the link Essegi posted for the wraps.  Flour, salt, boiling water, mix, knead, rest, cut, roll out....

Hmmm... what to use for  3" cookie cutter....i was looking for a round salsa tub lid to cut around with a knife when I saw THIS!  Juice pitcher lid FTW!!!


Stuffed and pinched....

I'm working and working in the kitchen and after 45 minutes,
Hubby asks...what are you doing?
Me- Making Dumplings.
He- how many have you done?
Let's just say if there's ever an opening for a dumpling maker at a dumpling factory.....I Ain't Applying!  Especially if it's piecework!!!!
Okay, back to the cook---browned up the bottoms nicely in a straight sided fry pan, Veg oil with a dash of Mongolian fire oil (i mean, really...this is the HOT pepper, right? )   Added about 1/3c water and the lid, let it steam for.....3-4 minutes????

Made a sauce out of 1/4c mayo, 2 tsp sambal, 2 tsp tamari, 1 tsp ginger and a tbsp or 2 of water to loosen it up.


There were some wrapper scraps left, so I rolled them out, cut into pieces, cleaned out the pan and melted some butter and oil.....fried the pieces on both sides, and sprinkled with cinnamon sugar.  Now, Here's the trick with cinnamon sugar, and especially when doing some fried skins like these. 
Toast on the first side, turn over and toast on the 2nd side.  Now, when you remove the crispies from the pan Turn Over and sprinkle the sugar on the HOT side, then dust with cinnamon.

We were pretty pleased with the results considering I've never done this before.  I thought I had the wrappers reeeeaaallly thin, but after cooking they were a bit chewy.  Just a bit.  Not Bad though~..
The wrapper recipe said there should be something like 50 wrappers, I got enough for 15.  Which consequently means I have half of the pork mixture left over.  Not To Worry... tomorrow is Welsh Pasties! 

Everyone Keep Clam and Cook On! 
Ashen said:
You will notice, she never told us what was in her "juice pitcher" . ;) When I was a kid I saw my Dad fill his " juice pitcher" often from the barrel or Demijohn in the fruit cellar.

Heck by the time we were 10 my sisters and I could siphon wine like depression era hobo stealing gas.
:lol:  just some OJ in the pitcher, for honey's mixed drink.  I got the boxen...plural for box.
I forgot to post the evening entertainment- Rin Tin Tin
Ok. I dunno what is going on with the Edit gremlins,,,,I have edited the previous poster 4 times to correct "spamural" to "plural"....