• We welcome content that is not political, divisive, or offensive. If we feel your content leans this way or has the potential to, it may be removed at any time. A hot pepper forum is not the place for such content. Thank you for respecting the community!

Seed trades etc.

JHR, Tyler is a kid too, but both of you are the exception to the rule. I don't remember you ever asking for me to send you anything, yet the gauntlet went down and I had the goods. The fact you followed through demonstrates your character and it is still very funny to think about! OUCH! I never wanted, nor did I ever ask for "credit" either! (Thanks anyway J...) It was just the right thing to do for a trusted member. Pod sellers here have put trust in me to pay with cash and I do not feel comfortable naming them, but they likewise gave a noob the benefit of the doubt and I appreciate that deeply. So what comes around...

Both you and Tyler have something those we are discussing here lack. Etiquette, and the desire to give back by improving this community. Your reviews are spot on and lead to buying decisions...

Point? There are lots of "kids" on this site not looking to re-sell. Not looking to get rich quick, reputation be damned. They have ruined the reputations of all of the noobs here with all of the old timers here. It sets up a distrustful "us" vs "them" environment and everyone suffers.

Just my 2 cents. I owe you a penny.
This is my first year growing anything other than mold in the fridge. Next year will be my first growing supers, and that only because of the generosity of the community here. I've not begged, only accepted offers, sending sase to those who would take it. Unfortunately, the wife says next year I have to find a way for my hobby to pay for itself. This means I'm going to have to sell enough to cover my expenses. Not all of us can afford the hobby so much as we can't afford not to grow our own food. I wouldn't have any hot peppers this year were it not for generous friends. I'm not looking to get rich and it has always been my intention to share my future seeds, but I will have to sell some of the fruit just to be able to afford supplies. I have kept careful track of those who have helped me so I can show my appreciation as soon as I have something to show.

That being said, expecting something for nothing and being rude about it is completely unacceptable. However, it seems unrealistic to expect someone to give everything for free just because they got their seeds for the cost of shipping.

"That being said, expecting something for nothing and being rude about it is completely unacceptable. However, it seems unrealistic to expect someone to give everything for free just because they got their seeds for the cost of shipping."

That is not the point. You are doing it right as well as many others here. When you get pods available, let me know, I will be the first to support you financially for the effort of growing out the seeds you may have gotten for "free." The rub is with the bad noobs demanding seeds to re-sell back to members or on other sites.

Buying pods from growers here is twice rewarding. You get to save the seeds and you get to eat the pods.Then, you are free to share the seed wealth with other members who will then, in turn, do the same thing, unless they are the ones looking to become a "business" or whatever. They are usually young punks without etiquette.

FYI... I have sent many members here many seeds of various varieties with no expectation of return. So far, with an exception or two, most members that got the seeds have been very grateful and have always at least said thank you.

Good luck with that mold in the fridge too yemtol! ;)
So I'm fist in line for a box of your first year production? Friend request on the way! Just keep the mold in the reefer!
sounds good, you can either wait till next year for some supers or if you want I can send you some of these mysterious vietnamese peppers I've got going once they're ready.
Mystery Vietnamese peppers? Let me think abou... HELL YEAH! PM me your address, I'll get some fundage in the mail asap! (PS Tell wife you got first sucker... I mean PAYING customer! wink wink)

In the meantime, I'll get you some of my poddage if you'd like.
I started out knowing nil about growing hot peppers. I had trades from AJ, Smoke, Chris, Potawie and I'm sure others who I missed. I have had great results and learned a lot from all the growers. Why would you want to mess up a good thing ?