contest September TD Ideas?

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Something back to school maybe "sack lunch"?


Talk among yourselves.
Sack lunch is an interesting idea.... something that can tolerate not being refrigerated for at least 4 hours. Not necessarily a lunch for a kid, but something WE would want to eat. Hmmmm......... interesting.
Sack lunch is an interesting idea.... something that can tolerate not being refrigerated for at least 4 hours. Not necessarily a lunch for a kid, but something WE would want to eat. Hmmmm......... interesting.

I was thinking the lack of refrigeration thing well as doesn't need to be heated. Although, I hope nobody takes that idea seriously...because I have no idea where to start.

Oh...and the irony just hit me...back to school sack lunch...from a user named "LunchBox". :) congratulate SL on her 5th crown...everyone has to include a salsa, with 5 different chiles.

Yes...much better idea. ;)
Planets of the Solar System

Participants must create two plates. Each plate must be inspired by a planet or the god that the planet is named after. At least one plate must be the entree, but the second plate can be a side dish, 2nd entree, or dessert.
college back to school it must include raman noodles, pizza, and you have to make a cocktail including redbull or your fav energy drink
Or...since SL is getting her 5th crown, make a meal wth 5 "things", 1 of which is a salsa, and the other 4 could be something like tacos, rice, beans, and guacamole... Or, pineapple habi salsa, shrimp skewers, rice, grilled zuccini, and roasted potatoes...something like that.

Damn...that sounds kinda good. I might make that tonight.
Planets of the Solar System

Participants must create two plates. Each plate must be inspired by a planet or the god that the planet is named after. At least one plate must be the entree, but the second plate can be a side dish, 2nd entree, or dessert.

Being a science teacher...I approve this message.

*and I already know EXACTLY what I'd do.
Doesn't look like there has ever been a mexican TD? Tacos(fish, beef, pork), burritos, salsa, queso, guac, margaritas, sombreros, beans, the list goes on and on...
Well, I know what I'd like to see~~~~ SALSA!

A Mexican/Hispanic TD with a mandatory salsa would be cool.

Most definitions say salsa=sauce so any kind of fresh or cooked, veggie or fruit sauce/salsa would work. But it would have to be made by the entrant for the TD. No store bought sauces.

From some website somewhere---
"The Spanish term for "sauce," salsa can be a mixture of fruits or a mixture of vegetables, or both that are whole and chopped, which are used to complement the flavor of a variety of foods. The mixture can be fresh or cooked with a spicy flavor that can range from mild to very hot tasting, depending on the spices added. Fruit salsas may include balsamic vinegar, and any of several fruits such as cantaloupe, grapes, kiwi, mango, papaya, pineapple, orange, banana, and cilantro. A typical mixture for vegetable salsas that are red in color may include tomatoes, green, red or yellow sweet peppers, onions, chile peppers, garlic, and other seasonings, such as cilantro. The green (verde) vegetable salsas commonly use tomatillos, cilantro and sweet onions as a mixture for the relish. Fruit salsas provide a nice flavor to chicken, fish, and other meats, while vegetable salsas add flavor to snack foods, hamburgers, black bean soups, egg dishes, and a variety of other similar foods. Salsa is similar to another sauce known as picante. Picante is smoother in texture, sweeter in taste and is generally made with fewer spices, while salsa has a chunkier texture and spicier in taste. Typically, salsas vary only slightly in ingredients, with the majority including tomatoes, chile peppers, bell peppers, and onions. Some salsas include corn and black beans for added flavor. When fresh, salsa can be stored in the refrigerator for up to five days. If cooked and kept sealed, it can be stored at room temperature for at least six months however, when opened it can be kept refrigerated for approximately a month. "

Otherwise, I like the planetary inspiration theme. It would be interesting to see how the inspiration ties into the theme. Neptune would be a given, Mercury...duh... hmmmm, might have to look at a Venus theme.......

O'Course we know who would have to take Uranus..... Burning Colon or Hot Pooper! :lol:
I've been asking for a Mexican food TD since October, lol. I figured this is a good chance to get it in. It'll probably be your call, SL.
Let's give TB what he's been waiting for... a Tex-Mex run.

Draw out a heavy-weight and see what we got.

Wrap up the "golden gloves" TDers.

This one's gonna be hot!

SoFlo will mop this mess up with TB's Merkin.
Check this idea. Even if we don't do it next, it would be a fun challenge (and this IS all about the challenge, right?)

A BLACK AND WHITE throwdown.
All pictures must be posted in black and white. This can be done on the camera, or on photobucket, before posting.
Foo will be pretty much negated.
Who can bust out an old-timey dish that transcends pigmentation and just looks awesome for what it is!!!

...think about it!!!
I'm all for simplicity for the next one, the last 3 have been outside the box ideas. We should revisit some classics or keep is classic/simple.
Check this idea. Even if we don't do it next, it would be a fun challenge (and this IS all about the challenge, right?)

A BLACK AND WHITE throwdown.
All pictures must be posted in black and white. This can be done on the camera, or on photobucket, before posting.
Foo will be pretty much negated.
Who can bust out an old-timey dish that transcends pigmentation and just looks awesome for what it is!!!

...think about it!!!

Maybe next one. I prefer Sepia.

I say we call out TB. Tex-Mex.

Who's the Master?

I'm sure TB used a heavy pile yarn on that last pink Merkin he made... we'll see if it's as good as Bounty.
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