• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


the seed starter kit looks good just remember to check often the dampness, i always worry about self watering anything cuz peppers especially seedlings are very picky, the damp soil but not wet, also as soon as they hook you will need some light source and a fan blowing across them at least 4 or 5 hours a day does wonders to prevent dampening off and to strengthen stem and a good rule of thumb is to start 3 times as many as you want things happen! best of luck to you and dont worry your secret is safe with us ;)
Thanks Chile .. apparently I am going to purchase a light that is popular with the "chronic" "Hydro" growers and some mylar which I have learned is not aluminum foil... (Hush) and I have a heat blanket i am going to use .... see how that works..

congrats to being first... Thats a good thing so I hear.. Your plants are going to grow like giant bean stalks now

enough self absorption I am off to the next mans glog
Hey Sanarda...Those chunky pieces on top is that for mulching purposes or is that part of the mix all the way through for aeration? You might just try scraping that off and put a half inch of sandy. perlite. vermiculite mix on top, I think the mold spores love to stick to those woody decomposing chunks and lord knows we got enough spores flying around this season...+ 1 to Mezo start giving them a lil more sun exposure gradually and the sun will kill that vampire problem! :} You are doing good, Keep the Faith!
Be Well...
Hey Saw,

Those pics are from before. My plants are now in the ground and I have my very first pepper. A Fatalli. That was mulch that I was using and in my ignorance used mulch I had laying around that was died black from my landscaping. It killed four of my 22 plants. I now have 16 plants left. two others died later. They are thriving now.. Thanks for your post and I will take what you told me into next years grow.

Happy growing to you.
Hey Saw,

Those pics are from before. My plants are now in the ground and I have my very first pepper. A Fatalli. That was mulch that I was using and in my ignorance used mulch I had laying around that was died black from my landscaping. It killed four of my 22 plants. I now have 16 plants left. two others died later. They are thriving now.. Thanks for your post and I will take what you told me into next years grow.

Happy growing to you.

Awesome!!! Be Well!
Thanks Mike. My over obsessed self checked on my plants late last night and found what was eating the leaves. A beetle looking bug that flew away when I spray it with my soap spray. Next tiime I will take a picture if they come back. Thunder storms today have me nervous. Hopefully we won't get hit too bad
Small Update!!!!!!!!!!!!









heheheeee I am sooooooo exciteddddd. Wanna taste my first powder when I get enough pods Romy??? I decided im going to do a video tomorrow and do an extended update to show my poddage
Its nice to see your so excited over your first pepper, wait till you have big juicy ripe ones by the pound Sanarda.

Its nice to see your so excited over your first pepper, wait till you have big juicy ripe ones by the pound Sanarda.


Thanks Mezo. My Fatalli is getting soo big. I went to the beach today so I didnt get to do a video. but I will.

Looking good! You've inspired me to make a garden video!

Yeah LB. Do a video. I want to see it.

Sanarda. I never turn down powder. Thank you.

:dance: Getting you a package together of Florida grown hotties for ya :dance:

Romy that would make me extremely happy. Thats so nice. I just got excited again aahahahaa Thanks