Scorpion Chilli Hot Sauces: Arriving soon!!

Hello all,

Just thought I'd let everyone know that I will have a range of Aussie made sauces available in around a months time! what a process it has been to get them to the market stage!!!

What I'll have on offer:

Scorpion Chilli:

Sweet Chilli sauce: A sauce mild in heat with an array of lovely ingredients from lemon grass, ginger, garlic and whole fresh tomatos. This sauce is designed for use on pastas, steak, seafood and almost everything you can cook. excellent as a pizza base.

The next on the list is: Habanero concentrate 90% habanero with some garlic, galangal and other little seceret touches here and there.

The big one is: A lovely Naga style concentrate 'Fiery Temper' blended with lime, lemon, garlic and tommys with some roasted capsicum and other bits and pieces that boosts the flavour with the maximum heat.

The bigger one here: 'WRATH OF GOD' Chilli sauce! A naga mixed sauce variety with lovely roasted and sun dried tomatoes capsicum garlic and ginger with some unique oils added for deluxe flavour. This sauce is not for the faint hearted ..! It will blow your mind like you have never experienced hot sauce to do before.
At your own risk.:hell::onfire::mouthonfire:

Let me know if you are interested and we will sort out prices etc as sizes of sauce vary?

Have a gander at my you tube vid:mouthonfire:

damn - i want everything

Great vid
Cheers mate...I'll let you know when they are ready...Just waiting on labels and i'm done! Good old Neil from hippee seeds is going to do a you tube test on my hab concentrate, should be fun!! All the best!

looks good mate, whats your angle, going to do markets, are you looking to place in cafes, delis etc?
Perth has a pretty good chilli scene from what I have been told.
Did you get to the last Perth chilli festival?
are you going jars or bottles?
Hey Stillmanz,

We are trying to develop a fun recognizable generic label, so that we can target a few areas...Crazy times working it all out! We hope to have alot of fun trying any way! I just want it all done lol!! markets and fairs at this time are the go, the chilli scene here is strong! Didnt make last chilli festival but will for the next one. i was going to ask your advice on bottles, I went to the dealer you suggested ages ago and got standard 120ml and 250ml bottles which seem to be ok at this stage.

Thinking about the whisky hip flask style bottles though.

Our website should be up tomorrow after my partner (who wants to kill me) and I finish it tonight..She is lovely really!

Have a gander !
Hows things going for you?

Scorpion said:
Our website should be up tomorrow after my partner (who wants to kill me) and I finish it tonight..She is lovely really!

Have a gander !
Hows things going for you?


Hey, very nicely done..good clean design, nice colors, it works even in Opera without Javascript on, and it's fun.


I rate it 4 pints only because it's lacking Naga-Smell-O-Vision... ;-)

Well done mate!
scorpion Sauce and website...and Smell-o-vision! lol

QuadShotz said:
Hey, very nicely done..good clean design, nice colors, it works even in Opera without Javascript on, and it's fun.


I rate it 4 pints only because it's lacking Naga-Smell-O-Vision... ;-)

Well done mate!

Hey Quad thanks for the feedback mate...we certainly had fun making it! Funny you mentioned Naga Smell-o-vision, the poor lap top copped a heap habanero and pc1 concentrate, funny as...My girlfriend wasnt happy lol! Im glad you enjoyed the site!

How did your cooking go ? Im still keen on that chilli Jam...mmmm chilli jam!

Secret ingrediants

DickT said:
Nice video, now how about those secrets, LOL

Hey DT,

Thanks for your feedback mate! Dont tell anyone...But the secret ingredients are...Jelly babys he he....Hang on that could work!

hmmm...habs, sugar, orange jelly babys and marmalade...Quadshot get a load of this idea lol.

Have a good one DT

Scorpion said:
Hey Quad thanks for the feedback mate...we certainly had fun making it! Funny you mentioned Naga Smell-o-vision, the poor lap top copped a heap habanero and pc1 concentrate, funny as...My girlfriend wasnt happy lol! Im glad you enjoyed the site!

How did your cooking go ? Im still keen on that chilli Jam...mmmm chilli jam!


Hey, your welcome..I used to be a webmaster/designer and all but that was yrs ago now...ahhh the 90's... I still run a reseller server, but not really in that field anymore.

I haven't had chance to really cook today..I did dry a pound of habs in my toaster oven overnight though..teehee.

Oh, hows this for a habanero burrito..habs stuck on with hab sauce...


And then done melty w/ cheese and my bih/chipotle/birdseye powder and some garlic pepper salt. Mmmm.


Yes, I made a vid. Sorry, no smell-o-vision though. ;-)


QuadShotz said:
Hey, your welcome..I used to be a webmaster/designer and all but that was yrs ago now...ahhh the 90's... I still run a reseller server, but not really in that field anymore.

I haven't had chance to really cook today..I did dry a pound of habs in my toaster oven overnight though..teehee.

Oh, hows this for a habanero burrito..habs stuck on with hab sauce...


And then done melty w/ cheese and my bih/chipotle/birdseye powder and some garlic pepper salt. Mmmm.


Yes, I made a vid. Sorry, no smell-o-vision though. ;-)



I am so hungry!!! I havnt had lunch! Looking at that....i'm drooling! Cooking up 10 litres of sauce this arvo....6 litres of sweet chilli, 4 of hab concentrate....people love that stuff! Nice and fresh with a hab slap in the mouth!!! Better eat before i cook otherwise i will die lol!

Larve habs!!

Have a good one mate...Ill send you some pics of the sauce when its done....

keep us up to date with some pics dave getting that..i need some hot sauce feeling and its only early morning here in Wales lol :shocked:
talas said:
keep us up to date with some pics dave getting that..i need some hot sauce feeling and its only early morning here in Wales lol :shocked:

No worries my good friend, they will be up soon (after my mum fusses over them)...I've got a lovely fresh bottle here of hab concentrate for you...when your ready let me know and i'll get it off to you with some nice seeds as well. All the best.

so you have a `Sweet Chili Sauce`,The Hab Concentrate`,`The Wrath Of God` and also that `Fiery Temper` sounds nice A lovely Naga style concentrate blended with lime, lemon, garlic and tommys with some roasted capsicum and other bits and pieces that boosts the flavour with the maximum heat...erm yummy sounds intresting..and HOT to bring them on :flamethrower::fire::hotsauce:
talas said:
so you have a `Sweet Chili Sauce`,The Hab Concentrate`,`The Wrath Of God` and also that `Fiery Temper` sounds nice A lovely Naga style concentrate blended with lime, lemon, garlic and tommys with some roasted capsicum and other bits and pieces that boosts the flavour with the maximum heat...erm yummy sounds intresting..and HOT to bring them on :flamethrower::fire::hotsauce:

I am truly scared of the 'wrath of god'....! It is hot hot hot! My fave at the moment is the sweet but tomoorow it will probably change to the 'fiery temper' naga lol! Gotts run back to work, have a coold day everyone!


Will get those sauces to you soon talas!
Scorpion, if the rest of your sauces compare with the Orange Hab Concentrate that you sent me, I can't wait to try the others. That Hab sauce was just plain awesome. Can't wait to give the rest of them a try.
Pepperfreak said:
Scorpion, if the rest of your sauces compare with the Orange Hab Concentrate that you sent me, I can't wait to try the others. That Hab sauce was just plain awesome. Can't wait to give the rest of them a try.

Cheers Pepper! I'm glad you enjoyed the hab sauce! Hows things been? I made a nice batch of hab sauce yesterday...was fun...burnt a few peeps! LOL!! Let me know if you would like some I have a few left...I'll send one your way...A bit cheaper now $8.00, let me know....cant wait for my nagas and bhuts to arrive, have run out here...Gotta crank the naga sauce!! Thanks for your support!

Hey Quad....That would seriously make a good you tube vid Naga up!!! Sounds like guys would be in your element !!! naga shots all round!!! lol (hmm...memories of a bad night with tequila, tobasco and habanero setting in lol!)

All the best!

Naga up!!!:onfire:
Scorpion said:
Hey Quad....That would seriously make a good you tube vid Naga up!!! Sounds like guys would be in your element !!! naga shots all round!!! lol (hmm...memories of a bad night with tequila, tobasco and habanero setting in lol!)

Welllll, Ya know..I will have some of that evil Stillmans Naga Sauce soon...hmmmm.
Can't wait to try yours as well..outa be fun.

Sounds like a plan. :twisted: