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Sauces in progress

Over the last few months I've been working on some new sauces I hope to market
  1. yellow - the first one is a blend of pineapple, mango and fatalii....a real nice fruity flavor with some interesting spices added
  2. purple - now this one is the best so far, made from mixed berries, bhut jolokia and spices. It can even be eaten with vanilla ice-cream
  3. green - a seafood dip which has a really tangy garlic taste with jalapenos
  4. orange - next is a Tomato base with Trinidad Scorpion and herbs
Here is a pic of the sauces I am working on



looks great!
like milk_man, I am also wondering where you got your bottles/shrink?

I'm not sure if I sent you guys a PM earlier...if not let me know and I'll give you the contact details :cool:

Hello jr
Those sauces look just great. What software do you use to design the labels mate??

I am using Photoshop :hell:

They look awesome! If you get that mini sample rack up that you were talking about put me down for one!

I don't think many witches will be buying the inquisition tho

Hopefully I'll get around to getting some mini bottles soooooooooooooon :lol: Just the other day I bought 400 test tubs for the chilli powders,
I kinda like the inquisition label the best

Love the look of your White Lightning sauce JR whats in it

Pears, onion, garlic, lemon, lime,

grapes, water, vinegar, salt,

mint, chilli, spices, white devils tongue peppers

How the hell have I missed this thread??? Dude I am stoked you are doing this, they all look awesome. You open a stall anywhere and I am there.

Thanks Joe, hopefully I'll start selling at a few markets in the spring????
I've also made a Wasabi Douglah Mustard....nice bit of heat

Hey I am stoked, the only thing that put me off buying the Heartbreaking Dawn Sauce was the freight costs was around the same price as the bottle itself.

Your local so it aint gonna be much :).
Grant, they ALL look really great! There's now way to pick just one, so I'm afraid I'm gonna have to insist on having all of them. I thought I was hallucinatin natin natin natin when I saw all the colors! Wow!
I like the label but I keep singing Mel Brook's "The Inquisition" song from History of the World. :party:

Oooooooh the Inquisition's here and it's here to staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!
The inquisition, the inquisition........yeah, me too
Okay -a few comments as to the labels
1. The Inquisition-My thought was "branding iron" style lettering, too much "splashing"
get a bit busy, and you have to be closer to read clearly.The art work is great-for limited edition, perfect.Someone will always get offended, its a big world, but more people will identify with the "Inquisition" than not-great name.
2.The Flames will obviously be the Identifier for most people, I would consider "tinting" the tips of the flames lightly with the signature color of each sauce, same for each sauce name, otherwise from a distance, they all appear the same.
3.The original lettering for Fatalli Fire shows up better than the more elaborate versions-if the "splashed" lettering(or whatever)are in, or too close to the flames,
you eyes don't know where to go.
OKAY-there's my devils advocate on the labeling...as to sauces, they sound/look spot on -color ,consistancy, ingredients.A white sauce is now my #1 objective, as I've got my Yellow 7 Sauce down(looks like the Fatalli Fire ingredients-so I know that one will be good!!)and will really be anticipating your stuff.I just do it for fun-but I'm serious about my fun!!!Hurry up...you have some of my money already so to speak, cuz
Good Luck-
Dave :onfire: :beer:
Pears, onion, garlic, lemon, lime,

grapes, water, vinegar, salt,

mint, chilli, spices, white devils tongue peppers

Thanks Joe, hopefully I'll start selling at a few markets in the spring????
I've also made a Wasabi Douglah Mustard....nice bit of heat

Awesome, I thought "pears" the first time I saw some White Lightning Habs.....
Hey Junglerain, you should do what I'm doing and grow some of the fruits you want to put in your sauces. I've got some Plumcots that are starting to fruit at the moment that I'm thinking of making into some sauces when the season gets cracking.
Hey Junglerain, you should do what I'm doing and grow some of the fruits you want to put in your sauces. I've got some Plumcots that are starting to fruit at the moment that I'm thinking of making into some sauces when the season gets cracking.

I'd love to, but all my chillis are taking up the space right now, I'm hoping to grow some white strawberries though...