Silver Surfer's 2010 Grow

Around 40 that survived to production.

Wow! I am so psyched! I am desperately trying to cut down the number of plants I attempt next season, but right now I am stuck at 60. I was thinking the 80 million peppers you harvested this season can from like 150 plants. If I can get 1/4 of your total harvest next year I will be smiling from ear to ear.
The frost Saturday morning bit the plants in the garden pretty hard, except for the Aji Amarillo, which looks unscathed and finally has a few pods set way too late in the game. The plants in containers near the house were mostly shielded from frost damage.
This afternoon I picked my last garden harvest, stripping most pods in preparation for digging a few up tomorrow for overwintering, as the weather outlook is very grim.

I still need to strip the Lemon Drop, but I'll do that tomorrow after digging it up to make it a lot easier on my back. The withered leaves surely made it easier to spot the green pods remaining on the plants. Hopefully I can get a few of these green ones to ripen or I'll make a little green sauce.

I'll try and post pics tomorrow of my overwintering plant prep, weather permitting.
Congratulations SS on your wonderful crop. I followed your thread from the beginning and genuinely admire and respect all the hard work and dedication that went into this year's chile crop. I have learned alot from this and other grow logs and hope I can apply some of the knowledge for the 2011 season. By the way, I had a few pods left from the NW Chile party and had a piece yesterday. I had to check my tongue in the mirror. It was so hot I thought my tongue was bleeding.
Looks like the end of the season is here. Freeze is expected on Saturday here from the same system. I will be out of town on Thursday and Friday so I got until Wednesday to get everything picked and plants I am keeping indoors. This and working 10-12 hrs a day will make a very busy couple of days. ;)

Looks like you have a great season though.
Hey SS, Awesome looking harvest! you must be close by.. my weather is almost exact to what you posted! a couple degrees warmer. :)
I was out tonight stripping for 4 hours! and only got 2 varieties finished :(
I dont know if I want to chance the Fri and Sat lows!even though it picks up again after!
I would hate to pull everything and then it stays warm for 3 weeks!
And if its raining for 2 days that just hinders everything!
Good luck, Are you gonna leave any plants to see if they make it?
Congratulations SS on your wonderful crop. I followed your thread from the beginning and genuinely admire and respect all the hard work and dedication that went into this year's chile crop. I have learned alot from this and other grow logs and hope I can apply some of the knowledge for the 2011 season. By the way, I had a few pods left from the NW Chile party and had a piece yesterday. I had to check my tongue in the mirror. It was so hot I thought my tongue was bleeding.
Thanks, I'm surprised you still had some pods that were still is good condition after all this time. You must have frozen them. Good to hear you're still enjoying some heat. :)

Looks like the end of the season is here. Freeze is expected on Saturday here from the same system. I will be out of town on Thursday and Friday so I got until Wednesday to get everything picked and plants I am keeping indoors. This and working 10-12 hrs a day will make a very busy couple of days. ;)

Looks like you have a great season though.
Thanks jacob, getting some ready to overwinter will be done sometime tomorrow if I can beat the rain headed this way. The temp tomorrow will be good working weather though.

Hey SS, Awesome looking harvest! you must be close by.. my weather is almost exact to what you posted! a couple degrees warmer. :)
I was out tonight stripping for 4 hours! and only got 2 varieties finished :(
I dont know if I want to chance the Fri and Sat lows!even though it picks up again after!
I would hate to pull everything and then it stays warm for 3 weeks!
And if its raining for 2 days that just hinders everything!
Good luck, Are you gonna leave any plants to see if they make it?
Appreciate it Kevin.
Yeah, we're in the same zone and almost the same latitude.
I tried to pick the larger green ones that looked like they may have a chance to ripen indoors and just left the rest. I'm sure I missed a bunch in my haste, but the forecast for this weekend with rain in between doesn't leave much time. I only plan on digging up about 14 plants from the garden and I'm pretty sure the ones left behind will meet their doom in the 26F freeze. I doubt even the Aji Amarillo can withstand that, but we'll see. I'll bring my Manzanos in containers indoors for the freeze and put them back out again.
as always your harvest looks great. quite the cold front coming in - we had weather in the 20s last week. wishing you the best on saving the manzanos.
Thanks buddy.

The good news is the freeze this weekend won't be as cold as what was predicted 2 days ago.

The bad news is it rained all day again, but I finally decided to get busy this afternoon anyway if I wanted to beat the weekend weather.
I started with mixing up a batch of potting medium. Mixing in the rain isn't much fun.

Then I dug up a dozen plants from the garden.

One of the plants I dug up was the Lemon Drop and it still needed to be stripped of 336 pods.

Here's one of my Dorsets ready to be sheared and...

what it looked like after it got clipped.
An Antillais Caribbean with a flat top and...

a new shoe size.

Some needed a little more pruning than others.

I still have a few more I want to get ready for overwintering tomorrow. Today I was in a hurry to get out of the rain and just wanted to get these plants in containers quickly. I'll take some pics of them potted tomorrow when I have better light.
So the real question is, whats the car in the driveway? BMW?

I'm going with a ford\mercury... Those wheels look too similiar to a neighbor's car.

Hey SS, How many times have you done an "overwintering" project? Have you ever done it to a stressed plant or a plant that didn't have a good year due to inexperience or poor growing conditions??? I have some Bhut plants from AJ. He gave me a bit of a story about where they came from. I felt like they might be worth overwintering to keep those specific Bhut genetics, but they were not hardened off properly, they grew in terrible soil and I probably overwatered them 75% of their life. Whatcha' think??
I'm going with a ford\mercury... Those wheels look too similiar to a neighbor's car.

Hey SS, How many times have you done an "overwintering" project? Have you ever done it to a stressed plant or a plant that didn't have a good year due to inexperience or poor growing conditions??? I have some Bhut plants from AJ. He gave me a bit of a story about where they came from. I felt like they might be worth overwintering to keep those specific Bhut genetics, but they were not hardened off properly, they grew in terrible soil and I probably overwatered them 75% of their life. Whatcha' think??
It's a Lincoln Town Car.

I have a 3 year old Datil, so I've overwintered peppers twice, but this third round will be a larger number of peppers. If it's still alive, cut it back and pot it in fresh medium and your chances are good, so I say go for it.
Some of these will get another light trim before going indoors tomorrow so they can all fit into available space. Nothing really special about these, just a head start on next year's grow.



I'll probably toss the one in the center, since I broke a few of its main branches and don't care for its looks.

This Lemon Drop surely has a dense set of branches.
Heh, I'm doing the overwintering thing this weekend.
It's kinda crazy that you're already getting frost over there and brooklyn seems to be close but not yet there for the next 10 days.

330 pods: amazing.
Very cool to see your whole season all in one thread like that. Nice work! Great harvests! The last part is a little depressing though. I had a really hard time uprooting mine a couple weeks ago, although 7 of my 11 plants are showing tiny nubs of new growth. I cut em right down to the bare trunks. I see you didn't go quite that far. Hopefully I didn't do too much. Live and learn I guess. Look forward to seeing your 2011 season in real time.