• If you have a question about commercial production or the hot sauce business, please post in Sauce Biz.

Sauces in progress

Over the last few months I've been working on some new sauces I hope to market
  1. yellow - the first one is a blend of pineapple, mango and fatalii....a real nice fruity flavor with some interesting spices added
  2. purple - now this one is the best so far, made from mixed berries, bhut jolokia and spices. It can even be eaten with vanilla ice-cream
  3. green - a seafood dip which has a really tangy garlic taste with jalapenos
  4. orange - next is a Tomato base with Trinidad Scorpion and herbs
Here is a pic of the sauces I am working on



looks good and I like the lettering (looks a bit like a metal band CD cover :) ) . I'm not sure if it might be too detailed/busy to show up well on a small label though and for you to see the writing properly. Have you printed one out and wrapped it around the bottle to see? You might need to do a white box on the sides to cover some of the background to make it easier to read ingredients etc. unless you were planning on doing a seperate label for the other info and that was just the front?
JR, that's a cool label and a unique name :dance: for a sauce, but I think Candice has a point on how it might come out on a small woozie bottle. Definately worth working on.
Im thinking that although its a pencil sketch, Its kind of violent ?
I think you might catch a few chilie heads and a few dark harted ones.
But there is no chance in hell that my wife would pick up that sauce bottle for me.
So there goes 95% of your market?
Im often wrong but just planting the seeds :beer:
Im thinking that although its a pencil sketch, Its kind of violent ?
I think you might catch a few chilie heads and a few dark harted ones.
But there is no chance in hell that my wife would pick up that sauce bottle for me.
So there goes 95% of your market?
Im often wrong but just planting the seeds :beer:

Thats like I wanted to call one of my sauces something to do with hell or satan and my partner said that there are so many ethnic people that come up to my stall and they wouldn't buy it because of their religion. You gotta be careful with what you do or say these days unless you just want one particular audience. It was probably my dark side that liked JR's label :twisted:
I'm loving the look and sound of these sauces JR. Too bad you are in OZ and I am here. I would love to review them. What kind of berries are in the purple one?
killer looking sauces! & yep fatalii fire is a cajohns hot sauce, I dont think hot sauce names are copyrighted but some people might think you're infringing on the name if you used it. though both of you are in different countries so it might be ok ?
Here is a pic of the label I am working on also (yes I know I spelt fatalii wrong)
each sauce label will be almost the same with the name written in a different color and the side bar in a different color
its still a work in progress for now so ant input would be appreciated


hey... i made a cover for fatalii fire

i hope i help and that you choose this one :)


and here is how it will "kinda" look when wrapped around your hole bottle of hotness :)


Hope i help :)

EDIT: i know the nutrition facts have nothing to do with your sauce but since idk the right facts and ingredients i just put it there for an Example :)
I would take that label from hnaki, Its a ripper!
My wife would pick that up thinking if this will make a man or mouse of me :mouthonfire:
Of course, I hope for mouse because that would mean its a good sauce.
sorry for the late reply, I 've been busy working on labels, recipes etc
and thanks for all the sugestions
also thanks for the variation on the label hnakhi
so far this is what I have with the labels and the sauce flavors

  • Pineapple & Mango
  • Mixed Berries
  • Strawberries & Passionfruit
  • Raspberries & Mandarins
  • Pear & Grape (still needs some adjustments)
  • Jalapenos & Coriander
  • Tomato & Basil (fantasic on pasta)
  • Smokey BBQ (still waiting on the dried chipotle meco powder from Mexico)
Does anyone have any more suggestions on names, labeling etc????




Looking good JR. They all sound yummy. The page is taking too long to download so I can't see everything. Also I can't see the written part of the labels very well due to size.

So this is just one thing I noticed that you need to be aware of. I'm not picking, just trying to help :)
I think you can only have product of Australia if everything is australian. They are very strict with this. So if you are getting powder from Mexico you can say "Australian owned, made with imported and local ingredients". Also this applies to if your label (printing and the paper) and bottle are made in Australia, with australian products, the vinegar etc. There is also a special order that you write that sentence in, it needs to be written depending on how much of each is used. Also make sure that the ingredient you use the most of is listed first and descends in that order. Labels can be really confusing with what you are allowed to and not allowed to say.