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Seed trades etc.

Never met smokemaster, but I share the philosophy and the meaning of the thread cmpman. That's why I posted what I did. As a noob, I would like to encourage the "old timers" here to not give up on everyone who is new, and to let smokemaster know that some noobs enjoy kindness and variety over substance. My alma paprika failed this year. Don't know why, but some day I hope to be able to ask long time members to send a few of their own for me to try based on their success. AND I will always creep the profile and send something in return... I am not looking for anything for "free"!

BTW, nice to meet you too!
Here 'ya go pilgrims--- I just found where these mooches got their training !


“wats up bro. i was wonderin if thers any way you could help a fellow mmj grower, and user out with a few seeds. as im allways lookin 4 good pain releaf. im in cronic pain from a few bad recks ya 3 of em.iv gota false hip and im in bad shape .so im on ssi and cant afford good med seeds. thanks, xxxxxxxxx aka hw420 pm me and let me know wat ya think Huh? thanks peace out Wink Huh?

i tried to pm this person and find out who they are and they logged in but never responded so i'm outing your dumbass. it's this kind of trolling that makes this place stink a little more! I have no clue who you are, you have all of 27 posts and you hit me up for seeds?! please tell me this isn't a friend of a longtime member here!!!!!”

You just need to sniff out the bad ones. It's pretty easy after a while. At some point, you know all the pitches, games, and othe rmethods. Be like a DEA drug sniffing dog. :) I agree. Things have gotten worse. There still are some great people here though.

You’re a class act buddy!!
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Id like to take this opportunity to thank all of you. Several of you posting here tonight have actually traded or sent me seeds in the past. As of a year and a half ago, I had only grown the most common grocery store sold seed types of peppers. And thanks to you guys i have a new variety of pepper to taste, ripening in the garden constantly.

You need to feel appreciated, not taken advantage of. Hence my post here tonight. My garden is labelled with not only the pepper variety, but with your associated names, so that i will know who to appreciate for this years harvest. Just a reminder folks... not everyone is using you, some of them actually look up to you.

my garden goes out to these folks this year, and you know i will continue to share instead of hoard....
3/5King, Matt50680, SSTupperWare, AntMaster, BiscGolf, Prehensile, DshLogg, Bakers, Kendog... there are many peppers named after you guys and gals this season.
Thanks again.

Here's an idea to help keep you from getting the shaft. Even if it's for a free trade set a price, say $5 a species, and have the requestee PayPal you the money BEFORE you send out the goods. After you receive what you asked for in return pay them back the original amount. If the trade goes good then you are only out some change for PP. if they "magically" don't get them then at least you got paid. Sucks that it's come to that but.....

Alternatively, we could request a waiting period, and have the new folks at least show that they've grown pepper plants prior to them requesting seeds for free. If they want seeds prior to that, they'd have to pay a nominal fee.
Alternatively, we could request a waiting period, and have the new folks at least show that they've grown pepper plants prior to them requesting seeds for free. If they want seeds prior to that, they'd have to pay a nominal fee.

So they should be left to the likes of E-bay and Amazon when first starting this hobby and trying to get something to grow other than the Home Depot\Walmart seed ? That doesn't really expand the hobby or help get people interested in growing if they have an introduction by having to purchase seed that doesn't grow out to be what they thought.

I agree that free seeds should never be resold once received but the fact that a few people are going to try to do this shouldn't result in everyone being denied information and help getting started. Give people a chance and if they prove to be dishonest about their intentions then deal with them directly instead of hurting everyone.

You also have to remember that free seeds are rarely free once you figure in the $1 for a Bubble envelope - $4-$5 for the 2 way postage ( my local P.O. charges the $1.95 rate for a bubble mailer since they need hand sorting - and if I'm sending out a SASBE I am going to make sure the full cost of shipping is covered) + the cost of the envelopes\address label and other supplies. - So many times the offer of a specific variety actually costs you more than if you just order them to start with !
Oh heavens no... Having had my own horrible experiences with Amazon and eBay earlier this year, I shudder to think people would go there as a first resort. Quite the contrary, and to clarify, if people are genuinely interested in growing peppers, then they should by all means ask around and use the resources/recommendations here, and they can also look at the sites we've recommended on here as well as the ones some members on here run (THSC, JungleRain, PepperLover, PepperJoe, etc.), and order from them. That helps the pepper growers on here because every little bit on the side helps, since we all need to cover the costs of water, soil, fertilizer, and in the case of those like myself who grow indoors, pots & electricity. And most times, ordering from the sites costs about the same, or nominally more than going the SASBE route. For example, I got 3 packets of seeds from JungleRain for $20 not too long ago, and the shipping was quite fast & free.

I do sympathize with those who are frustrated with those who seem to always mooch off others in any sense, since I'm an IT guy by trade, and I have people constantly hitting me up for info, nigh demanding me to come over to their house to fix their computer for free, or the chorus of people who want to dump their sorrows off on me when I literally walk into my apt., or am about to take the first bite of my dinner, when I'd like nothing more than to have a free day to myself once in a while.

But yeah, I think the original gist was that some were leery of people on here who, in their first couple posts, started asked right away for seeds for free, when they could've used the recommended places on here to go get seeds from a reputable source for what I think is a very reasonable price at every recommended site I've been to thus far. If they've got the money for water, fertilizer, containers, soil, etc., then it stands to reason they can also afford to purchase the seeds too. And if people on here have more seeds than they know what to do with, then I'm certainly not opposed to them giving them away, and my sincere hope is that the people receiving the seeds will eventually find a way to pay the original person back and/or pay it forward to the next new person wanting seeds as well.
I started with store-bought seeds and plants a long time ago (Walmart, Home Depot, Lowes, and local Nurserys) and have had a learning curve on what and when to buy....

The hard lessons of getting burned by bad seed/plant suppliers can only be taught by experience....I am very experienced in that aspect of it :lol: ...I used to buy off Ebay and learned the first year..."Buyer Beware"....

Take the time to learn the hobby and understnad what you are doing before going out and trading/buying/begging the most exotic varieties out there....if you skip that step, IMO, well, just sayin'...........

IMO the first year pepper grower should grow Jalapenos, Cayennes, maybe a NuMex Big Jim type, and some simple habaneros....start slow and you will learn a lot about the plants and species difference in the Annuums and Chinense (and whatever else you grow)...........
I have gotten some seeds from a few people on here and am very thankful. I save all of our PMs about the seeds in my messenger and they will be remembered when I have some of my own, which is very soon by the way.

Thank You:

Durham Bull for the Culantro
Wbrd01 for the Fresno
MjDiamond83 for all those Super hots!
and Cherokeeson for the FL Grove peppers I will recieve.
I have gotton seeds from a few members on here..... I wouldnt open the package untill i PMED the person that i got the seeds and i thanked them for the 3rd or 4th time because i want them to know that i apprciate "i dont know how to spell" the seeds and i am also making a glog next season so everyone can see their seeds growing out up until harvest... And all the pods that i save for seeds will be given out for free on here i will not make a dime on them and i dont want anyone to think im gonna... I belive that if someone is giving away seeds by sase or sasbe they should say that the member asking for them has to have a certain amount of post inorder to qualify for the seeds maybe 50 or so posts thats what i will probably do.... I Love seeing people with 1-5 posts needing seeds because they love peppers and they joined 5 days ago and they dont have anything to trade but have a whole list of (fill in the blank) superhots they need.. well Thanks to the people that traded me, sold me or gave me seeds you know who you are.... And armac that powder was wicked
+1 Tyler. As mentioned in he rules of the site, have fun... and network. I've become somewhat callus to those you described because of they lack respect for a community that they have not yet learned to appreciate, much less ask questions about "growing super hots for the first time- please send seeds. I am looking for the super hot butch T crossed chocolate moruga scorpion datil death pepper" or whatever the hottest pod is at the moment. NEVER grew them, but already counting dollar signs off of the "harvest!"

Networking is based on trust. Therein lies the rub. Networking also means SUPPORTING the sellers on this site. I was directing them to seed sellers here, but quickly learned that I was just wasting my time posting because they only want free stuff.

Now, off to creep your profile to see if I have anything to send your way!

First, to 3/5King, thanks for the kind words.

Second, I have received free things from this site. I received a package from Growhot not too long ago. Some of you saw the video that resulted.
I have received a bottle of hot sauce from Lucky Dog to review. You saw the video on that.
I received YBS seeds from Coheed. You WILL see a video on that.

I try to give credit where credit is due, and I am very thankful to all the kind members who have helped me here. When I am in a position to return the favor, I will, hopefully many times over.

That said, I agree with the general tone of this thread. To many people ask for handouts. Many of them are youths, like myself.
Smokemaster. I was the lucky recipient of his enormous lottery back in January. THANK YOU, SMOKE! This is my second year growing superhots and after reading everything I could find on superhots here and on the internet, I felt pretty confident and excited about being capable of growing them. I've been a 'regular' gardener for way too many years to count, concentrating on my favorites - tomatoes.

Since Smoke gifted me his many, many seeds (for which I immediately sent him $$ to cover any expenses he may have had) and my superhots world has expanded to help friends and family experience the fun of growing and consuming them. I do not sell seeds or pods. We share with friends, etc. and enjoy what we grow. I also purchase pods and powders from people on THP that I trust.

Also, many thanks go to the dedicated people that really want to share their joy of growing. Thanks to Ajijoe and biscgolf and windsong and cmpman1974 and hot stuff and mtbrider17 and so many more involved in the seed trains. And when I finally get ripe pods, I will definitely send Smoke any seeds he may want. He was gracious to me, and thus needs reciprocity, IMHO.

Many, many thanks for the wonderful information that is shared in this forum.

And shame on you who try to get stuff for nothing or try to cheat people. I've been disappointed with happenings on THP and being cheated. Live and learn.