Seems easy enough... but I hafto ask. What about packaging? Wraps, bread, pita... s'all good?
Seems easy enough... but I hafto ask. What about packaging? Wraps, bread, pita... s'all good?
#2.... do cows have to do with anything?
Summer - whatever do you have against english muffins and the like???
Summer - whatever do you have against english muffins and the like???
Nothing at all, G. I was trying to figure out a general rule so we wouldn't see someone trying to sneak in a quesadilla as a melt. Those just got kicked out by shear nature of them not being sliced sandwich bread. Let's see what we can do with plain old sliced sandwich bread. Yeah?
Loaf shaped sandwich bread + cheese(s) should be the only constraint ...
I know this is premature... but I just made a melt that would make you slap a hippie. It was one of those earthy, I wanna hug a tree, not wear deodorant, and make necklaces out of hemp kinda flavor profile.
True Story
No, gadget, I just call every grilled sammie with cheese a grilled cheese sammie. You guys are the ones who get technical with "melt".... LOL