• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

SB7J Community grow.

This is where your SB7J grow goes from the seeds that I sent you. 
Trident chilli said:
Matt I have a SB7J Select from Steve Queen and a SB7J Yellow from Romy6 in the poly tunnel ... more than happy to send you seed in the fall
juanitos said:
i'll be saving seed as well, seed from steve
Thanks guys, I appreciate it. I'm putting it on my calendar. Can't wait to see your pods this fall
Man, those look nice!

Mine are very off. Got the seeds from whitehotpeppers, it was actually a freebie. Looking further up the page at Justin's pics from last year, it's funny a how much they can change from year to year. Though maybe mine were crossed. They kind of look like a small regular bonnet, smooth, no bumps/pimples at all. And it seems like they have lower heat than a bonnet as well. But they are pretty damn tasty, I might decide to save some seeds and grow them again, but I'll probably try to grow the real SB7J next year also.