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I shaved this 7 pod plant three weeks ago to generate all efforts into fruit ripening. It's working. Looks a bit funny though. lol. :)


That is cool my friend after they ripe all you have to do trim more & make ready to over winter that plant very clever.
Wow, must be tough cutting that back. I am going to try and drastically cut mine back to the stump to overwinter them. Not looking forward to that task. All my instincts are telling me not to.
Too think all this time i`ve been killing the deer that leave our plants looking the same?Never thought they were helping me. lol
thats a great idea to do, I never heard about or thought of doing this.
now why didnt you post this couple weeks ago :lol: I hope mine can ripen in less than 3 weeks, tommorrow I'm going crazy with the cutters :lol:
As chilehunter stated, That's a bloody great idea....

My season is only just starting so i will have to remember this tactic for the future
I didn't think this would work tbh and I am kinda hesitant doing it myself. Maybe I'll try that on one plant to see how it'll do.
My thoughts kind of correspond with Chiliacs i think, don't plants need leaves to make food? I see how chiilis could be different (as in stressing to get hotter peppers) but i don't see how this would work.
Maybe it's an illusion, get rid of all the foliage so you can see the pods ripening all together, not just like a few at a time.
JMO, if it works for you keep it up:)
I actually love the look, but you're losing more energy than you're saving. you need to cut any *new growth"... not existing one.
Nice one Chris done that on a Cayenne plant and its finally starting to ripen..A good strategy at this stage in the year :)
Wow! What a load of hurtin' on that plant. Is it just one season old? I only managed 9 pods on my plant, but I'm planning on bringing it inside to over-winter. I read that they can get to 4 feet in height...a nice sized shrub. I'd like to see how many pods I could get by letting it develop like that. My wife has very reluctantly agreed to let me bring it in the house...she doesn't know how big it might get. For that reason anyway, I wouldn't want to prune it down.
That's an AWESOME idea!! However, why am I the only one that thought something dirty when I read the thread name??:twisted:..........Then again it's my mind like that that probably explains why my wife's pregnant:lol:
rabbit said:
That's an AWESOME idea!! However, why am I the only one that thought something dirty when I read the thread name??:twisted:..........Then again it's my mind like that that probably explains why my wife's pregnant:lol:
Congrats. First kid?
Josh said:
Congrats. First kid?

Yep, I'm actually really excited, but being a first it's most definitely a new experience for me. I went to the doctor to see the first ultra-sound a couple days ago. It was really wierd seeing my undeveloped kid forming in there with an actual beating heart. Kind of cool actually.:)
rabbit said:
Yep, I'm actually really excited, but being a first it's most definitely a new experience for me. I went to the doctor to see the first ultra-sound a couple days ago. It was really wierd seeing my undeveloped kid forming in there with an actual beating heart. Kind of cool actually.:)
Yea it is, my nephew is going to be a year soon so it seems like it was just yesterday that my sister was going through all that. It is cool watching them grow, discover, and learn.