seeds-germination Seed trays

my grow area in the garage is a mess...haven't cleaned up in there since I planted out...been busy with the outside garden...

another thing on my list of "to dos"....I am putting it off until I hear word of the first frost...
AlabamaJack said:
cool man...get to growing... I may have to start some soon but I am really trying to hold off or I won't have room for the winter...

I hear ya..but i got sent new kinds of seeds and HAD to try em.... ;)

ANd, WOW a certain member here has kick-ass seeds!

I figged a Scorp woudl take Naga-time..5/6 days is insane.

(I'm not sayign who was for politeness sake..don't want hissass being deluged)
AJ - slacking off??? What's next, Iggy becoming a priest?

Okay, I have no room to talk. I have dozens of pods I need to pluck, but many of them are small, such as various Birds Eyes, Chinese 5-Color and such. Ten dozen of them won't amount to a pund. But I finally have some Datils getting ripe, as well as several Fish peppers. Plus lots of Red Savinas and a few superhots. If I'm real lucky, maybe two pounds worth. More than enough to make all the hot sauce I will use in the coming year, but it is fun to give it to people!

Speaking of seedling trays, I just saw some interesting trays in the UK that I'm really keen on, and going to find out if they can ship to Aus.

The Sherwood Rootrainers is what I'm thinking of. Essentially they are a plastic casing in lots of 4 that you slide into a tray. You can then take the lots of 4 cells out and open them up to inspect the roots, giving you better accuracy as to when to repot.

I had really erratic results with jiffy pots this year, and will definitely look at some sort of peat-less soil mix next season for seedlings
A.J Try the jiffy Compressed coconut coir pellets pellets much better than Jiffy 7`s as they are peat based..And the coir are fantastic for toms and chilis :rolleyes:
I may try some this coming germination season, but it will be hard to get away from that worked really well for me and I got good germination percentage results from it too...only problem is that if you sneeze on your workbench, the hoffmans blows all over the is very very lightweight and soil-less...
QuadShotz said:
Well, here's an example for ya.

I got some T. Scorpion and Yellow Datil seeds from a member here, and tested with 4 seeds ea. in two jiffys. They are just in the "jiffy greenhouse" tray I got from Wal-Mart, and are heated by sittign on top of my floros.


in 5-6 days, I had nearly 100% germination w/ no presoaking or anything. 3/4 for the TS, and 4/4 for the Datils. (one is hiding in pix)


I'm recycling those plastic boxes from tomatos as mini-greenhouses once they need light and just stick 'em near a CFL. Gives a nice gentle warmth, and enough light. Once they outgrow that, they are ready for the regular grow area.

I just use 9oz styro cups and punch holes in the bottom with a pencil, add perlite, then my soil about 2/3 of the way up, then just plop the Jiffy in (usually peel off the membrane and loosen up the peat some) and surround with dirt. Then just water and let 'em rip. :rolleyes:

Medicine dropper is for making sure I water 'em carefully...and for keeping stuck casings damp. I had to manually remove two casings here as you can see by the flattened leaves. NP though, they'll be fine.

Easy, Cheap and Awesome.


There selling those little propagator`s online now..What a great idea..You can but them anywhere warm and voila nice simple idea and you have proved works really well :)
[quote name='QuadShotz;119454] 5-6 days, I had nearly 100% germination w/ no presoaking or anything...Easy, Cheap and Awesome. :rolleyes:-QS[/QUOTE]amen to that bro - I had similar results - happy to see another promoter of the jiffy pellets as they seem to get a bit of a bum wrap around here - I'm a big fan[quote name='AlabamaJack'']Fact of fiction...I have read that using jiffy pots impede root dispersion/growth...I think it was Pam that said that but I may be wrong...whoever posted it and whatever I remember reading was when you transplant out of the jiffy pots, tear the outer mesh off and that will allow better root expansion/growth...[/quote]

right you are AJ, you have to split them up a bit before planting out. you also have to make sure that you don't let them grow 'too much' in the jp's as the roots will wrap around or knot up and then they are impossible to separate and will just knot up when planted out.
AlabamaJack said:
I may try some this coming germination season, but it will be hard to get away from that worked really well for me and I got good germination percentage results from it too...only problem is that if you sneeze on your workbench, the hoffmans blows all over the is very very lightweight and soil-less...

You have to use what works for you and sounds like hoffmans the job,I did try a Number of soil types at the beginning and strangely there was something simalr to yours and looked more like wood pieces than soil,But damn i had 100% germination..Just dried out a bit quick :rolleyes:
chilliman64 said:
amen to that bro - I had similar results - happy to see another promoter of the jiffy pellets as they seem to get a bit of a bum wrap around here - I'm a big fan

right you are AJ, you have to split them up a bit before planting out. you also have to make sure that you don't let them grow 'too much' in the jp's as the roots will wrap around or knot up and then they are impossible to separate and will just knot up when planted out.

You can always put them in Coco blocks like these...
I start the seeds in jiffies, when they are ready for the next move I tear the netting off and plant the whole thing in the mix. I like the fact of roots undisturbed as little as possible. It works for me anyway which I guess is what's important. Mine went from jiffies to plastic 16 oz glasses then to big pots or at least a 6" pot until time to go outside.
Jackie, that is more or less what I am doing, too. Works fine for me.

I am thinking about starting some seeds in rockwool, to see how that works for me. Has anyone not growing hydroponic tried that??
Mebbe it's me, bt different seeds lek different mediums for optimal?

My Morich, CR Habs and Red Savinas never spouted in jiffy hardly at all, well, one out of ten maybe.

But, the Fatali, Bih, and O-habs loved them. Well, and those t.s./datil uber-seeds.

Sh1t, I can't seem to kill a Fatali with a stick. :P

Go figure, eh?

My guess, it's a temperature and moisture retention thing.

I've tried cups, cut-down cups, trays w/thin soil, you name it.

I gotta say, if you poperly use Jiffy, they just work. Biggest mistake is over wetting them.

Think female...they should be just warm and moist. :D

Yes, females are usually better hot and wet, but that's another topic....

I've used jiffys for 20 years but I don't use them for peppers anymore. I use them for plants with more aggresive, faster growing roots like tomatoes but I find cells with loose soil work a lot better than peat pellets for peppers.
QuadShotz said:
Mebbe it's me, bt different seeds lek different mediums for optimal?

My Morich, CR Habs and Red Savinas never spouted in jiffy hardly at all, well, one out of ten maybe.

But, the Fatali, Bih, and O-habs loved them. Well, and those t.s./datil uber-seeds.

Sh1t, I can't seem to kill a Fatali with a stick. ;)

Go figure, eh?

My guess, it's a temperature and moisture retention thing.

I've tried cups, cut-down cups, trays w/thin soil, you name it.

I gotta say, if you poperly use Jiffy, they just work. Biggest mistake is over wetting them.

Think female...they should be just warm and moist. ;)

Yes, females are usually better hot and wet, but that's another topic....


Damn i gotta come out for a drink with you Quad :lol:
I've used jiffys for 20 years but I don't use them for peppers anymore. I use them for plants with more aggresive, faster growing roots like tomatoes but I find cells with loose soil work a lot better than peat pellets for peppers.

Think your absolutely right the best germination i had earlier this year was seed tray loose quality soil John innes 3 or finer and worked great
Chiliac said:
Jackie, that is more or less what I am doing, too. Works fine for me.

I am thinking about starting some seeds in rockwool, to see how that works for me. Has anyone not growing hydroponic tried that??

Have some in a grodan 24 cell pack now as a trial,so ill get back and show how there getting on,used root riot cubes and there not bad,cant say they where any better than soil though :cheers: