It says no comments etc. where I think this post should go but here is an open post forum...
I'm sick and tired of the GIMME attitude from the seed requests/demands for free seeds these days.
People are offering TRADES,SETTING UP SAID TRADE - BUT as soon as I say I sent my seeds they don't have what we agreed on to trade anymore.
I usually get only some seeds if any that we agreed to trade or never hear from them again.
At least they could give me a reach around-say they got my seeds or whatever even if they never sent seeds to me.
Others offer trades but really want FREE or SOMETIMES SASBE offers most just want me to just send them seeds(at my expense).
Recently people ask me to sell them seeds or send them seeds-nothing to trade.
I get attitudes from them because I DON"T SELL SEEDS and cannot afford sending seeds at my expense.
People see the Lotto for hundreds of seed varieties I did so they think I owe them seeds for free too.
I've recently been called everything from rude to #!$%^%&(%$^# for not sending out SASBE or free seeds.
These same people are buying a gazillion $ pods from other people but can't afford an SASBE.
These same people DEMAND isolated seeds for the mixed/crossed crap going around these days that isn't stable or even close to being what it is supposed to be.
99.9% of all the super hot seed trade seeds I grew last year and this year are not even close to what they are supposed to be.
Most were seeds from pods bought for a gazillion $ a lb. from this site or seeds from vendors that are overnight pepper experts that sell all the new strains...
They usually charge a premium $ and blame their supplier when stuff grows jalapenos or?
People get an attitude when I'm not interested in a NEW so called strain they have seeds for.
But they have no problem bitching that the FREE seeds that I sent them that were not isolated grew a cross.
I gave away a ton of Chaguanas #2 7 pot seeds as did Chris.
They were seeds I got from a trade in Chaguanas a few years ago.
Chris,Beth(Peppermania) are the only people I gave seeds to originally.
Now I'm an A$$ because I gave out oz. of seeds to a LOT of people after harvest and am out now. I tell people to go to Beth to get seeds.
I see all this PAY IT FORWARD crap posted by the guys who have nothing but want all the FREE seeds they can get.
As soon as they get the seeds they want,it's Auction time at $30. +LB. or $1.00 a seed...
I don't know how people like Butch and others still give out seeds for free even after seeing how people turn their good intentions into greed.
Butch sent me ,AT HIS EXPENSE,Scorpion Jonah(Butch T's) and 7 pot Jonahs back in about 2005 or so.
A lot of the guys who loved spreading the heat have been soured by the greed going round these days in the sales of peppers and seeds.
I'm starting to join the old timers and going to not trade or sasbe anymore to the general public.
People are sucking all the fun out of it.
Scotch Bonnet Steve spent a lot of years developing early season varieties of peppers to grow in short season places.
He developed the Demon Hab.,Cherry Moon(giant cherry pepper),Datarillo,Datilaro and many others.
John F and Alan Boatman among others have spread a lot of seeds around from stuff that the general public couldn't find.
It sucks that the love of chile peppers has turned into the love of $$$.
I've got several LBS. of C. Pubescens seeds that I was going to SASBE but after the recent seed pm's I've gotten lately I'm not going to do it here.
I'm sick and tired of thinking I'm spreading the heat when I'm just being used as a sucker.
I'm sick and tired of the GIMME attitude from the seed requests/demands for free seeds these days.
People are offering TRADES,SETTING UP SAID TRADE - BUT as soon as I say I sent my seeds they don't have what we agreed on to trade anymore.
I usually get only some seeds if any that we agreed to trade or never hear from them again.
At least they could give me a reach around-say they got my seeds or whatever even if they never sent seeds to me.
Others offer trades but really want FREE or SOMETIMES SASBE offers most just want me to just send them seeds(at my expense).
Recently people ask me to sell them seeds or send them seeds-nothing to trade.
I get attitudes from them because I DON"T SELL SEEDS and cannot afford sending seeds at my expense.
People see the Lotto for hundreds of seed varieties I did so they think I owe them seeds for free too.
I've recently been called everything from rude to #!$%^%&(%$^# for not sending out SASBE or free seeds.
These same people are buying a gazillion $ pods from other people but can't afford an SASBE.
These same people DEMAND isolated seeds for the mixed/crossed crap going around these days that isn't stable or even close to being what it is supposed to be.
99.9% of all the super hot seed trade seeds I grew last year and this year are not even close to what they are supposed to be.
Most were seeds from pods bought for a gazillion $ a lb. from this site or seeds from vendors that are overnight pepper experts that sell all the new strains...
They usually charge a premium $ and blame their supplier when stuff grows jalapenos or?
People get an attitude when I'm not interested in a NEW so called strain they have seeds for.
But they have no problem bitching that the FREE seeds that I sent them that were not isolated grew a cross.
I gave away a ton of Chaguanas #2 7 pot seeds as did Chris.
They were seeds I got from a trade in Chaguanas a few years ago.
Chris,Beth(Peppermania) are the only people I gave seeds to originally.
Now I'm an A$$ because I gave out oz. of seeds to a LOT of people after harvest and am out now. I tell people to go to Beth to get seeds.
I see all this PAY IT FORWARD crap posted by the guys who have nothing but want all the FREE seeds they can get.
As soon as they get the seeds they want,it's Auction time at $30. +LB. or $1.00 a seed...
I don't know how people like Butch and others still give out seeds for free even after seeing how people turn their good intentions into greed.
Butch sent me ,AT HIS EXPENSE,Scorpion Jonah(Butch T's) and 7 pot Jonahs back in about 2005 or so.
A lot of the guys who loved spreading the heat have been soured by the greed going round these days in the sales of peppers and seeds.
I'm starting to join the old timers and going to not trade or sasbe anymore to the general public.
People are sucking all the fun out of it.
Scotch Bonnet Steve spent a lot of years developing early season varieties of peppers to grow in short season places.
He developed the Demon Hab.,Cherry Moon(giant cherry pepper),Datarillo,Datilaro and many others.
John F and Alan Boatman among others have spread a lot of seeds around from stuff that the general public couldn't find.
It sucks that the love of chile peppers has turned into the love of $$$.
I've got several LBS. of C. Pubescens seeds that I was going to SASBE but after the recent seed pm's I've gotten lately I'm not going to do it here.
I'm sick and tired of thinking I'm spreading the heat when I'm just being used as a sucker.