• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Here is the list so far:

7 pot Jonah (Mgold/Matt pod)
7 pot mystery (Mgold/Matt pod)
7 pot Red (Jamie/Romy pod)
7 pot yellow (Mgold/Matt pod)
Aji Lemon (Romy pod)
Assam (Mgold/Matt pod)
Barrackpore (Pepperlover)
Bhut Giant Red (Matt/Mgold pod)
Bhut Peach (Matt/Mgold pod)
Bhut Chocolate (Matt/Mgold pod)
Bhut Hybrid (Jamie/Romy pod)
Brain Strain Yellow (DVFSTR/Dave pod)
ButchT (Dvfstr/Dave pod) and Mgold's (Pod)
CARDI Scorp Yellow (Jamie/Romy pod)
Choc Hab (PaulG pod) (Romy) (Matt/Mgold)
Datil (Jamie/Romy pod)
Dorset Naga (Jamie/Romy)
Douglah Red (Dfstr/Dave pod)
Douglah Hybrid (Jamie/Romy Pod)
Fatalli x Red Savina (Matt/Mgold pod)
Goats Weed (PaulG pod)
Habanero BLK (Matt/Mgold pod)
Moruga Red (Matt/Mgold pod)
Naga Morich (Matt/Mgold pod)(DVFSTR/Dave pod) (Paul G I think)
Suave Red (NMSU) two seeds
Trinidad Scorp Yellow (Matt/Mgold pod)
Trinidad Perfume (Matt/Mgold pod)
Uba Tuba (NMSU) I only have two seeds
Zavory (Burpee) Two seeds

Seeds yet to purchase:

7 pot infinity
7 pot Primo
7 pot Brown
Black Cayman
Black Naga
Black Stinger
Cleo's Dragon
Malaysian Goronong
Moruga Scorp Yellow
Naga Viper
Red Savina
Safi Red
West Indian Red

Wish list:
Billy Boy Douglah
Sepia Serpent
Pia, looking forward to seeing dem pics when you get to it :) Have a great week!

I know I been slacking Ramon. I haven't even been that busy. Just disappointed at the state of my babies wit these bugs. Major setback.

:) Where is my update? I was totally expecting one. Ok. I will make a deal with you. I will post up some photos on my glog and you have to post some here. Deal? Excellent (you just agreed by reading this, like it or not)! ;)

Ok GH. Here goes the horror

Pia mi girl you have aphids, I could see the eggs or bugs under the leaves you showed. Not sure about fungal gnats as they're hard to see in a video. I would mix a light soapy solution, spray plants, leaves (top & bottom) and soil. Allow solution to stay on them for 15 minutes and rinse properly removing all the soapy water. Make sure you remove the eggs off the bottom of the leaves when you spot them. Either that or get some lady bugs, good luck ^_^