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Scovie's Shenanigans.

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CJ was just getting tuned up when I faded like a cheap suit.  I got go label salsa and get deliveried.
Scoville DeVille said:
What the hael is goin on here Gladys?
This is what happens when, since my iPoop pooped, we are down to one computer... The wife comes in and takes over the world.
You guys rock, every effen one of you. Yeah, this thread was started to share some of the crazy shit that I do but what makes it awesome is you all.
Except for those G-Damm bunnies. varmints I tell ya! VARMINTS!!!
So yesterday, I bought a cargo trailer. For our tools, to just leave at the jobsite and have everything we need no matter what it might be. Well, we started up over Loup Loup pass (4020 feet elevation) and I over heated. No idea why but in the morning I added coolant for no particular reason and I think I over filled it. I pull of to the side of the road to let'er cool and I wasn't even out of the truck yet when my buddy Quinn pulls over to see if I needed help. While I am talking with Quinn, Heidi stops, (she and her husband own the lumberyard), but I thanked her and sent her on her way. Meanwhile another local, who drives a logging truck stops. all within ten minutes of me stopping. Quinn stayed, got it cooled, drained a little coolant out and Quinn followed me the rest of the way home. I was exhausted last night. After 6 hhwiskey's, I was out like a light.
Moral of this diatribe... I love where we live.
Same reason I love THP... so many awesome people.
You're not too shabby yourself, Scovie... now where's the hhwiskey?
hogleg said:
if my dough makes it to Florida,
huh??? You in the bread/shipping business? hahaha
Yeah she does. She lets me know it ever'day. :rofl:
elcap, I am out in my driveway with a heat gun removing these stupid equine stickers (unicorns with no puhzaz) off my new trailer. Then... HHWISKEY TIME!
You stoppin' by SL?
just blasted through, sorry no stop....gotta get my TD rockin', then make MOAR SALSA  this afternoon for delivery tomorrow.  The stores are only half-stocked today, they'll be out-out-out tomorrow.  Might stop by tomorrow after deliveries, (got something for you.  :cool:  it's a surprise~~~)
I'm done with Bidniz for today, might get rummy later. 

:lol: @ hogleg....  it's either pre-wine time, time to wine, or time to re-wine!!!
Scovie I liked your post then realized I can't like the disparaging comments about bunnies, so I unliked.  Then I felt bad, and liked again, then unliked, liked, unliked, liked, unliked, and finally settled on liked.  Yeah.  I like it.
JayT said:
Scovie I liked your post then realized I can't like the disparaging comments about bunnies, so I unliked.  Then I felt bad, and liked again, then unliked, liked, unliked, liked, unliked, and finally settled on liked.  Yeah.  I like it.
I liked this.
Hey gab dammit im a way beyond halfway shitty. what do mean my teef er purpul?

And anotherthing What the hell are U sMoking. Cause U bettar Thruogh sum a dat poek on a triskut, a ritz, an uh saltine and call it TAP-ASS. and enter Dat TD! .................damit

salsalady said:
:lol: @ hogleg....  it's either pre-wine time, time to wine, or time to re-wine!!!
What shoe really know bout' wine? cause down here it flows like niagra falls...shit I even use it to wash my balls
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
SL correcting me on how to pronounce quinoa. Sad thing is I"M right. :rofl:  WHy the hael do I know how to say that sheeeit. :rofl:
C'mon, Scovie, you know I was just flippin ya doodoo!  Sheesh!  How many times have I posted  Quinoa Chili?   :rolleyes: 
hogleg said:
What shoe really know bout' wine? cause down here it flows like niagra falls...shit I even use it to wash my balls
Now THAT is alcohol abuse!!!!  Ban Him!!!
It's dinnertime.  He'll be back~~~~
hogleg said:
Kay? no.

Scovil; how much yu wanna sell this blog fer?
aahh, the silent treatment nice tekniuqe.
Ok im willing to offer 3 bottle beam n botle jamasom n one handle in plastic ur choice. huh?    Huh?
JayT said:
I ain't no hollar back girl.

Just gayin'
Much LOVE ........................................ will someone teach me how to do smilly face thingy?

Scoville DeVille said:
Smiley-face thingy?????
When typing your reply, in the tool bar at the top, you should see a SmileyFace.  Click on that Smileyface at the appropriate place in your reply... :rolleyes:  and another tool bar appears below.. :onfire:   where you can click on whatever smiley :party: you want!  Scroll Left or Right  :shame:  for more options :violin:   or click the Show All feature... :crazy:  :mouthonfire:  :beer:  :banghead:  :doh:
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