Seed Distributing Tim

Hi Everyone!

Here we are a year older and little to show for it.

This is the list of seeds I have available to any and all that are interested. It's going to be a little different this year. Last year I was overwhelmed and spent a few bucks of my own money on postage, envelopes, packing material etc. I'm hoping that things are much more organized and go smoother.

Here is the list of seeds that are currently available. The peppers they come from were all open pollinated. Seeds were collected from several different pods to increase your chance of the pepper growing true. No guarantees I'm afraid.

7 Pod “Perfect”--------------5
7 Pod Yellow-----------------5
7 Pod, Hippy Seed Co.----------------------8
7 Pod, Barrackpore------------------------8
7 Pod, Domestic, Larger than Hippy’s-----------5
Bhut Jolokia, Chocolate----------5
Bhut Jolokia, Yellow cross---------8
Dorset Naga---------------5
Naga Morich----------------8
Red Savina/Possible T.S. cross-----------------8
Red Savina------------------------8
Trinidad Scorpion CARDI, Red cross-----8
Trinidad Scorpion CARDI---------8
Trinidad Scorpion-----------------8

The number following the pepper name is the number of seeds I'll send. Some are very limited in numbers.

Two options to get them. You can send me a postage paid self addressed envelope with a list of the seeds you want along with $2. Or you can give me your list and $5 and I'll take care of everything.

I'm going to post a few pics of the pods if I can find them.

PM me if you're interested.
This is the larger of the 7 Pods, I called it Domestic because the seeds I got came from a grower in the U.S.


7 Pod Barrackpore


"Perfect" 7 Pod.


If anyone wants a specific pepper picture let me know.
If that white ball is a soccer ball, I'll take those 7 pots. lol. I may need to save my funds for the $1,999 seeds as they are so ultra rare.

Just caught a glance of the title of your post out of the corner of my eye - thought it said "Seed Disburbing Tim" - and wondered who the heck Tim was, and why seed was disturbing him! Time to get the glasses checked! :lol:

I'm assuming the white ball is a queue (cue, whatever) ball, and not a soccer ball? Even at that, those peppers are big!
That white ball looks like an egg from the rare European Ostrich. If it is, it should be almost the size of a bowling ball. I know that it's a large size for an egg, but that's why the European Ostrich is so rare.

Need to put a hold on things for a bit gang, need to do some inventory.

Just to make things easier to understand I am NOT selling seeds. I'm asking for a couple of bucks to help offset shipping and handling costs. Handling charges cover my costs for bubble envelopes, bags, labeling materials, gas to the post office etc.

Doesn't matter how many different pepper seeds you ask for the costs remain the same. Unless you get greedy and want them all. Then we'll need to talk. :shocked:

Tim is I buddy of mine I usually call Tiepo. He's a pain in the butt and usually only good for making a mess of things. His favorite thing to do is confuse people and I have to admit he does a good job of it.