• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

SadisticPepper's (aka Elcap1999's) 2013/2014/2015 Oceanside glog update

Unfortunately, about half of the trays I had set up got shriveled up on account of a nasty wind storm drying them out. Oddly enough all the plants I had potted up already made it through without a problem, so I've spent the last couple of days redoing the ones I had seeds for, and the ones I didn't I just swapped them out with ones I recently got from PepperLover. Here's a couple pics:
Here's the trays I set out yesterday and today

On the left (going top to bottom, I have Red Brain strains, Red Morugas and Yellow Morugas. The middle group is Chocolate Morugas, Red Bhuts and White Bhuts, and on the right is Purple Bhuts on one half, and orange bhuts on the other half of the first tray, and Red Butch T's on the 2nd tray
Here's a little color coded legend I put together to keep them all straight. The color for the chocolate moruga didn't quite come out too well in the printer.

Hurricanes are relatively rare even for this area. Between Andrew in '92 and the '04-'05 seasons, it was dead quiet, with every meteorologist and their brother swearing the storms in '04-'05 were a fluke. Since those seasons, there wasn't much of a threat from anything from the tropics, and all hurricanes/tropical storms that came by, we'd maybe get a little bit of the outer bands, or it would miss us completely.
And the afternoon summer storms that come in from the Everglades... I'd say maybe 1 or 2 in every 50 lasts more than an hour, with the vast majority lasting 15-20 minutes, maybe 30, before moving off, and maybe one or two a season would have any sort of high wind or anything. And since first moving here, for the life of me, I can't remember even one instance of a tornado or hail this close to the ocean.
well dont that beat all. perfect weather, hardly any storms, and hardly any wind. that sounds like my perfect idea of a place to live lol
we have high winds here right now, and the other day there was a tornado in my area, all though i never seen it. but we get all sorts of weather here, hail, high winds, tornado's, heavy rain, and storms that seem to happen out of now where. we even got some winds from hurricanes all the way inland here. 
The Moruga I posted up above has fully ripened, and here's pics.



I'm also seeing over 100 pods in varying stages of growth/development, and just as many flowers. So I'm guessing inside of a month, I'll have more pods than I know what to do with. I've already got a waiting list going (two people on here and one on FB so far), but as soon as they get theirs', I'll open up to everyone else :)
I admit I was about ready to give up on my seedlings. I had put 3 full rows of them out in my garden, and noticed yesterday that they were wilting & withering in the heat. I managed to get them back to health in a few hours by doing an off-schedule watering with my drip irrigators. I also changed the schedule of my system so they'd be watered every day now during the hottest part of the day for the forseeable future, seeing how quickly the water evaporates from the area from being in direct sun for several hours a day, combined with black fabric. Honestly, I'm somewhat tempted to remove the fabric, and just have the soil directly exposed and weed the area occasionally...
paul i wish i had your weather lol  its been unseasonably cool up here and havent had to deal with the to hot for seedlings issue's. good luck with your seedlings though, i hope it all works out.
magicpepper said:
paul i wish i had your weather lol  its been unseasonably cool up here and havent had to deal with the to hot for seedlings issue's. good luck with your seedlings though, i hope it all works out.
Thanks! So far, my seedlings are adjusting well. I've lost a total of 3, which is not bad considering I put over 130 of them out there. The extra waterings have definitely helped too...
Was looking through this morning, and saw that overall, my seedlings are doing well. One or two had a spot of sunburn on them, which was to be expected.
I also checked the Reaper seeds I put out about 10 days ago, and I'm already seeing 4 seedlings. I'm hoping that more pop soon :)
ah i see. so still not quite a field of green.   have you come to a decision about the black plastic you have laying down?   you could try news paper, it will keep the weeds out, moisture in and wont really add much heat. it also degrades over time?  im going to try it in my garden next year