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seeds Seed trays

I've been considering these type of starting trays http://hoopbenders.net/seedstartingplugtrays.html to start my seeds in. I'm looking at the 1,440 cell size. Once they get root bound, move them to the 36 cell trays here: http://hoopbenders.net/planttraysliners.html.

These are for plants that I want to sell, not for my own use. Mine will go into three-inch plastic cells though I may start them in one of those puny cells.

I don't enough room to grow all the larger cells under lights but I figure by the time the plants get large enough to need moving to a larger room, it will be warm enough to move them outside.

I have two of those trays. I haven't used them yet (the 288 tray or something like that). I'm afraid that the peppers will get way too root bound too fast.

That would be ideal in my situation. Once they do, pluck them and move them to a bigger cell, planting them deep enough so the have very little leg!

I've unintentionally tortured and killed plants by neglect in the dinky cell trays.
I'm thinking about just starting seeds in the liner without the seed tray in it,so the roots can go further.
I may have to cut some roots and leaves later though.
As long as I keep the number under 100, I could just slice through with a knife a couple weeks before I move or transplant them.
i would suggest starting them in a larger container; i started seeds in these before and either the plants became root bound, i moved them too early, or i moved them at just the right time... it was split about 1/3 1/3 & 1/3...
Seed trays seem a waist of time to me,Best results using trays so the plants can establish good root structure early:)
I was at a nursey/landscape shop back in late February or early March. They had received a large shipment on knockout rose bushes, all started in two-inch peat pots. They went into six-inch pots. It was quite a bit of work but these people bought the small plants for about $3 each and sold them for $12-20 each. Not a bad return for a couple of hours work.

I seed straight into jiffy pellets which fit into small pots. when they are about 5-10cm tall and their roots have come through they go into the ground - that time is now for most of my little seedlings. I've had excellent germination results using jiffy pellets, a heat tray and a small grow box with those pink grolux tubes.
chilliman64 said:
I seed straight into jiffy pellets which fit into small pots. when they are about 5-10cm tall and their roots have come through they go into the ground - that time is now for most of my little seedlings. I've had excellent germination results using jiffy pellets, a heat tray and a small grow box with those pink grolux tubes.

Just trying a few jiffys at the moment always shied away from them before :)
all of my seedlings this past spring went through at least 3 transplants...some when thru 4...

seed starting tray to 3" square container (or 9 ounce clear plastic cups) to 5 gallon containers....some went from 9 ounce cups to 6" containers before the 5 gallon containers...

I had read that transplanting in incremental steps created a more compact and healthy root ball....and it seems that held true for me...
I like the 72 or 144/tray cells with a loose soil mix. I've used jiffies for many years but would definitely recommend cells or small pots with soil instead.
AlabamaJack said:
all of my seedlings this past spring went through at least 3 transplants...some when thru 4...

seed starting tray to 3" square container (or 9 ounce clear plastic cups) to 5 gallon containers....some went from 9 ounce cups to 6" containers before the 5 gallon containers...

I had read that transplanting in incremental steps created a more compact and healthy root ball....and it seems that held true for me...

I just do a two-step: germinate in jiffys which sit in small pots in a tray and when ready they are transplanted to their final resting place which is terracotta pots.
Well, here's an example for ya.

I got some T. Scorpion and Yellow Datil seeds from a member here, and tested with 4 seeds ea. in two jiffys. They are just in the "jiffy greenhouse" tray I got from Wal-Mart, and are heated by sittign on top of my floros.


in 5-6 days, I had nearly 100% germination w/ no presoaking or anything. 3/4 for the TS, and 4/4 for the Datils. (one is hiding in pix)


I'm recycling those plastic boxes from tomatos as mini-greenhouses once they need light and just stick 'em near a CFL. Gives a nice gentle warmth, and enough light. Once they outgrow that, they are ready for the regular grow area.

I just use 9oz styro cups and punch holes in the bottom with a pencil, add perlite, then my soil about 2/3 of the way up, then just plop the Jiffy in (usually peel off the membrane and loosen up the peat some) and surround with dirt. Then just water and let 'em rip. :lol:

Medicine dropper is for making sure I water 'em carefully...and for keeping stuck casings damp. I had to manually remove two casings here as you can see by the flattened leaves. NP though, they'll be fine.

Easy, Cheap and Awesome. :lol:

Hey Quad,
They sell the jiffies in like 4 different sizes. Do you know which size that is? I'm just curious. I never used them before and might try a few next season. Aside from that how are the indoor plants doing?
Fact of fiction...

I have read that using jiffy pots impede root dispersion/growth...I think it was Pam that said that but I may be wrong...whoever posted it and whatever I remember reading was when you transplant out of the jiffy pots, tear the outer mesh off and that will allow better root expansion/growth...

kinda got a buzz now and am tring to remember doesn't work...
Josh said:
Hey Quad,
They sell the jiffies in like 4 different sizes. Do you know which size that is? I'm just curious. I never used them before and might try a few next season. Aside from that how are the indoor plants doing?

The pellets are all the same size FAIK, I just bought what they had at Wally, was about a 18"x 8" 'greenhouse' and cme with pellets for $10.

Refill pellets are literrally cheap as dirt. :lol:
AlabamaJack said:
Fact of fiction...

I have read that using jiffy pots impede root dispersion/growth...I think it was Pam that said that but I may be wrong...whoever posted it and whatever I remember reading was when you transplant out of the jiffy pots, tear the outer mesh off and that will allow better root expansion/growth...

kinda got a buzz now and am tring to remember doesn't work...

I remeebr that...and once they have firrst leaves, I give 'en real dirt. I keep them in the peat to transplant, but try to break it up some to let it get the better soil as it grows that almighty taproot.

Plants are a system, just like us...give 'em what they need, and thtey will reward ya.
cool man...get to growing... I may have to start some soon but I am really trying to hold off or I won't have room for the winter...

I've already started some, albeit only 18 plants. I don't mind discarding them if I can learn which way to do it best. I've got three seedlings that went under lights around Labor Day and at least one of them is almost large enough to transplant outside now. That's eight weeks, and it was set back for more than a week when our power went out. It's been under CFL lights for the last month and I am still impressed with them, except it takes more watering. I'm really thinking that I need to add some of them to my grow chamber, even if I don't use them until the seedlings get at least four leaves.
