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Sandwich of the Month

Hey y'all. A recent discussion with THP about Cuban sandwich's in another thread has inspired me to begin this thread.

What is a sandwich? According to wiki...


I myself shall endeavor to post a Sandwich of the Month for every month. This month I tip my hat to one of my favorite sandwiches, The Cuban.

While I encourage y'all to post up your Cuban for SOTM, for the sake of popularizing the thread, feel free to post your sandwich. Be it BLT, turkey sub, gyro, po'boy, etc.

Some rules.

1 ~ Meet the criteria as linked above according to wiki.

2 ~ True, burgers are sandwiches but as we have other threads devoted to them, we will not include them here in this thread. No burgers.

3 ~ List ingredients and methods of how the sandwich was put together.

4 ~ No matter if it is a classic reuben or tuna salad, include a heat ingredient.

5 ~ Pics are mandatory. Talk is cheap. Show us the money!

6 ~ No tortillas. We have taco threads already, and that also means no stinkin' "wraps".

7 ~ Have fun.

I'll post up my sandwich shortly.

Bon appetit!
If we limit anything, I'd say the type of bread should be any form of sliced sandwich bread. You all know what that means. Rolls, bagels, flat breads, long breads like cuban or french bread, english muffins, etc. would be out. Is this something we can all work with?
Seems easy enough... but I hafto ask. What about packaging? Wraps, bread, pita... s'all good?

See rule #6 in the thread starter.


Anyone who wants to eat "wraps" can do so while doing this...

Ay ay cap'n. I'll be bustin out the telescope along with my tooth pick'd and pinwheel'd wraps this weekend :rofl:

Ya wrap hater!

I've been known to dig on some wraps now and then, but I Roger that. No wraps in these parts.

Imma melt me suttin fierce!
JayT knows wraps.

I know this is premature... but I just made a melt that would make you slap a hippie. It was one of those earthy, I wanna hug a tree, not wear deodorant, and make necklaces out of hemp kinda flavor profile.

True Story
I know this is premature... but I just made a melt that would make you slap a hippie. It was one of those earthy, I wanna hug a tree, not wear deodorant, and make necklaces out of hemp kinda flavor profile.

True Story

The whole reason I was into grilled cheese (rather, "melts" as G refined it) in the first place a couple of months ago was because I thought it would lend itself to people taking quite a number of shots at it over the course of an entire month ...

Looking forward to seeing that if it happens, thanks for getting it started =) ...
No, gadget, I just call every grilled sammie with cheese a grilled cheese sammie. You guys are the ones who get technical with "melt".... LOL
No, gadget, I just call every grilled sammie with cheese a grilled cheese sammie. You guys are the ones who get technical with "melt".... LOL

What you say ...

I make an active effort not to retain any information that I can search for ... I think I learned that from Neil deGrasse Tyson if I recall ...