Unfortunately, the pictures don't really do the meat bubbles justice. Them things were about 5/8" tall. OUCH!!!!!!!!
How's it feeling this morning, Scovie? Keep the Silvadene on it, wrap with gauze would be best, and let me know if you need any other medicine. Indica is supposed to work well.
J/K~ If you need more Silvadene, let me know.
On a side note- Barter Faire was a blast! And Before! I scored one of Scovie's Kraut-Meat Pockets for the drive over. Thanks! It way yummy, and Hot! From the Barter Faire, I picked up-
2 pottery mugs
3 (2#) loaves zucchini bread
Alexander the Grape Vergus- 1 pint
small tub Feta Cheese
fresh Pesto
7 bars of soap
large turned wood bowl
Vermont Maple Syrup
6 pints of jam
Raspberry Liquor (Yum!)
1 jar Drunk'n Raspberry Jam- made from the tailing from the raspberry liquor
2 blown glass bead necklaces- * see story below
1 pint kimchee
3 bottles hot sauce
hemp and bead necklace- custom made for me while I sat and visited with the girl
2# shallots
Trev and Ev bartered a bottle of Ghost Fire and a couple $$ for 2 huge double meat bacon cheese burgers from one of the food vendors.
We had ~20 bottles of Ghost Fire Hot Sauce, some small shaker jars of T-Scorp powder, and some single vials of 9.6 Pure Evil. I gave the boys (there were 5 guys) some sauces and powders to use for trading. I'm not sure how they all fared as 3 of the guys stayed there for the night. Except for the shallots, everything was a full or partial trade. I had a blast! I was using a duffle bag and had to go back to the car after a couple hours to unload, it was so heavy! By the end, it was that heavy again.
*While wandering down around, I spied a large glass beer mug half full with some very sad looking chiles. I stopped, went over to look, Yep, no doubt about it, they were assorted yellow superhots. The guy in the booth didn't know anything about them other than they used them for "I Dare You" pranks. Well, after a bit of conversation, we struck a deal for vial of 9.6 Pure Evil. Too FUN!