• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Hey lady! Didn't even know you had a glog! I have so many I follow I rarely get outside the "My Content" page...Looking good! Wish I would have been here for ya early on to help you figure out your issues, but doesn't look like you needed my help anyway! Everything has bounced back nicely and are taking off for you. You are at the hard part...waiting to ripen! Friggen takes for ever! By the way those "Ports" are bad for you! :shame: Enjoy your Box-O-Heat from Jamie...you're in for a real treat! Well...that depends on your definition of treat. If its convulsive hiccups with a side of eye water and nose run, treat it is!

Goin' back up to click the follow button now!

Hahaha...don't have to go to far up! Lookie there, top of the page unplanned again! Lucky #7! Your grow has now officially been blessed!
Hey lady! Didn't even know you had a glog! I have so many I follow I rarely get outside the "My Content" page...Looking good! Wish I would have been here for ya early on to help you figure out your issues, but doesn't look like you needed my help anyway! Everything has bounced back nicely and are taking off for you. You are at the hard part...waiting to ripen! Friggen takes for ever! By the way those "Ports" are bad for you! :shame: Enjoy your Box-O-Heat from Jamie...you're in for a real treat! Well...that depends on your definition of treat. If its convulsive hiccups with a side of eye water and nose run, treat it is!

Goin' back up to click the follow button now!

Hahaha...don't have to go to far up! Lookie there, top of the page unplanned again! Lucky #7! Your grow has now officially been blessed!
. You've been warned by Shane almighty. Those box of treats are no joke. But very good and like me will help u build tolerance.

Keep up the glog girl. Like Shane says. Take forever to ripen but when they do. It's like how you were when u saw your first pod. Thrilled !!! Pm me your address so I can send u some powders. Courtesy of THP :).

Hey lady! Didn't even know you had a glog! I have so many I follow I rarely get outside the "My Content" page...Looking good! Wish I would have been here for ya early on to help you figure out your issues, but doesn't look like you needed my help anyway! Everything has bounced back nicely and are taking off for you. You are at the hard part...waiting to ripen! Friggen takes for ever! By the way those "Ports" are bad for you! :shame: Enjoy your Box-O-Heat from Jamie...you're in for a real treat! Well...that depends on your definition of treat. If its convulsive hiccups with a side of eye water and nose run, treat it is!

Goin' back up to click the follow button now!

Hahaha...don't have to go to far up! Lookie there, top of the page unplanned again! Lucky #7! Your grow has now officially been blessed!

Hey Shane,
Thanks for the follow and you glog helped a lot earlier on. Yours Jamie's, Denniz, Compmodder, Paul G, and a host of other glogs. Plus what I read that most of you guys posted on glogs where people were having trouble. I hate that I cant cut that tree down. It has some nasty looking leaves with spores or some type of fungi on them. I have been watching close and making sure to pick up any leaves that fall on my plot. Congrats on being numero uno on the page... once again I am now an official pepperhead. :dance: :onfire:

Thanks so much. I cant wait. Yes, an update is definitely due because new little pod babies have popped up so I will get right on the update.





I heard you were in some pain over there...hahahaha. Told ya! Thanks for the shout out on the powder! I have some others you'll probably end up getting to sample sooner or later! Enjoy those peppers!
Thanks Shane.. omg I was in horrendous pain. My stomach kept feeling like someone was punching it with on-fire punching gloves dipped in acid. ahahahahaaaaaa. But that damn pepper was so damn good damnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!! I had to actually go lay down CTFU ugh I'm such an amateur :dance: :fireball: :onfire: But I am as happy as a pig in a super hot blanket wooohoooo shout out to JAMIEEEEEEEEE ;)
Friggen hilarious, I feel your pain believe me...The very first pepper that punched me in the stomach was actually a Manzano...my commute is 100 miles from LA to San Diego in traffic. I had never tried Manzanos at that point...and I though "How bad can these bell pepper looking pods be???" So as I began my journey I took a big ole bite out of an apple sized pod. The burn was pretty intense, but I kept eating it. HUGE pepper...I finished the damn thing and the burn was still building. About 10 miles in my stomach felt like it was eating itself. I eventually had to pull off, almost puked. Hit a Subway for a sandwich and a couple milks. 20 minutes later I was back on the road. Learned a valuable lesson about the importance of a full stomach when it comes to peppers. Try drinking milk, or eating a PB&J sandwich about 15-20 minutes before you attempt another one. Go for something less painful like one of the Brains next. :whistle:
will Do Shane. I recovered within like an hour and a half. I was too scared to eat anything. I thought I was gonna puke then die!!!! ahahhaaaaa. then puke again after i was dead. omg.. I will never ever do that again. The taste was great tho. I had actually eaten a small piece. It was really hot but the heat didn't last that long so I ate the rest of it. SMMFH WHYYYYYY did my dumb ass do that... The pain wasn't in the back of the throat. Only mouth back of tongue and lips. I ate an entire tray of ice. The other half a tray was for my lips. I felt like I had lips like BIG ANG from VH1
I pledge allegiance to to my ass and the rest of my gastrointestinal organs. One bodily function. Under God. I will never eat another raw Super Hot, even if it is on a super full stomach, with peanut butter and milk or not even gastric bypass.... AMEN
;) Oh Pia you crack me up. I suggest you don't eat any supers raw. It will hurt you bad:) ;)
dont listen to jamie.... if ever saw my 1st attempt at a super hot (JMes hybrid bhut) i was rolling all over the bathroom after i cut the video.. i didnt know whether to throw up or keep it down.. figured to keep it down as if i brought it back up would burn my throat even more... youll get there.. i know i am....i actually just tasted melisssa's "not so chocolate" hab.. pretty good.. but not HOT HOT enough that when i drank my beer it helped it feel better...get used to their powders 1st.....
I heard you were in some pain over there...hahahaha. Told ya! Thanks for the shout out on the powder! I have some others you'll probably end up getting to sample sooner or later! Enjoy those peppers!

shane's powders are also great with anything .. heck my wife even put them on pringles....ill be sending you over a batch of the ones i just got from shane;;.....seems like u got the chili de arbol one.. ill send over his "MANZANO" and jalapeno.... both are smoked...

smoked powders are sooooo good... i love it... once i pod up and ripen... getting me a smoker... :dance:

ps.. record you eating the peppers... start with the aji lemons....and work your way up..like JMe says...

enjoy the superhots.....thanks to these 2 guys.. and also melissa.. i love it .. my wife loves it.. keep up the grow.. and keep them hydrated.. tell your mom to bring u more stinky fish...

Damn it Jamie...you broke her you big bully!!! Never say never Pia! If you prep your system for it...the real pain is only about 5-10 minutes. I don't ever have too many "next day" issues. Although, your sense of taste will probably be off for a few days. The real ways to use the supers are for adding heat to food, or heating up a sauce or powder. Eating them raw is less for the flavor and more for the adrenalin/endorphin rush.

Here is a little article about the benefits of eating hot food, and how they help take care of the body parts you pledged to!
Listen to Shane Pia. He is a wise old chilihead. I eat supers everyday just not raw very often. Slice and dice and mix with your meal. Then you can enjoy it for what it is. :dance:
Plants look awesome and great pods you got going. Jamie doorstep gifts are awesome. How long is your season in New Jersey. Good luck through the season.

I dont know. This is my first year. I hope it's long maybe end of October. Keep etching. Will see.

Plants look awesome and great pods you got going. Jamie doorstep gifts are awesome. How long is your season in New Jersey. Good luck through the season.

Just a little???? I have to step my game up then.

I'm on my phone. Ugh. Wish I had a computer

KD i felt the same way. And I felt like I was gonna pass the hell out. I ate a piece of London broil with worsterchire sauce. That is what sent me into the pits of hell. I didn't have an after burn. Nothing extra on the exit at all. Thank god. But my ass is super used to beer and habs and ass burn is really a non factor.
Damn it Jamie...you broke her you big bully!!! Never say never Pia! If you prep your system for it...the real pain is only about 5-10 minutes. I don't ever have too many "next day" issues. Although, your sense of taste will probably be off for a few days. The real ways to use the supers are for adding heat to food, or heating up a sauce or powder. Eating them raw is less for the flavor and more for the adrenalin/endorphin rush.

Here is a little article about the benefits of eating hot food, and how they help take care of the body parts you pledged to!

Thanks Shane for the link. I now know exactly what that endorphin rush is all about. I liked it.

KD. Sweet. I am loving these powders and believe I will be making powders alot
Im in St. Maarten and internet is sooo sketchy. It is beautiful here. I will be posting lots of pics when I return. I was afraid my peppers would go bad while I was gone so I put them in the freezer. I know they may get mushy or whatever but I felt that was better than them rotting.