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Scovie's Shenanigans.

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     If I tried that where I live, I'd come out covered in algae, anhydrous ammonia and extra, mutated appendages. (Agricultural runoff is a bitch.) Man, you are so lucky!
Dammit Scovie!
You were standing right on the current line where all the fish were!
The water looks cold too.
With a hare's ear, a prince nymph, and an purple egg sucking leech I'd catch ever dang
fish in that river.
TB I bet all you would need is a bucket, you 'ol fish whisperer you. Just wave your arm over the river and all the fish would just jump in the bucket. LMAO

And yeah TB the river is cold. Not freezing (like the Sound) but it definitely cools you off. 
Shurbryn said:
Looks like you're having too much fun Scovie. How many stamps does that river have?
That ain't no shit either. I was more worried about my flask than the camera. :rofl:
Stamps? say whuuuuu? I'll say 13 hahahahahahaha
dash 2 said:
     If I tried that where I live, I'd come out covered in algae, anhydrous ammonia and extra, mutated appendages. (Agricultural runoff is a bitch.) Man, you are so lucky!
That sucks man.I would hate to "see" a river and not be able to get in it and scare some fish.
salsa shenanigans~
We have a ton of people coming to the valley this week for a big blues festival, so I figured I'd give 'em something special.... Extra Scorcher Salsa.
I usually use 1 Tbsp orange habanero for 5 tubs of salsa
Today, for 3 1/2 tubs of salsa, I used 2 Tbsp orange habs and 2 Tbsp 7 Pot Jonah.  :mouthonfire:

dash 2 said:
    Hey SL, what do those orange labels on the sides of the containers say? "Extra Skidmarks?" That stuff sounds good. But dangerous!
"Extra Scorcher", The hottest ones usually just say "Scorcher".  At least I marked the tops~

It's gonna be +100F all this week.   5,000 people at the Blues Fest out in the blazing sun all day....throw drinking and dancing into the mix....It's going to be a rough one. 
     In hot climates, some cultures eat spicy food to make themselves feel cool in really hot weather. (I don't know if that's true, but I'll eat the hell out of some vindaloo anyway…) The way I see it, you're doing everybody a favor!
edit: Your salsa looks awesome in that last pic, by the way. I like the fresh cilantro.
That's True, Dash. A lot of cultures do that.  Never thought if it that way....but now I have an excuse for jacking up the heat even further!  Counteracting global warming.  :rofl:
Thanks for the compliment.  The recipe contains about 85 pounds of fresh produce (tomato, onion, green pepper, cilantro). 
Hey! Hey! Hey! Who's blog is this???
Anyway, So there's this F :censored: D UP building in my back yard that has no purpose except for collecting shit from everyone that has lived here in the last 50 years, and I am going to pimp it out. It will be our outdoor kitchen / party pad. BBQ, Smoker, Tunes, Sink (seasonal), fire pit, the works. heck maybe even a TV., nah...
So for months I have been planning and scoping this project out so since we finished our bathroom project, today was day one of this project. We got 80% of the crap pushed to the back half of the building. I am going to build a shear wall to essentially "cut" the building in half. It needs it for strength and also to bury all of that junk. I ain't gonna deal with all of that. So the front wall will get removed and the wall facing the house will get removed from about 4' up, a half wall. It might take me all summer to get this sudo-completed but it will be pretty kick ass when finished.
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Scoville DeVille said:
Hey! Hey! Hey! Who's blog is this???
Ya Snooze, Ya Loose, Scovie!!!
BTW, I have a couple other ideas for the panel out there, might make things a little easier.
Orrrrrrr another idea, Scoves... still halve it off but clear out the junk, ya bum!
(Where else am I going to hide out and keep shelter when I come to squat on your beautiful land............???)
Or...you can come out to the NW for a visit!  All-you-can-eat salsa while you're here.  :lol:
Hubby keeps harping on me to go big with it.  There that new company that just signed up here on THP who are doing 800-1000 pints a week.  I should talk to them about how they are producing it.   
i dig the building :dance:  pimp it.
ooh and sals alady wants tom act like im not coming to your fancy shmansy party.   sic is coming and going to puke on your drum set :rofl:
Looks like an awesome shed to process peppers in ;)
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