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Scovie's Shenanigans.

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Shurbryn said:
Be vewwwwy vewwwwy qwiet, Scovie's hunting weed eatin' wabbits.
Just be sure they're not killer rabbits with big pointy teeth... in that case, may I suggest:
sheesh, dude, that heffer needs some munchies to fatten out!
When we buy a half a beef they always ask, "Do you want to grain 'em  out or finish 'em on grass?" 
I had no idea~~~~~~
salsalady said:
sheesh, dude, that heffer needs some munchies to fatten out!
When we buy a half a cow they always ask, "Do you want to grain 'em  out or finish 'em on grass?" 
I had no idea~~~~~~
Grass-fed FTW! :party:
CJ, That's gonna be our whole valley next summer!!!!
bummer is it don't grow outdoors in below freezing temps.  :(  maybe that's the new "strain" that needs to be cultivated.  Freeze-proof cannabis!
Gassy, so the meat is already infused and all you have to do is to Cook it to activate the relevant compounds????? ~~~~~:cool:~~~~~
Imma create a self-sustaining "grow-if-ya-wanna" strain! Hey - it's worked with oregano!     :rofl:
and hops. hhmmmm...!!!!!!!
things that make ya go "hmmmmmm??????"........
Oh, I hear ya CJ!   Throw them seeds out there and they can growifyawanna!!  That'd be a win!
I tried to find a good image of cows eating fruits but they all had palm trees in the background.....not sure what to make of that....(things that make you go HHhmmmmmmmmm)
It's the hum of the country! hahahahahahahaha
country/Country/County...whatevs! hahaha
(why does this all look misspelled to me tonight?! hashahahahaha)
I need to re-wine, you with me CJ?

edits didn't show the timestamps.  :lol:
OOHH..Hellz to the Yah!!!!!!  :rofl:
Exploring the magnificence of the white wine tonight....
...as Sum says it...."That Dog'll bite you!"!!!!!
(yup - mebby?)
white wine'll just rub up against yer legs kinda like a cat, reaffirming you really are important to their world and then leave a mess o' something to be cleaned up.
red wine will roll over, beg for belly rubs and give you kisses, wiggle to beat 60, and make you feel like the King Of The Universe and then leave a doogie in your mouf. 
Te-keel-ya will  put you on a pedestal and then kick you into the dungeon with a keystone on your head.
since this is SHENANIGANS!  what else can y'all come up with?>
OMG - I love that you GET the whole mixology of Life!
Scovie got hhhwhiskeyfied...so I can't speak for him so muchish......
I was....Celebrated (the G&T),"rubbed and reaffirmed" (white wined).....and have been put on a pedestal  (that'd be the 'quila!). I love my bartender!!!!!!  :rofl:
Scovie's gonna see all these shenanigans and be all like "YOU'RE BANNED! NO STAMP FOR YOU! THIS IS MY SHENANIGANS THREAD!" and then he'll finish off with a story about hhhwhiskey and how great it is.
We're just keeping your thread warm, Stamp Sheriff!
What the hael is goin on here Gladys?
This is what happens when, since my iPoop pooped, we are down to one computer... The wife comes in and takes over the world.
You guys rock, every effen one of you. Yeah, this thread was started to share some of the crazy shit that I do but what makes it awesome is you all.
Except for those G-Damm bunnies. varmints I tell ya! VARMINTS!!!
So yesterday, I bought a cargo trailer. For our tools, to just leave at the jobsite and have everything we need no matter what it might be. Well, we started up over Loup Loup pass (4020 feet elevation) and I over heated. No idea why but in the morning I added coolant for no particular reason and I think I over filled it. I pull of to the side of the road to let'er cool and I wasn't even out of the truck yet when my buddy Quinn pulls over to see if I needed help. While I am talking with Quinn, Heidi stops, (she and her husband own the lumberyard), but I thanked her and sent her on her way. Meanwhile another local, who drives a logging truck stops. all within ten minutes of me stopping. Quinn stayed, got it cooled, drained a little coolant out and Quinn followed me the rest of the way home. I was exhausted last night. After 6 hhwiskey's, I was out like a light.
Moral of this diatribe... I love where we live.
Same reason I love THP... so many awesome people.
you may love where live. but i think its more a case of people, love to be lovin  Scovie D.
if my dough makes it to Florida, I put two bucks on your books, captain shitacular. oh and by the way (like u dont know) CJ rocks, she even bumped bumpthread bump ta bump ta bump!
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