food Sandwich of the Month

Sandwich of the Month November ~ Meatball!
Any meat, beef, pork, lamb, chicken, turkey, tree sloth, etc. If it walks, crawls, or flies, its all good.
Initially I wanted to include seafood such as salmon or crab but that's pushing it a bit too far. They'll be other opportunities for seafood and fish sammich's down the road. Let's just stick to actual meat as most of us know it.
So you got a favorite meatball sammich with marinara and mozz? Do it! 
Meatballs are world wide y'all, get creative and do some research if you have to.
And don't forget the heat.
Spice it up!
I'ma get my balls going early in the month for sure on this one but first I got to work on the pizza t-down.
Can't wait to see yours Sir Jay.

Hey look what I found!
I didn't want to go all traditional with the Italian meatballs, but these kinda are.  They are beef and prok browned and baked, but I changed it up and skipped the marinara and parmesan in favor of some scorching Trinidad Scorpion  BBQ sauce, Monterey Jack, and a dusting of spicy bbq rub.



Very Hot sandwich, try use in this sequence ->Bread->( meat*)-> tomato**-> basil ->salt -> "pepper"(sauce or fruit)->olive oil.-> cheese-> hot oven 250º300º -> if you like final oregano!
*Any meat, beef, pork, lamb, chicken, turkey, tree sloth, etc
**good tomato(in brazil is know as italian tomato)
Extremely Good!!
Here we go y'all.
Meatball sammich ~ Asian style.
80/20 ground chuck
small diced onion
minced garlic
green onion
some fine chopped generic thai chiles
powdered ginger (forgot to get fresh from the sto')
soy sauce
oyster sauce
sesame seed
Mixed it all up in they 'thang.

After mixing, I let it get all happy in the fridge for a few hours.

While the balls of meat were gettin' happy I whooped up some wwwhole wwwheat buns.
Right out of teh ovenz.

Rolled the meatness into little balls, about half the size of a golf ball. Rolled 'em in corn starch and then tossed 'em into hot canola oil and Black Betty.

Split a bun and slathered on some olive earl mayo and just a leetle Mae Ploy, and laid down a bed of shredded cabbage for the balls. (I really wanted some kimchee for this sammich but sadly none was to be found and I didna' have time to drive to Plano to hit up the Asian market)

The pics don't even begin to do this sammich justice. It was chingalicious. Were I to do again, I'd hollow out the bun, have some for realz honest to goodness kimchee, and slather it with sriracha mayo. But it was pretty got 'dang guud as it was. Just not as purty' as it coulda' been.

See how easy that was? Now bring on your meatball sammich's. 
And I'm talkin' to YOU Aussie's, SoFlo, Geeme, Scovie, Essegi, and JayT 'specially!!!
Especially Essegi! I'm dyin' to see and drool over your meatball concoctions.
JayT said:
not the purtiest thing you have ever made, but I can tell it is down right delicious!
Downright ugly if'n you are axin' me. These did have heaps of awesome flavor but were just plain butt ugly.
Many years ago in Alaska I worked with a Chinese gal who treated me to her meat ballage, dusted in corn starch and fried.
Mine look nuthin' like the awesome sheeit she had. 
I reckon hungarian texans just don't have the DNA to make awesome asian style food.
Just looks like maybe you used a tad too much soy and fish sauce, or maybe burned them a tad. But "too much" is relative only to the color. The bread looks amazingly soft - the way I like it. 
Much obliged G.
Lookin' at the pics again now and they do look like they're burnt.
As per the bread, it came out perfect and not super dense as whole wheat doughs can often be. 99% of the time when baking any bread I measure by weight but this time I just started throwing stuff in the KA and winged it. More or less it was...
1 C of warm water
1 t yeast
1 T sugar
2 t salt
3 T canola oil
1/2 C 2% milk
2 1/2 C whole wheat flour
3/4 C dry rolled oats
Proofed it in the oven with the light on, punched it down and formed the buns and proofed again and then into the oven @375 for about 25 minutes.
My fave way to warm proof is to leave the dough in the mixers bowl and put in the sink filled with warm water.  Place a heavy chopping board on top and leave it.  To easy.
An idea for meatballs to go with kimchi would be to get yourself some Korean Hot 'n Spicy Kalbi marinade (it's the schnitz) and mix that through the beef mince.
I might make an Aussie meatball roll.  Roo, beetroot, egg and vegemite :sick:
I will be in on this for sure!
I almost bought one of those little jars yesterday.
Almost I sez.
@$6.99 for that tiny 'thang Kroger can go screw themselves!
I'ma go and hit up the Asian market in Plano today.
Got to find some eel sauce and kimchee.
Posty up pronto DTS!