• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Shigshwa's Grow Log 2015-2016 (Hydro Grow of Carolina Reapers)

NOTE: Skip to the later pages to see my latest grow. Most of this is a log of my previous grows.
I saw quite a lot of grow logs out here, which inspired me to make one myself. I thought that I could also use this as an opportunity to learn from the more experienced growers as well. A bit about me:

1. At this point in time, I'm 16, likely making me one of the younger growers here.
2. Although I like to mess with all things technology, I also like gardening as well
3. This is my first time growing peppers, so I'm hoping that everything goes well!

Now, onto the peppers.

The Story So far


The peppers, Bhut Jolokia on the right, Butch Ts on the left


The first sprout, and still my biggest!


The peppers, day 3. Some of these were my friends, because he was on vacation. Can't believe they were this small!


A bit under 2 weeks old, when they were still under my now sold HPS bulb. My first sprout is the one in the big pot.


A bit after the last photo. Now that's growth!


Last image of them, days before being in the tent.


The new grow tent, next to my computer.


A bit under a month old, just a few days in the new grow tent. I will get a MH system soon...


Taken just now, 1 month 1 day old, few days after the last photo. The growth has EXPLODED ever since they were placed in the tent. The one in the very front is the Bhut, or so I believe, and the other 3 are the Butch Ts, one in the very back being my first sprout.
I'm curious as to what it could be crossed with. Does anyone have an idea? As a seedling, the stem is purple. The leaves are streamlined and thick, and they feel rugged, not rubbery like the TS leaves. The unripe pods are light green. Inside, the walls are thick, and it tastes kinda like a jalapeno. It has that vegetably flavor to it, not really fruity and aromatic like a true Bhut, but it does have a slight hint of Bhut in it's scent.


The exterior. round, short, flimsy and fat stem. Smooth skin. Thick walled.


The interor. Thick walled, very vegetably smell, like a jalapeno. Slight hint of Bhut jolokia. Walls are not glistened with capsaicin. Walls kinda look bubbly.
You are taking some great pics- really it is almost impossible to tell-if do a few searches under google images you see many "notabhuts"being sold as same..."bruce's" are an example.Smooth roundish.....while (????'s) may thought they bought these "true"-its pretty obvious.I will say let em get red, all the way, then decide- the vegy/grassy taste will disappear usually. Mine follow(the "notasevens") yours color wise-light green , hot orange -eventually red.
I'd post a pic, and might if we start a "notathread"-it might be neat to see everyone's "nota's").
You are taking some great pics- really it is almost impossible to tell-if do a few searches under google images you see many "notabhuts"being sold as same..."bruce's" are an example.Smooth roundish.....while (????'s) may thought they bought these "true"-its pretty obvious.I will say let em get red, all the way, then decide- the vegy/grassy taste will disappear usually. Mine follow(the "notasevens") yours color wise-light green , hot orange -eventually red.
I'd post a pic, and might if we start a "notathread"-it might be neat to see everyone's "nota's").

I see. At the moment, I'm gonna start a seed from one of my other dried pods, from a different provider. Hopefully, this one will grow true.
Really great lookin' pics of the pods on the bush, Shigs!
Maybe your surprise plant will turn out to be something
really cool! Good luck going forward!
No kidding... I'm starting my nephew young... His grandmother told him that hot peppers are bad... So I was smoking down (13lbs) of Big early jalapenos at the end of last year, and he was "helping" (as well as a soon to be 3yo can) me, so I picked off the bottom of one (careful not to get any placenta) and gave it to him to eat... He was nervous at first, but without placenta the bottom of a Jalapeno is quite lacking in pungency. He loved it... He eats my puree of jalapeno in things now - on nacho's today, and he wanted a little bit on his sandwich the other day... He is getting to where he can't get enough (coming up on 4 years old now).

Back to your question about your mystery pod... What were you growing last year that was purple? or that went through purple? that might help us narrow down the possibilities?
I'm curious as to what it could be crossed with. Does anyone have an idea? As a seedling, the stem is purple. The leaves are streamlined and thick, and they feel rugged, not rubbery like the TS leaves. The unripe pods are light green. Inside, the walls are thick, and it tastes kinda like a jalapeno. It has that vegetably flavor to it, not really fruity and aromatic like a true Bhut, but it does have a slight hint of Bhut in it's scent.
The interor. Thick walled, very vegetably smell, like a jalapeno. Slight hint of Bhut jolokia. Walls are not glistened with capsaicin. Walls kinda look bubbly.

I think you nailed it... It looks like a Jalapeno and it tastes like a Jalapeno with a little hint of Bhut. It must be a Jalapeno/Bhut cross.
So is mine! I almost can't keep up with how fast it grows! As soon as I give it a trim and transplant, I see dozens of new shoots everywhere!
<----jealous!!! Nice pod! My TS came from way behind to quickly become my largest Chinense. So did its two brothers! Can't wait.

Keep those pod pics coming! Makes my anticipation that much higher!

Got your package today! Thanks a ton! You were right about the Bhut, not a lot of beat, but what an awesome flavor...almost tangy. Can't wait to try the scorpion. Thanks again.
Here's an update on the seedlings.

Giant Jalapeno

Trinidad Douglah

Got your package today! Thanks a ton! You were right about the Bhut, not a lot of beat, but what an awesome flavor...almost tangy. Can't wait to try the scorpion. Thanks again.

Glad that it came so fast! No problem man, hope the grow goes well.
Pods and seedlings all looking just great, Shigs! You are pepper zen!