Silver Surfer's 2010 Grow

Been seeing some chilly nights here too SS. Already brought a few inside to try and over winter. Still pulling a pod or two but most of the plants are done. Bummer seeing the season end but I'm already getting fired up for next year. I hope you can keep 'em coming for a while so I can get my pepper fix. Going to have to turn things over to the Aussies here pretty quick. Come on megamoo! Post them pepper pics!
Here's another small fix for ya P. Season's winding down here too; just waiting on the pods left on board to ripen.

Douglah X ? pods. I think these are crossed with a Scorpion, but may be a Brain Strain cross.
The only thing I'm certain of is the heat. :hell:

Douglah X sliced

Today's harvest. Had to toss a bunch of sun scalded ones due to the deer relieving them of their leaf canopy.

Above left

Above right
The inside of that cross looks a lot like a Scorpion. Nice BIG harvest. I'm guessing those bumpy ones are Brain Strains. Those might be the best I've seen. I've never grown it, but I may try again to find seed. Great looking fish peppers too. Are those smooth yellow ones Jaloros? They look tasty.
The inside of that cross looks a lot like a Scorpion. Nice BIG harvest. I'm guessing those bumpy ones are Brain Strains. Those might be the best I've seen. I've never grown it, but I may try again to find seed. Great looking fish peppers too. Are those smooth yellow ones Jaloros? They look tasty.
Scorp cross is my best guess too. Yep, the mean lookin' red ones with the pimples are Brain Strain. They weren't isolated, but can save you some seed if ya want. Yes, Jaloros, very productive, but take FOREVER to ripen. They sit there lime green for a long time and then shift to yellow, wait a LOT longer and they change to orange and then finally red. Not many have made it to the red stage. ;)
SS you ever think about making and spraying some pepper juice on the plants to give the deer a taste? With the lack of rain it could stay on the leaves for quite a while.

Maybe you shouldn't, damn things will probably develop a fondness for the heat. Next thing you know they'll be pounding on your door looking for the ripe pods you've picked.

How many 7BS plants did you grow and how was their productivity?

Thanks man.
The repellent I've been using has worked well all season (nightly applied perimeter of recycled beer outside the garden), just forgot to use it or got lazy; take your pick. :lol:

Two BS plants. They're slow to get started and late producers, but do OK after they get going. Cappy says they do much better the second year, so I'll overwinter one of them.
Good for you, recycling beer. It helps conserve water too. Maybe I'll try Jaloro next year, I like having a nice yellow annuum or two each season. I may have to contact you about some BS seed, hope I've got something to trade w/ you. Looking forward to the next harvest, I hope your season keeps on going for a while.
Just PM me when you're ready for seeds ZS. The season here is winding down pretty fast. I was gonna put picking off until tomorrow, but noticed that it was dropping to 40F tonight, so I got off my butt around 3PM and picked today's pile.


Today's harvest. The season is about over for me.

Hopefully I'll get a few pods from these before the big freeze.

They're still blooming and setting pods that will never make it, but...

maybe pods this size will reach maturity before winter arrives.
Damn SS you keep saying the season is about over and then posting pics of five or six million more pods! I was going to post a pic of my latest harvest but compared to yours it's embarrassing. :lol:

I was able to pick a few yellow 7 pods today off of the one I brought inside a couple weeks ago. Still have several plants outside growing pods, just waiting for them to ripen. No way I'll get all of them but I'm hoping the full sized ones will turn. Crazy talking like that here when it's close to the end of October.

By the way what in the heck are you doing with all of those pods?
Patrick, the cool nights here have put pod ripening into overdrive regardless of size for most plants and they are almost stripped of their load. There are some left out there that have quite a few left to ripen. The Pasilla Bajio plant has had a load for many weeks that just seem to love being green. I just hope some of the larger Manzanos make it and I have a peno plant load for a few more popper trays before I'm done.

I'm drying, pickling, saucing, freezing, giving away, eating, cooking with and selling a few pods. :)

Thanks cmpman, my grow pales in comparison to yours. :)
That looks like a pretty mean cross there SS! Hopefully it stabilizes well and you have good results with it next year. I can only imagine the shelf you have set up for all that "drying, pickling, saucing, freezing" haha must be a shrine of sorts. I dont know what I would do with that much, perhaps join a farmers market or some such. Regardless, I do enjoy seeing such great harvests each time.
Thanks Alpha.

I could have sworn there weren't that many unripe pods left when I picked the previous harvest, but they surprised me again. We have a chance of frost tonight, so I'll cover my Manzanos and let the rest fend for itself. I got tired of waiting on my Pasilla Baijo plant to ripen its pods, so I stripped it and will try and ripen them indoors.

It looks like I may have what you want, P. :)