Put me down after Emu!
I do have a serious concern with the current list arrangement, however. What's up with Round 2 starting before the Train has barely started?

The train is looping-around
TWICE to the same people, before it gets out to half the participants!
Normally, you don't start Round 2 until
AFTER the Train is nearing it's final destination for the first go-around. You start a new thread, and find out who's still interested in participating in a second round
I think the current proposed list is inappropriate for several reasons -
1) By having the train loop around
TWICE to the
SAME people before it gets out to everybody else, it unnecessarily delays the train and puts everybody else at a disadvantage (i.e. - perhaps not getting seeds in time for 2012 planting) for the sake of giving extra benefits to a few members.
2) It also
LIMITS the # of different varieties that can be added before it comes around to those folks a second time - so in the desire to get the box 2x before the train has made half it's stops, your basically screwing yourself as well!

(For example, Hixs has perhaps one of the most awesome seed collections out there, but with the current arrangement, none of the current Round 2 people will see any of his seeds!

3) Chad is a really fair guy, and I don't think it was his intention that a few participants get special treatment (i.e. - a
second visit before others get to see his box even
once!) to the detriment (delaying the train) of everybody else.
I therefore suggest the following -
* Round 2 duplicate names be removed from the current list, so that everybody who wants to participate in Chad's train gets to do so before people start taking a second bite out of the apple.
* Once the Train is nearing it's final stop, we
THEN see who still is interested in participating in another go-round.
In order to avoid any further disputes regarding "did you mail it yet" like what happened earlier in this thread, I would also suggest we all agree to spend the extra 50 cents or whatever to put a Tracking # (Delivery Confirmation) on the package. When a member sends the package on its way, they should PM the next person with the tracking # - this will also provide effective communication between the individual members on each leg of the train's journey!
Having a tracked package should also considerably lessen the chances of the Train getting de-railed due to the package getting "lost in the mail" by the USPO!
Any objections?