The Brisket's been in the brine for a week, today is COOK DAY!!! MMMMmmmmm Corned Beef!!!!
I have a whole thread about
corned beef here. Quick history lesson-
There isn't any corn in corned beef. It got it's name from nuggets or kernels of salt. Back-in-the-day, salt didn't come finely ground, it came in chunks that resembled kernels of corn. People would use corns of salt in the meat know where this is going...
Last week- an 8 pound trimmed brisket, spices and Prague, Into the zipper bags....get happy in the refer for a week turning every other day or so~
The recipe is on the linked post, but basically it's
1/2 cup store bought pickling spices
1 tsp dry ginger
extra hot pepper
extra black pepper (sorry, geeme) cuz I like it
2 tsp Prague powder
1 cup sea salt
Simmer everything in 2 quarts water (not the meat!), remove from heat, add 2 quarts cold water. When cool, add into 2 gallon ziplock bags with the chunks of meat. Let it brine in the refer for a week....or more....~

Remove the meat from the brine and discard. The brine....not the meat...

Rinse well under cold water, rubbing off all the chunky spices.
Put the meat into a pot, cover with water and bring it Just Barely to a simmer, Turn off and let it set for a bit.
Remove the meat and discard the water. This removes a lot of the salt that was needed to preserve the meat.
Place the meat in a roasting pan and cover with water. Make sure you have enough room for all the veggies that will be added to the pot.
And this is where it all went sideways for me. The 2" roasting pan was not deep enough to cover the meat, and have room for the veggies. And, my stoopit-a$$ JennAir oven isn't large enough for the 4" hotel pan I wanted to use. Okay, no biggie, I'll just use 2 smaller deep roasting pans.... But even THOSE don't fit into the oven! ARRGH!!!
Solution- put a lift under one of the pans, enough so they will both fit in the oven.
It's all cooking happy at the moment, I'll be back to post up finish plates later.
Sheesh....I need a re-wine.....