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S.S.Tupperware's Orlando Grow Log 2012

Hi all... Here is my grow log for the 2012 season... I will try and post pics as often as I can.

To start with I needed some source of heat to try and germinate my seeds with better results than last year, that said i figured i would put one of my old water bed heaters to good use. Took some leftover wood and stuff from some jobs i had done, and made a heated bed to start seeds on. I framed a 24x42 box, added plywood for a bottom, laid a piece of 3/4 in. radiant barrier foam on the bottom, followed by a piece of cement backer board on top of that. Then I secured the thermostat from the heater, laid in the heater and the temp probe...


Then I proceeded to put in 2 bags of sand for a thermal mass to help regulate how often the heater comes on and to keep the temps from varying too much. It goes from 75 deg. up to 100deg.


It will hold 3 10x20 flats and has a lil room for misc. ziplock/coffee filter seeds also.


I will probably build a small foam box to cover it to help keep the heat in. I guess when I'm done the cat has a nice heated litter box...NOT!!
I haven't quite got my list down yet, so many people were generous with seeds I'm not sure which ones will make the cut for this year. I know I am not going to grow as many superhots as last year, I plan on some for stuffing, and general eating. The wife likes peppers, but won't do anything hotter than Jalapeno poppers. So I plan on growing some she can cook with and such, some for seasoning powders, and some for sauces that the rest of the family will eat. I'm only growing for the fun of it, and not for a profit, so I will have a variety instead of growing 5 of 1 kind. I might start some superhots to try and sell to help cover operating costs for the year, I figure 50 @ 3$ apiece for ones in a 4 in pots should cover it, if not I will pass them along to friends and neighbors. I will be cutting down a crappy lime tree to make room for 2 or 3 more 4x8 raised beds, and some will be grown in pots to over winter next year. I still have all my plants from this year growing and producing like crazy... tomorrow might be the first night with frost, so I am only going to attempt to save one choco bhut that still has a hundred pods on it or so. The beds i will let nature take it's course so I can add one timber higher on the existing beds and work the soil with a fresh load of composted horse manure. I failed on my labeling last year and relied on volunteers last year and let me tell ya 1 Tabasco is enough, I sure didn't need 8 taking up valuable space. I will probably start my seeds in the next few days since I can probably have them out by mid to late Febuary.
Picked up 150 pots off CL there the tough black plastic, but 4x4 and probably 6 in deep and square. I also picked a good bag of soil from the nursery thats out that way. I have another 1/2 dozen varities sprout since the last up date, so were movin on...Scrounged enough 4x4's for another 4x8 bed. I find i can do 6-8 nice sized plants in there... So that adds to the realestate. there going to be doing a road widining soon, and they usually use the 36" black plastic pipe, so if I can score 24 ft worht in scrap, that would mean 12 more beds 24 in tall, so I don't have to bend over...
Well I made it out to the Stables this morn... luckily they had a small loader so I didn't have to load. It is not the typical horse manure I'm use to... the old stuff I got was sawdust like bedding, and from a not so fancy stable, so plenty of poop. This one has the fancy jumping and show horse, so the bedding is a shaved wood of somesort, and changed much more regulary.

Thats Ok free is good, and i know it will break down quick here with the high temps and humidity, Nothing outside lasts long. I did plant a few extra peppers I don't plan on keeping so I put them straight in the chips. I am curious if they do ok or not... one thought is treat it like coco or a soiless medium, and supply nutes. But on the other hand not knowing the Ph it might be too outta wack for a while, not really sure. but the couple plants in it will be proof I guess.

More seeds are sprouting every day, I still have a ways to go on some, but the supers are takin the longest... but thats to be expected...

All mine in pots or the ground are still cruising along nicely, mid 70's for the next 7 days, and one might be pushing 80...

All is well in the land of the Mouse... til next time...
I get manure from the city's mounted patrol unit. They use cedar shavings for their bedding. It's mostly the manure that I'm after. They feed their horses top shelf, so I'm pretty lucky with not having to deal with nasty weed seeds in the spring.I'll start my compost in October
for a spring tilling in April.
The compost heats up enough through the winter that I don't have to worry about leaching acid into the soil and burning up the plants.
Is your compost or manure that your using aged?

Some Break down has occured but it's not a finished compost by any means..., It might be cedar, but it has no smell, so maybe cypress. It is paper thin, so I know it will be devoured fast. I also mulched my other plants in pots that are permenant, The stuff from last year has decreces volume by 25 pct or so, this outta make the worms happy, fresh food.
Time for an update... Weather is 80's this week so growing will continue... Its almost like fall went straight to spring.Most every variety have sprouted, except for big jim, which i thought would be the first ones up or so. seranos got that honor...


Here's some yellow Bhuts crusing along with some red habs in the back ground...

I kept one challenge pepper, and repotted it up and put it outside with the others... awwww ain't it cute...?

The other 2 bhuts are coming back nicely after loosing their leaves in a light frost a couple weeks ago, lost some pods, but many still hung on and are ripening.I have a scorp I started and put out in the ground, thats about 2 foot tall, and just blowing up. I covered it with a trash can on that cold night, and the sun hit it for 15 minutes, so i don;t know if it got cooked or chilled. Either way it recovering nicely... I'm hoping this one will be a star this year since it's so big in the ground already. My Yellow Cardi Scorp has one nice pod, and loads of flowers showing themselves more every day, and really taking off this past 2 weeks since it has been so warm. The Chimayos I got are out of the dirt, so there lookin good, and I'm excied to try them. I also put a bunch of bhuts, scorps, 7's, and car reds to pot up and see if I can sell a few to cover operating costs and such. I also have a bunch of people who will take some I'm sure. so thats about it for now, I will probably put up another bed since I have enough 4x4's to do another 4x8 bed... I'm just starting so many varities I will need the space. I also am going to try and scrape up something to make a nursery type table under a maple for some shade to the lil ones, and I have irritation hooked up to the hose so my neighbor can water tham easily since the wife and I go to the coast alot. If i figure some thing out I will get some pics, my battery is charging now.
Well I ended up building a small nursery table to move the seedlings to, used what I had layin around...

My choco bhut is coming back from the cold snap a couple weeks ago. It dropped half it's pods, but half stayed on, and it was loaded...
Well I figured I need to get on the ball... so i started a tray mostly 3 each, most are 2 seed per hole. I am trying a coco seed starting mix from burpee, it's what Lowe's had. If it doesn't work then I will start over. With out further a due here is the first tray...



I type too slow to list them all. I still have all my plants in the ground doing well, I will have to rip out sooner or later... i have some in pots, with unripe pods that I will either grow in pots or move to the ground.... in pots i have,
Yellow Cardi Scorp
Numex 64
Scotch Bonnet
Carolina Cayenne
Peach Habolukia
Red Hab
Brazilian Starfish
and some others that were experiments, I will try and give away. I'm sure there is more, but I'll add them when I remember.

Hey, what's up with that empty cell. That's just wasteful, haha!
Watering spot... I have a bunch in coffee filters too as we speak, 50 red bhuts or so, 20 scorps or so, red and a few yellow, and some other supers i'll put up for sale.
Hey Conrad, I love havin that open cell for watering too. It gets annoying lifting up the tray to water. Makes life a whole lot easier, and I am lazy.
SS.. I'm green with envy that you are planting starts while watching last years grow. I wish we had that weather! your starts look great. Good luck to the rest of your grow year, I'll be watching.
I potted up a few in the tray that were gettin leaves... since it's 80 for the rest of the week, I put them out in the sun, since it's alot better than the Fl. tubes...

This red scorp I started I guess in early Nov. I think I put out in the ground, and the 2 cold nights we had shocked it pretty good, but on the chance we don't get any bad coldfronts I know this one will be a producer for sure...

Some of the yellow Bhuts and red habs are turning, and just really pushing out new growth and lots of flowers...

The couple experimental ones in just horse shaving mulch are doing good, no sigh of anything going wrong ...yet!!! I haven't done anything except hit them with the hose a time or 2...

Things are really starting to pick up, if weather holds, this should be a banner year with more space and many more varities...
Hey S.S......"Grow-tanic".....nice job with the garden. Did you sink those plants in the ground today?
Your fortunate to have a continual rotation with your plants year round......cool!
Good luck with the new plants.

Been 80 plus all this last week, so i potted up some of my lil ones and set them out in the sun. I have a couple of JAG's Red Fatalli out there, I love my Regular Fatalli, so i am kinda excited to try this, the choco one was a waste of time. Have an African Tunesian out as well from Romy6... I stuffed the couple I had with goat cheese, and they were good, so I'm excited to get a decent harvest from them. Have some jamican Red Mushroom;s out too. i never had one, so not sure what to expect. Some seranos are potted up as well.

Got some really nice red Habs ripining , not sure what I am going to do with these, probably run another dehydrator round, since I have enough Bhuts, Datils, Fatalli to make a full batch.


Put an Infinity in the ground, as well as my Carolina Cayanne, and my 6-4 it has some pods just starting to turn...

A Yellow Scotch Bonnet not sure as to what type, if anyone has a guess, I'm all ears... These are going to be put in the Picleze recipe, can't wait to try that...

Not sure what to think about this Nippon Taka, doing great, but pods are nasty, all skin, and a nasty flavor as well... suppose I'll pass this one on to someone, usless to me but it looks cool. I already gave the other away...

The Old Flourscent Challenge Pepper is still movin along, I guess it will ripen to red. not sure.

Thats it for now... I'm sure I'll be potting up more seedlings in a few more days...
Oh and if anyone has Big Jim and would like to donate to the cause, I would appreciate it... not a single one did anything, and I'm out... I really wanna make more Relanos and roasted pepper dishes this year, so I have some more Anahiem, and 6-4's starting...
Put 50 or so Bhuts in some Horticubes, I don't like them, but these are going to be starts for sale or for friends who want them. Been trying to start some Douglas, but I guess the seeds i got just wern't any good... Potted up a few more seedlings to put outside, they have been loving the sun, and now are pushing out a second set of leaves as well. Gonna head to the condo and see if I can namage some pomps for dinner, and get some Brains from Jamie, Haven't been able to sample them yet. So far all my plants are doing good, and I am hoping for a good year with the warm weather we have been having things are starting to sprout new spring growth on trees, that usually don't do this til march.
Look good man, Thanks for the idea on the nursery table. I was just sitting here wandering what I can to put seedlings out and have them elevated, and you solved my promblem. Hope you dont mind me stealing your idea also.

I will be checking on this often myself.
man, great looking plants! are those your 2 fishing boats? i wish i had all the growing room you guys have out there! iam stuck with 150sqft