trade Seeds From My Garden for Trade or SASBE


The offer is over, but if anyone is willing to share, I am still looking for brown rocoto and peach manzano seeds.

Good luck next year!
It's me again OH
Dave from GA...I am embarrassed to ask ..BUT I don't have the Red 7 pot....I would love a few of these if you can ..I OWE YOU BIG ..Thanx Dave
Nice list, I was wondering if you wanted to do a trade, I have 2 kinds of Tepin peppers from Texas and Louisiana if your interested. One of them is a circular one and one is a tapered one.

I was wanting the Scorpion Cardi and the Douglah peppers.

I'd be interested in any 7 pot, Scorpion, bonda ma jacques,demon hab and douglah kind of deal you might come up with. I have tons of frying peps (red & gold marconi, banana, ect) and a few others....let me know what you seek. Later man

Hey V
Dave here again ..Just wanted to thank you openly here on the forum..Your seeds,The EXTRAS and delivery was very professional Thanx again and looking to a good yr growing for all of us...Dave here in Ga..
Hey orange if you still have a few would a couple Bonda Ma Jacques seeds.Let me know if you can and check out my page for traders.All but about 10 or so are limited.Have a great night. Rich
I would like some Trinidad Scorpion Red "Butch T" OP 2010.

Just check out my trade list to see if there is anything you like.

All mine are OP as well.
PM on the way

I forgot to add the following.

Naga Morich "Jukka" OP 2010
Trinidad Scorpion Red "Butch T" OP 2010

Thanks, Jack
Hey OrangeHero, I got the seeds today. Thanks very much for the extra! I will let you know how they do. I hope to get them started this week or next. I will probably start another growlog for 2011 as well.

Good luck with your season
