• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Shigshwa's Grow Log 2015-2016 (Hydro Grow of Carolina Reapers)

NOTE: Skip to the later pages to see my latest grow. Most of this is a log of my previous grows.
I saw quite a lot of grow logs out here, which inspired me to make one myself. I thought that I could also use this as an opportunity to learn from the more experienced growers as well. A bit about me:

1. At this point in time, I'm 16, likely making me one of the younger growers here.
2. Although I like to mess with all things technology, I also like gardening as well
3. This is my first time growing peppers, so I'm hoping that everything goes well!

Now, onto the peppers.

The Story So far


The peppers, Bhut Jolokia on the right, Butch Ts on the left


The first sprout, and still my biggest!


The peppers, day 3. Some of these were my friends, because he was on vacation. Can't believe they were this small!


A bit under 2 weeks old, when they were still under my now sold HPS bulb. My first sprout is the one in the big pot.


A bit after the last photo. Now that's growth!


Last image of them, days before being in the tent.


The new grow tent, next to my computer.


A bit under a month old, just a few days in the new grow tent. I will get a MH system soon...


Taken just now, 1 month 1 day old, few days after the last photo. The growth has EXPLODED ever since they were placed in the tent. The one in the very front is the Bhut, or so I believe, and the other 3 are the Butch Ts, one in the very back being my first sprout.
Wow great plants there I'm on my way my seedlings had just emerged but question, can you grow/propogate the suckers of pepper plants like tomato suckers?
Excellent! The first flower has set fruit. I also like how my tent smells like flowers now.


Yea I've seen people just get the suckers/shoots dig a large hole stick it in there and there a new plant

Here's my clone/seedling setup. A simple desk lamp over a humidity dome. I am currently cloning basil, Mimosa Pudica, a downed TS Butch T, and in the back left, a pumpkin seedling.

Week 11, day 77. A week after the transplant. The leaves show damage from edema, but it's still doing fine. My Bhut and TS are both flowering, and the Bhut has a pod already! Middle TS is still in veg. Hydro seedling is doing great. Added a basil clone in there, I hear it repels mosquitos and the like.



Bhut Jolokia. See the pod?

TS Butch T. Buds are developing!
Pod added a good quarter inch of length. Man, worm tea works miracles! Branches shot up an extra inch the day after applying it! I'll update on a normal schedule from now on. Every Sunday.

Week 13, day 91. Built a simple rack for hanging the lights. Upgraded the system to 6 lights. Plants are blooming furiously, but only one fuit has set. I assume it's because of overfertillizing on N. After feeding some Tiger Bloom, the flowers went from dropping a few specks of pollen to spraying a big cloud of pollen when vibrated.


I only have one of those exact same light fixtures and i am jelous of your plants im following them like if they were mine :cool: well i had one question, what kind of pot is that one right int he middle with some blue thing on it, its oddly shape and looks cool
I only have one of those exact same light fixtures and i am jelous of your plants im following them like if they were mine :cool: well i had one question, what kind of pot is that one right int he middle with some blue thing on it, its oddly shape and looks cool

An Air-Pot. Fairly common around the forums. Its a pot with many holes on the sides. Promotes healthy root growth.

Shigs, what kind of air movement do you have going on in there? I don't see any fans in the pics, and noticed that all your vent flaps are closed, so how are you introducing fresh air?
Shigs, what kind of air movement do you have going on in there? I don't see any fans in the pics, and noticed that all your vent flaps are closed, so how are you introducing fresh air?

Is it necessary? My temps hang at 73-75. Do I need it for pollination? I can install a 6 inch fan in there, but I don't know if it's necessary.
Hi Shigshwa
What type of cfl bulbs do you have in your tent? I have a cheapjack tent going in my cellar and have two droplights like yours inside with incadescent bulbs for light and heat. It's pretty steamy in there with two incadescents, and I wonder if I shouldn't switch to two cfl bulbs on top for light and one underneath for heat. It's a pretty consistant fifty degrees in my cellar.
Hi Shigshwa
What type of cfl bulbs do you have in your tent? I have a cheapjack tent going in my cellar and have two droplights like yours inside with incadescent bulbs for light and heat. It's pretty steamy in there with two incadescents, and I wonder if I shouldn't switch to two cfl bulbs on top for light and one underneath for heat. It's a pretty consistant fifty degrees in my cellar.

50 is pretty cold for any pepper growth of occur. I think switching to CFLS would be a better option, more light for the wattage. However, if your tent does not keep warm enough, then you probably need to leave the incandescents in there as well.

I have... 2 28W 5500K, 1 28W 6500K, and 3 42W 2700K